MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1121 Return of the Great Saint!

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"Thank you for this time."

"You, I have made this life, I will help you."

Qin Feng knows the land of the sea.

Before the sacred sacred inheritance, Sun Wukong’s thoughts and Qin Feng were opposite.

Sun Wukong, there is a smile in his eyes.

"Shi Zun said to me, you and I are a stone and two souls, and are brothers."

Hand, lifted it up.

Qin Feng listened to Sun Wukong's words, but also smiled, raised his hand and grabbed it, and Sun Wukong's hand, held in one place.

At this time, the majestic Grand Inheritance, this time madly poured into the body of Sun Wukong...


Among the ten-foot fire group.

Qin Feng closed his eyes, his hand and point fell on the land between Sun Wukong's golden eyebrows.

The hand, with a golden fire, rushed into the eyebrows of Sun Wukong.

When this golden fire rushed in, the original ten-foot fire group was scattered.

The figure of Qin Feng is also at this moment, and it has quickly retreated and retreated to the edge of this lotus pond.

His knowledge of the sea, the idea of ​​Sun Wukong...

Has disappeared.


The golden body of Sun Wukong, the pair of original scorpions, is already closed.

In front of him, the **** of the heavens did not continue to attack, which was stopped under the guidance of the Jade Emperor.

"So, better."

Jade Emperor, it seems to have guessed what happened to Sun Wukong.


He didn't care.

Perhaps, in the past, he would still be afraid of the emergence of Sun Wukong, but now... he has a **** of torture!

"Give it, destroy him!"

The voice of the Jade Emperor, faint exports.

In a word, this sacred **** suddenly made a mad rush, and the ancient axe in his hand was slamming down toward Sun Wukong.


Extreme speed approach!

"This feeling is just missing people."

Sun Wukong’s fist, slightly gripping the corner of his mouth, has a smirk and slowly appears.

That pair of scorpions, at this moment, unfolding!

The golden fire of the blasphemy burned, this flame, sweeping the whole body, I saw the cockroach of Sun Wukong’s body burned with ashes, and turned... it was a golden red armor!

The head is long, the jersey is flying!

"I am, come back!"

Sun Wukong's hand is raised, an ancient gold iron rod is in the hand, and the sea **** needle is pushed out, which makes the sea **** needle become a giant.


Hit the old axe in that place.

boom! boom! Hey!

Immediately afterwards, I saw the figure of Sun Wukong, and turned into a tens of thousands of people, madly rushing toward the sacred day, one after another, a hundred feet of gold hoops, causing the world to shake.

"Really, is this holy fear of you?"

In the eyes of Sun Wukong, there is a world of color!

Real Sun Wukong!

Before the golden body of the wood, compared with the Sun Wukong at the moment, it is not a level of existence!

"If you come, wait for Laozi to finish this fairy court, and then find the trouble of your old child."

Sun Wukong stunned Shakyamuni in the distance behind his eyes, his eyes revealing twilight.

This eyelid also passed the golden scorpion around Sakyamuni.

In the eyes of Sun Wukong, there was a trace of complexity.

Sakyamuni, his face was very tight at the moment. In fact, when he realized that he had lost control of Sun Wukong, he had already guessed what would happen.

However, there is no way for him to change things about this upcoming event.

Hand, slightly pulled out a print.

I saw the figure of Sakyamuni and the golden scorpion. At this time, there was a golden Sanskrit circulation. As the Sanskrit circulated, the figures of the two became gradually illusory.

Sakyamuni chose to retire.

For the retreat of Sakyamuni, Sun Wukong knew.

He did not stop.

Sooner or later, he will personally go to Lingshan and slap the Daxiong Hall!

At the moment, in his eyes, it is this sacred god.

Sun Wukong’s tens of thousands of incarnations are madly attacking this god, but they have not caused any harm to this sacred god.

The Jade Emperor is also a brow.

His previous arrogance and invincibility, when Sun Wukong returned, they became cautious, and apparently the Jade Emperor himself was very clear.

As the golden arm of the Monkey King, the power that can be exerted is not a kind of existence compared with the real Sun Wukong.

"Jade Emperor, do you think that you have this god, you can suppress this holy?!"

Sun Wukong volleyed up, the robes flying behind him, the golden hoop in his hand, at this moment a slight grip, the sound of the ten dragons in a flash, all the way.

The soul of the ten dragons, surrounded by Sun Wukong.




Every dragon soul, after its appearance, is circulated on the golden hoop. In this golden hoop body, there is another dragon pattern flowing.

A total of ten!

From the body of Sun Wukong, there is a breath that sweeps across the world, and madly scatters.

This enveloped the ban of the emptiness of Xianting. At the moment when Sun Wu’s air was released, it was blasted, and the giants of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers gathered together.

All are, are scattered!


The mainland of the road.

Among the three temples.

At this moment, sitting on the high position of Yuan Shi Tian Zun.

The brow wrinkled up, and at this moment, his left and right sides, Taishang Laojun and Tongtian leader appeared.

Two people, as soon as they appear, are also frowning.

The three of them naturally can feel the breath of this whole world.

"The situation has changed dramatically. The plan we have previously made is probably to be pushed out."

Yuan Shi Tianzun, said with a condensate voice.

The three of them, who had previously made a deductive change to the possible changes in this world, have also made corresponding strategies.

But now this is the case...

A peach festival will come down, and there are too many variables.

First of all, it is Jade Emperor.

They never thought that the Jade Emperor would awaken the gods of the heavens with the command of Wan Xiu, and they did not even think that the Jade Emperor would hide the ancient gods of the ancient ruins.

What's more, you can control it.

This is one of the variables.

And the second.

It’s just the thing that happened. It’s the same thing that Laojun and Tongtian’s leader came back. It’s also troubled by this problem.

Then, it is Sun Wukong.

The biggest prediction they had made was that Sakyamuni could be the golden body of Sun Wukong, which was already the limit of their previous strategy.

And what is happening now...

Far beyond their imagination.

They did not think of it, a sudden appearance of the guy, will actually let Sun Wukong's idea back to the body, and regain the golden body.

In fact, as early as before.

Neither the Taoist nor the Buddhist world has included the Yaozu within the scope of the competition. In their view, the current Yaozu... is only a victim of the Wanshang dispute.

But now it seems that it is a big mistake.

The return of Sun Wukong will mean that the Yaozu will become the most powerful force in the world after this... 2k novel reading network