MTL - The Bumpy Road of Marriage: The Ex-Wife Is Expecting-~ You are sick? I happen to have medicine (56)

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Chu Luowei went to the bed, and when Qiao Weiya was about to roll away, she pulled the person directly, and then pressed herself under her.

Qiao Weiya blinked, she had only one idea in her head, mom, mom, what can be the first three months of pregnancy?

But she couldn't help thinking about it more, Chu Luowei had kissed her lips.

Qiao Weiya snorted, stretched her hands around his neck and responded to his kiss, which was what she wanted to do just now.

Chu Luowei kissed deeper because of Qiao Weiya's uncle, and her big hand penetrated directly into her pajamas.

In the mood, two people almost forgot the most important thing until-


Qiao Weiya pressed Chu Luowei under her body because of rolling, did not expect Chu Luowei directly burst the warm water bag prepared for Qiao Weiya.

The two breathlessly kissed, but thanked for the sudden change.

"What?" Qiao Weiya said in a dumb voice.

"Hot water bottle." Chu Luowei said, pushing Qiao Weiya directly, and then lifted the quilt, the hot water bottle that had burst out had used up the entire bed.

Chu Luowei and Qiao Weiya glanced at each other, and some of Qiao Weiya's words were instantly disappeared by the harmonious emotion.

"Hahaha—" Qiao Weiya burst out laughing, and when Chu Luowei was about to clean up the bed, he hurriedly took a photo of the phone, and then sent a circle of friends.


Qiao Weiya just posted a picture, but the building was crooked soon, and crooked is simply not considered harmonious, and may be caught.

So when Chu Luowei changed the bedding and sheets, Qiao Weiya decisively deleted the circle of friends. All this, Chu Luowei did not know the whole process, because they were very focused on processing the sheets.

After Qiao Weiya dropped her phone, she helped Chu Luowei to sort out the sheets.

"Need you in the United States?" Qiao Weiya asked curiously, she just heard this.

"Well, some things need to be dealt with in the past, you and me." Chu Luowei said after thinking about the sheets.

"What am I going to do?" Qiao Weiya said quickly, he left just now, and he could go and see the actors Lu Sichen chose.

"Accompany me." Chu Luowei gave a very direct answer.

"It's not enough for Chu to accompany you? I don't want to bother you two, and I'm uncomfortable these two days, don't go." Qiao Weiya said, fell directly to the bed, pretending to die.

Chu Luowei frowned at her, as if thinking about the feasibility of this matter. He was going to go for three days, that is, he would not see her for three days.

A little long.

Qiao Weiya knelt on the bed and looked at him, thought for a while, stretched out a finger, and then said, "What are you afraid of being able to video? I'm afraid I can't sleep because I want to?"

"Shameless." Chu Luowei snorted, hit the quilt directly on her, and went to the bathroom with the sheets replaced on the ground.

Qiao Weiya rolled on the pillow, watching Chu Luowei throw the sheets into the washing machine, and she felt better.

"You must be so afraid you can't sleep because you want me. Do you really love me?" Qiao Weiya continued to say shamelessly.

Chu Luowei pressed the switch of the washing machine, then closed the door and confirmed again that his wife-in-law was shameless.

"How did Secretary Zhao tell me that the house had a golden throat, didn't you say it didn't?" Chu Luowei opened the quilt and asked as he went to bed.