MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1244

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"Yue, you, really, so."

Beyond the palace, outside the white ring, the body of the Qin dynasty, the eight stars of the lingering flow in the eyelids, whispered and muttered to himself.

He, for the moment in the temple, Lin Yuezhen asked for the three requirements of tears.

Feeling, very confused.

Because the three requirements that Lin Yuexi said are very common, each one is extremely easy to do. There is no big difference between saying and not saying.

As far as the three conditions are concerned, there is basically nothing to be noted. From these three conditions, Qin Feng does not see the slightest meaning.

Not to mention, I want to restrain the flowers without tears.

The temple.

"How can I not agree to the requirements of the Emperor, don't say three, that is, thirty, three hundred, I dare not agree."

"I can rest assured that the emperor can only accept the three conditions mentioned by the emperor. I accept it all."

Flowers without tears, with a smile on his face.

In this smile, with a smug smug.

He is about to get the long-awaited meditation world, how could he not be excited.

"Well, as long as you swear by your heart and soul, you must abide by these three conditions, then I will give you the enchantment."

Lin Yuexi faintly opened, then raised his hand.

In his palm, there is a bright white light. When this white light appears, the entire meditation world is shaking.

This is the core of the Ming Dynasty.

As long as the heart of this group is broken, the dynasty will collapse instantly.


As long as you control this heart, you can control the world of the world.

There is no tears in the flowers. When I see this heart, my eyes are instantly hot. This expression... falls in the eyes of Qin Feng, and makes Qin Feng worry more and more.

More and more, I feel stupid.

To know……

Prior to this, Qin Feng always believed that there was no tears in the flowers, and even thought that the tears of flowers could help the world and help the world.

But now it is not...

The present flower has no tears, and in the eyes of Qin Feng, it is a curse.

Among the heavens, the most unstable, the most mysterious, the most difficult, the most unpredictable, an unstable molecule, no one knows... what this guy is going to do.

Not to mention, after today.

If you don't have tears, you will also control the meditation world. If this guy is not happy, it will directly collapse the dying world. On that day, the Tao will recover all the power of the soul.

I am afraid.

Except for those monks who have been repaired to achieve quasi-holy, the rest of the world will be reclaimed in a short time and disappear.

And even those who are above the quasi-sacred, in addition to the oppression of the heavens, can not support for a long time.

The final destination is also the smog and the return to heaven.

There is no tears in the flowers, and there is no hesitation at all. According to Lin Yuejun’s request, on the spot, he swears by his own heart and will definitely follow the three requirements of Lin Yuexi.

Then, as soon as the hand was lifted, his eyes became hotter and hotter.

Suddenly, the white light heart in the hands of Lin Yuexi, instantly rose, then drifted away to the flowers, and finally fell directly on the tearless palm.

"The Emperor is not a loss, it is a refreshing person."

Flowers without tears, with a smile on his face.

Once the hand is closed, the heart is absorbed by the hands.

"In this case, it is not good to disturb the emperor and the Qin brother in the next, and then."

After saying this, the flower turned around without tears, and the figure disappeared directly in place.

After the tears have left.

The hall is empty.

"Why give him."

Qin Feng, brows slightly wrinkled.

He did not intend to give the control of the dynasty to the tears. His original intention... is to bury these true bodies of tears without tears in this meditation.


He can feel it.

It is not difficult to connect with the outer ring enchantment. It is not difficult to rely on this junction.

What's more, there is Lin Yuezhen on his side.

He can feel it.

Lin Yueqi’s body is very strong.

Although it did not reach the power of the past Emperor, but the power of three or five points is still there, the power of these three or five points is also the highest peak!

"I care more about you than the meditation world."

Lin Yuexi, slightly raised his head, looked at Qin Feng's eyes.

In a word, let Qin Feng live.


In fact, I thought of this.


Qin Feng took a deep breath and smiled. He looked up and stroked the long hair of Fu Linyue: "Let's go, let's go home."

After that, I took the hand of Lin Yuexi.

Stepping forward, the two men's body shape is to leave the palace and appear outside the palace.

Appeared in the body of the second body and Yun Ling.

Fang Yi appeared...

Yun Ling saw that Qin Feng’s first body took Lin Yue’s hand and made a slight glimpse. Then he quickly stopped over, deliberately pretending not to see.

Qin Feng, also subconsciously put his hand on.

In my heart...

An inexplicable embarrassment.

"Yun Ling, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Lin Yuexi, perhaps because of the memory of the Emperor, she was extremely dignified at this time. When she saw Yunling, she did not lose her mind, but said with a smile.


Yun Ling, nodded slightly, and did not have much words.

"Let's go, it's time to leave."

Qin Feng coughed twice. At this time, as a person caught in the middle, he really didn't know what to say. It was only a perfunctory sentence.

Then, in front of them.

There is a huge void door that appears in the day.

The eyebrows of Qin Feng wrinkled fiercely.

This empty door is not what he opened, but... no tears.

"Qin brother, the younger brother is in the body, can not be sent far away, but also hope that Qin brothers come all the way, we, change to reunite."

The tearless sound is floating in this space, but it is not seen without tears.

Yunling’s frown was also wrinkled at this time, and there was a chill in her eyes. She didn’t really understand why Qin Feng and Lin Yuexi suddenly came out from the inside.

A little omen, no.


Qin Feng took a deep breath and spent too much time on tears. He has no way to figure it out now.

After the words are exported, one step into the void.

Yun Ling, Lin Yuexi, behind him, all followed the door to this void.

When a few people left Qin Feng, they saw the white ring that surrounds the palace and dispersed instantly.

This squad, formerly shaped by Yu Yu, is used to protect the palace, and as long as the palace is willing, it can naturally be withdrawn.

When the flower has no tears to control the dynasty, the first time, it is to directly collapse this line of law that does not belong to him.

Nine-color enchantment, surrounded by this palace. 2k novel reading network

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