MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1239 Flood, collapse

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"what is this?"

"I don't know."

"Speed ​​up the matter to the emperor."



None of these soldiers changed their faces. For such a vision, no one dared to be sloppy. After all, they started from the first day of the land on this side.

I got a command.

But wherever there is any change in this edge, you can jump over all of them directly into the Temple of the Temple and meet with Emperor and report all.

Just for so many years.

The soldiers who guarded here were changed one after another.

Never, there has never been any movement.

Within the underworld, no one dares to come to this side of the land to engage in chaos. Everyone knows that this is a forbidden place in the underworld, but everyone dares to come.

There is no need for the Emperor to take the shot, and the six guardians will kill them one by one.

of course.

In the past three months, the feathers that wandered around here were an exception.


The memory of a long time has become very clear in an instant.


At this time, the memory stopped abruptly.

Qin Feng’s eyes slammed, and his eyes were still the huge ring. His side, no tears, a faint smile.

"Qin brother, don't be stubborn."

The flowers burst into tears without a tear, and then stepped on.

"Come, I will take you to the person you want to see."

Qin Feng brows wrinkled, that knowledge of the sea, belongs to the memory of Yu Yu, this time extremely violently impacted Qin Feng's mind.

Let him, it is difficult to distinguish between the moments.

He is Qin Feng, or Yu Yu.

However, this feeling Qin Feng is not the first time to feel, a little calm down the mood, it is slowly calm down.

Looking at the flowers in front without tears, Qin Feng frowned and stepped up.

I saw that in the face of tears without flowers, there was a door to the void, and it spread out.

"Qin Xiong, please,"

Flowers without tears, standing sideways on the side of the door.

Perhaps, because of the memory of Yu Yu, Qin Feng at this time is not so strange to this dynasty.

For example, the ring in front of you.

The Qin Feng of the past may not know what the ring is.

But now, he knows.

This is an enchantment created by Yu Yu as a palace.

That one's own self.

Yu Yu not only created an enchantment for the Ming Dynasty, but also created a for this palace.

The one outside is to protect the meditation world.

And this one inside is.

In order to protect a person, a woman.

Take a deep breath.

I don't know why, Qin Feng's mood is always uncontrollable, perhaps... because of the previous part of memory, the last paragraph is not completely awakened.

The mood of Qin Feng can't always be stabilized.

He, I really want to know.

Finally, what is it?

The ending of Luo Ziyi, and the ending of Yu Yu.

Another point is what is the fate of this world? !

After all, from the previous memory, Qin Feng did not see anything that could be identified as a fate.

In one step, Qin Feng directly stepped into the door of this void.

In front of the scene, the scene changes.

However, when everything is stable, it is a large hall in the eyes of Qin Feng.

This is the main hall, Qin Feng is no stranger.

This is the temple in memory.


At this moment, there is no one in this temple.

The flower has no tears and has not entered this temple.

Brows, slightly wrinkled.

And, just at this time.

In the temple, above the statue, there is a figure, slowly cohesive.

The scorpion of Qin Feng, a fierce condensate.

Because, the people who appear.

It is Luo Ziyi, or... is Lin Yuexi.


At this time, Lin Yuexi, it seems that something is wrong, wearing a robes belonging to Emperor of the Emperor, but closed his eyes and sat on the side.

"Flowers without tears."

Qin Feng, faint whisper.

Needless to say, he also knows.

This must be done without tears.

The brow was crumpled and Qin Feng walked toward the front.

The big temple, only the footsteps quietly sounded, when Qin Feng walked up the ladder and walked to Lin Yuezhen.

The scorpion is even more condensed.

He can be aware of it.

The atmosphere of Lin Yuexi has not changed much, and it still has a very strong vitality.


Her consciousness was completely banned.

"Qin brother, this is the opportunity that the younger brother created for you. Never let go."

At this time, the tearless voice sounded in the temple.

The brow of Qin Feng is even wrinkled.

This flower has no tears, in the end is a few meanings.

What is it, opportunity? !

This is what the opportunity is.

Qin Feng looked at Lin Yuezhen in front of him, and the one in his memory, Lu Ziyi, infinitely coincident, almost the same person.

Hands, slowly lifted up.

Rubbed Lin Yue's cheek.

At this moment, Qin Feng himself could not tell. He was the enemy of Qin Feng and faced Lin Yuexi.

Still in the capacity of Yu Yu, face this down.

Perhaps this is not important.


Think of this sentence without tears, Qin Feng, perhaps understand, what does he mean.

The raised hand crossed the cheek and went up and fell on Lin Yue’s eyebrows.

Slightly, click below.

When the moment is down.

Qin Feng’s knowledge of the sea, that belongs to the memory of Yu Yu, the last paragraph, instantly opened.


The world is flooded with ruin.

The living beings who lived in the wilderness, under this collapse, are annihilated in groups, almost between the moments, the annihilation of hundreds of millions of souls.

In particular, it is in Jiu Chong.

The land of these nine rushes is where the big people are.

Although these big families have been preparing for the past, they have been doing the migration, but no one can predict the time of the collapse.

It’s just a moment of collapse.

Some of the big people, almost in an instant, completely destroyed, hundreds of millions of people, one is not left.



The underworld at the moment.

It is empty, no one.

As early as the day before, all the people in the underworld were already under the leadership of the Six Guardians of the Underworld, and all of them were moved out.

Now in the underworld, if you say people.

have something.

That is, Yu Yu and Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, in addition to that, there are 30,000 banned banned troops, these people are swearing to guard the Emperor.

Even if Ye Ziyi gave them a death order, let them retreat.

But these people, who are hard to live, are not gone, and this is the only time they have violated the orders of the Emperor.

Outside the temple.

Luo Ziyi stood in the mouth of the temple, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

She did not expect it.

The words of Yu Yu have become a fact.

Three days later, the flood fell apart.

If it is true, the three-day period will come and the flood will collapse. 2k novel reading network