MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1247

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The battle of the Tao.

It’s in full swing.

Blood is destined to become the only color of the next heavens.

As for the Buddha world.

The Buddha who wants to be a wall-viewer and a fisherman is still watching.


I don’t think how long it will take.

Because of the beginning of the Taoist theater, the Tianbing soldiers of the other two major theaters are all eager to move, and many Heavenly Soldiers outside the Buddha world.

After knowing that the world has already started the war, no one wants to enter the world of Buddhism.

The land of the edge of the Buddha world has even begun to have a tentative offensive. As long as the imperial decree of the Jade Emperor descends, these Heavenly Soldiers will throw everything away and madly enter the Buddha world.


Three major theaters.

There is also the last battle zone, which is also considered to be the weakest battle zone.

That is the demon territory.

At this moment, the edge of the sphere of the demon's sphere of influence is also the constant provocation of the heavenly soldiers, and the demon's temperament is simply violent, once the provocation of the heavenly soldiers.

Many of the Yaozu are incapable of tempering, almost to kill.


Although the demon is violent, but still understand what is called the order.

In their hearts, there is a gap that cannot be crossed.

That is the name of the Holy Spirit.

The order of the Holy Spirit is such that they do not strike.

These demon people will never take the initiative.

Of course, the main attack of the Heavenly Soldier is another matter.


The seventh world, the autumn border.

The demon palace.

At the moment, in this demon sanctuary.

There are 18 emperors gathered together.

Jun Jun is the head of the 18 demon emperors.


At this moment, it’s hard to do.

Face, very ugly.

Because these seventeen emperors came to him, and only one purpose for him.

Want to fight!

Going to war!


I am very clear in my heart.

Can't fight now!

The Holy Spirit is still in retreat. Now, what is going on? ! Go and find yourself? !

Besides, now that the Holy Ghost has returned to the position, the entire Yaozu is in a war and does not fight, and it is definitely not that he has the final say.

He did not dare to make this decision.

"Xian Ting's group of dog scorpions have already killed us at the gate."

"Yes! Look at the faces of those guys. I feel sick when I see them. I have to attack them and fight these shit!"

"No more attack, these Tianbing really thought that my demon is afraid of him!"

"Hit! Must fight!"

"It’s going to fight now!"



These demons, all of them are filled with indignation.

In particular, it is the demon king.

This guy, although the skill belongs to the last stream among the demons,

But this temper is extremely large.

Plus, he and Sun Wukong are also brothers, but they are even more marginal: "Hey brothers, it’s not that my old cows talk nonsense, you go to the border to see, those gods’ faces are really ugly, this, this Brothers can't stand it, or you can find my second brother and let my second brother send a message, let's do it!"

"Yes! Dry!"



The words of the demon king are exported, and the rest of the demon are followed.

Yan Jun listened to the words of the demon king, that is...


Other demon kings, maybe he can be heard as if he has not passed.

This is the only cow demon king, the relationship between the layer and Sun Wukong to worship the brothers, it is really difficult for Jun Jun to deal with.

On the face, only a smile.

Looking at these guys in front of me, Jun Jun really doesn't know what to say.

Now, you can't play, and it's not suitable for playing.

‘封幽, you guy, this time is running far away. ’

At this moment, I can't help but pick up the seal.


This situation should be sealed with him.

After all, before the retreat of the Holy Spirit, it is said that they will make two decisions together.

But now...

Feng You obviously ran away.

Because the seal is very clear, there is no way to solve this kind of scene. There is only one word: appease.

And appeasement is the hardest thing.

There are always a lot of tongues, and these demons in front of them are impatient one by one.

"You are."

Jun Jun, take a deep breath.

The voice was a little deeper, but in this case, the second sentence was not covered, but it was directly covered by the voices of many demons.

Smile, only smile.

Jun Jun did not know at all, how to deal with these guys in front of him.

And, just at this time.

When the demon temple is getting more and more violent, even the monarch will not be able to live in the market.

A voice was introduced into the temple.

The many demons that are shocked are all a glimpse.

This voice is a woman's voice. ,

"One by one, I really don't know what kind of mold the dead monkey has, and I have collected your waste."

The cold, calm voice echoed in the temple.

Just the demon wants to be angry, but when I see the woman who walks into the temple, it has just come to the mouth, and it is swallowed back.

Come, a purple skirt.

With both hands on his back, there is a breath between the eyebrows.

It is Zixia.

It is only her who can call Sun Wukong a ‘dead monkey’.

These demons are all aware...

Zixia Fairy, in Sun Wu hollow, in the heart of their sacred, what is the status.

Naturally, no one dares to lose his temper in front of Zixia Fairy.

"That, that oh, Zixia big sister."

Cow devil...

It is this cow.

His relationship, compared with other people, is naturally close to Zixia. This time, he is slightly closer, and the whispered opening said.

"You, you will go to the second brother and let him make a message, just say a word."

"Others, let our brothers do it, that is absolutely, absolutely appropriate!"

"Brothers, isn't it!"

After saying this, the demon king still laughed a few times.

The rest of the demons, all followed by laughing, and even attached.


Zixia Fairy licked his mouth.

"This fairy tells you."

Zixia Fairy walked to the front of the Emperor, standing side by side with Jun Jun, then turned around and looked at the seventeen demons.

"The dead monkey said, before you come out, none of you guys can go out."

"Who is going out..."

Zixia Fairy has a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

These demons, originally ones are extremely fierce, but in the smile of Zixia Fairy, they are screaming in one heart.

"Little gold, come!"

Zixia fairy is beckoning.

In an instant...

A ray of ancient gold whispers from outside the temple.


Falling directly in the middle of the demon, scared that the demons are all scattered.

However, when they saw the source of this ancient golden light, they were even more ugly, and they dared not have the slightest words.

In their center, there is a tall gold iron rod standing on the ground.

This is the golden hoop, yes, the needle of the sea. 2k novel reading network