MTL - The Bumpy Road of Marriage: The Ex-Wife Is Expecting-~ You are sick? I happen to have medicine (27)

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"My son and wife are busy, my wife is also busy looking at my grandson, and you said you would send me to such a place, but it really is when I have a neurosis, but it is also good here, the environment is very good, haha-" said the old man He continued humming Xiaoquer and went in with the bird cage.

Qiao Weiya released Chu Luowei's arm and looked back at the old man who went in. "It's normal to look at it."

"Qiao Weiya, you are a deceiver, obviously a fake bird." Chu Luowei frowned and said.

Qiao Weiya rolled her eyes, then looked at the frowning Chu Luowei, "You can pull it down. I just asked the uncle's condition in it. Everyone in the uncle used to think he was normal. I didn't expect him to be mentally ill. The bird that the old man raised a few years ago died, but the old man insisted not to die, went out to find, and found a toy bird that he did not know was lost by the bear child. He said that it was his bird. No one would believe it. Isn't it ill? "

"This--" Chu Luowei wanted to say, but found that he seemed unable to refute Qiao Weiya's words.

Why isn't this sick?

And still not ill!

But because of a bird?

It's amazing.

Qiao Weiya took off her camera, "Let's go, have lunch first, and come in the afternoon."

"Come here?" Chu Luowei was unhappy and didn't want to stay here all day.

Qiao Weiya opened the door of the car. "Taking you to see the world, you can see someone who has never seen the world before leaving the office."

Chu Luowei: "..."

He Chuluo Wei has not seen the world? This woman's eyes are also blind.

Chu Luowei walked around the car and got on the car, watching Qiao Weiya fasten her seat belt, and then said, "Why didn't the old man's family come to see him?"

Qiao Weiya fastened her seatbelt and thought, and said, "Maybe it's because I'm busy."

"Because he is ill," Chu Luowei said suddenly.

Qiao Weiya paused after tightening her seatbelt, then looked up at Chu Luowei: "Just say you are inferior and you don't believe it."

"Who said inferiority?" Chu Luowei asked with a frown.

"Who knows who?" Qiao Weiya said smugly, and sat down and let Chu Luowei drive well. "Where is your wife and daughter in the car, what are you looking at?"

Chu Luowei gave her a sideways glance and said, "What are you looking at here?"

"I'm not happy looking?" Chu Luowei said, and drove the car out of the mental hospital.

Qiao Weiya cut aloud, and someone was coming to see her relatives one after another.

"Did you say that these people with mental illness also have family members?" Qiao Weiya said calmly, Chu Luowei just looked at her and then continued to drive.

Qiao Weiya saw that he did not speak, naturally did not speak, but continued to play with the phone in his hands.

That's what she meant, not that the mentally ill had no family and no children, and that he was not a very serious mentally ill and didn't know what he was afraid of.

After the two returned home, Qiao Weiya first returned to the bedroom. Chu Luowei took the initiative to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch, and promised his wife and children that he would definitely do it.

That is cooking for her for life.

"Wife, what do you eat?" Chu Luowei asked with a frown after opening the refrigerator.

Qiao Weiya changed out of her home clothes and went straight to Chu Luowei's shoulders. She stretched out her long arms and scooped out some ingredients directly, then turned decisively. "That's all, you can watch it."

Chu Luowei looked at the cold ingredients in his hands and looked at the woman who ran out.

Now their lives have become Qiao Weiya's choice. Although he does not reject this feeling, he always feels that there is something weird.

Qiao Weiya went to the sofa to chat with them, and Chu Luowei was cooking in the kitchen herself.

"Wife, come here," Chu Luowei said in a deep voice.

"What are you doing?" Qiao Weiya said impatiently, put down her cell phone and dragged in the slippers and went in, but just after entering the kitchen, Chu Luowei lost a bag of vegetables directly.


Qiao Weiya stunned, looked down at the vegetables in her arms, and said aloud, "What do you mean?"

"Still I cook, what do you say that you hold a mobile phone all day long? What can you talk to me?" Chu Luowei said, and he took out a kitchen knife and started to deal with chicken wings.

Qiao Weiya dug the greens out of the fresh-keeping bag and smiled as she picked the vegetables and said, "Oh, we are always angry, Mr. Chu? Okay, talk with you, talk with you, this is not usually you How do you like talking? I am not afraid to disturb you? "Qiao Weiya said, took over the sink that Chu Luowei handed over, and went to the tap.

Chu Luowei glared at her and continued to deal with chicken wings. Qiao Weiya liked to eat spicy chicken wings.

"Hey, I think the place I went to this morning can really be a special topic. The military special topic is very good." Qiao Weiya said quietly while washing the vegetables.

She really has the idea.

Read The Duke's Passion