MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1254

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The golden fire covered the sky.

In the entire demon palace, those demons, when they saw this golden fire, did not change their faces.


It is very clear.

This sudden spread of power is definitely not a good thing.


The retreat was successful.

Absolutely not in such a way, there is such a powerful power.


In addition to the seventeen demons outside the monarch, there is no hesitation.

They did not go to the center of the golden fire source.

Instead, they whizzed away from the sacred palace. In his ear, there was a sound.

That voice is the sound of a quiet voice.

The first time these demons should not go to see how Sun Wukong is doing.

It should be.

Go to the knot.

Curb this frenzied power.

Only in this way can we avoid a bigger evil.

after all……

Everyone has a strong power, and everyone knows.

If this power of Sun Wukong is scattered, I am afraid...

The entire demon sanctuary, the entire autumn monk, and even the entire seventh world, I am afraid to completely collapse.

This kind of thing.

Will never be allowed.


Whistling in this demon palace.

There is a person who is desperate to go to the place of the Golden Fire Center.

This is a woman.

Yes, Zixia Fairy.

Sun Wukong’s retreat is a quiet courtyard in the Demon Palace.

At this moment, this small courtyard is completely flooded with gold fire, dazzling golden fire, the hot temperature, and the power of violent and violent,

It’s all forgotten to stop.

Even if the power of the Most Saints and the Middle Ages goes in, I am afraid that under this golden fire, I will burn a soul.

Even if it is the highest quality, it is not daring to enter.

Nine deaths.



Zixia Fairy came to this small courtyard and she wanted to rush in.

Regardless of the danger in front of her, she just knew that he was inside, and now Sun Wukong is inside, he needs himself.



Zixia fairy's eyes were red, she did not hesitate to rush to this small courtyard.


It was at the last minute.

With an ancient gold iron rod, it whizzes in an instant.

The first half of the golden hoop is directly bent, and the Zixia Fairy is firmly held, and the Zixia Fairy does not let the Zixia Fairy enter the small courtyard.

"Xiao Jin, let me go."


Zixia Fairy wants to open and want to break the **** of the golden hoop.

However, the golden hoops are all right and wrong, and it is useless to let Zixia Fairy struggle.

Just at this time.

The figures of Feng You and Yu Jun are all appearing outside this small courtyard.

As soon as I saw Zixia Fairy, the two of them quickly came forward and blocked the Zixia Fairy.

"Fairy, you can't go in."

Jun Jun continued to speak.

The golden fire in this small courtyard has a frenzied atmosphere.

He and Feng You can see it at a glance.

If Zixia Fairy goes in, I am afraid that it can be directly burned into ashes in an instant.

"let me go."

"Let me in!"

"Feng Yu, Jun Jun, you two have heard, let me in!"

Zixia Fairy 瞪 封 封 封 奕 奕 奕 奕 奕 奕 奕 奕.


No matter what her eyes are, no matter what she says.

Jun Jun and Feng You are absolutely not loose. As long as they are there, they will never let Zixia Fairy enter this small courtyard.

Sun Wukong does not know what the situation is now.

They don't know this.

However, they will never let Zixia Fairy go to death.

This is because they are responsible for themselves.

He is also responsible for Zixia Fairy and is responsible for Sun Wukong.

"The Holy Spirit will not have anything, and the fairy will calm down."

Sealed and said.

He said nothing in the words.

But the pair of scorpions are extremely dignified.

He didn't even expect it.


He just wanted to measure, but he suddenly found out that he couldn’t measure anything about Sun Wukong. It was like...

Lost in general.

This is what happened.

His brows wrinkled tightly.

The monk who was beside him was also frowning at this time.

He did not ask for a secret.

Because he can see the frowning brow, he is very clear.

The cloaked brows represent what it is.

"It's better, I will go in and explore."

Jun Jun, whispered.

This sound can only be heard by the next seal.

Sealing is a spiritual body, and nature is not suitable for it. This golden fire is enough for his spiritual body to dissipate directly.

In addition to the demon palace, the seventeen demon emperors are in the same position, in order to be able to come.


Even if it is not arranged.

Among the seventeen demons, only the ancient and the ancient, only have the strength to enter.

Now Qinggu can't go in. Naturally, he is a monarch.

Although the main direction of Yan Jun is not combat, but his strength, after all, is the highest peak, this is inseparable.

"Do not."

Feng Youyi raised his hand and directly stopped Jun Jun.

"If you don't go in, you don't know what the Holy Spirit is now."

奕君 brow wrinkles,

This situation is very difficult for people.

This thing happened suddenly.

Moreover, the two of them did not get the slightest news about Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong did not hear the news.

No one knows.

Inside, what is happening.

Why, this happens suddenly.

"Going in now, there is nothing to do, wait."

Said the secluded voice.

His eyes are filled with two illusory yin and yang. These eyes seem to be able to see through everything that happens inside.


Jun Jun, although I don’t know what it is intended to be.

But since Feng You said that he would not be allowed to go in, then he would not go in.


Look at this situation now.

Yan Jun glanced at the golden fire in front of him, the golden fire in the small courtyard, and the breath in it, even if it was Jun Jun, even though he was the highest peak.

It is also a helpless eye.

Once inside, he was really unsure and could live out of this small courtyard.

After all, the violent turmoil in this small courtyard is really an amazing point.

And at the moment.

Autumn border, the land above.

Qin Feng just stepping in from Jiemen.

Brows, wrinkled up.

When he entered the autumn, he felt a very frantic atmosphere.

And this breath.

He is no stranger at all.

After all, anyway.

Sun Wukong, once in his knowledge of the sea, stayed for so long.

For the breath of Sun Wukong, under the bottom of the world, I am afraid that no second person will be more familiar with him.

The brow was crumpled.

Qin Feng is just strange.

Sun Wukong has regained the golden body, and now...

Obviously it is in a state of out of control, what is it, causing Sun Wukong to suddenly become this appearance. 2k novel reading network