MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1261

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Qin Feng.

The body of evil.

Whether it is the first body or the second body, it is the most intuitive feeling of Qin Feng.

He is at the moment.

Look up and look at the sky.

I saw the huge gold hoop, which has a very turbulent atmosphere, which is scattered from the golden hoop. It is... the gas of destruction.


at this moment.

Qin Feng will be his own power.

Everything is gone.

The moment when the power of the hegemony was scattered, from the golden hoop, the screaming anger, madly coming down, there was no occlusion.


Qin Feng, can feel this amazing impact.

The brow wrinkled tightly.

Under the soles of his feet, there were dense cracks on the ground.

Take a deep breath.

Qin Feng knows that this is a process that must be experienced.

Next, what he has to bear is the strongest blow of this Monkey King.


"It's almost a bit."


Qin Feng can feel it.

When he removed the power of the hegemony, the pressure was unreservedly oppressed on his own.

He can be perceived.

When this pressure falls on himself, he can feel the power of his own body, and the speed of refining is increasing rapidly.

The ninth star, the bottleneck that is completely open.

Already, it’s all over.

This is the last step.

Qin Feng, looking up at this golden hoop.

Call ~!

The wind is blowing and roaring.

The sound of the roar of Sun Wukong also sounded at this moment, and the golden hoop in his hand smashed down without hesitation.

Where the golden hoop is.

The sound exploded.

Even this void is a crack space with inch inches, and the black wind echoes in this broken space, and the roar reverberates.


The gold hoop was slammed down.

The huge iron rods instantly cover the body shape of Qin Feng.

Basically, I can't see it.

What is the evil body of Qin Feng?

Only one ancient gold iron rod can be seen.

Other than that, there is no other movement.


The raging wind and waves swept the square.

The formation towards the surrounding is the impact, and the entire sacred palace's formation, under this impact, directly has large-scale cracks.

This crack is extremely embarrassing.

Suddenly, it is almost completely broken.


Within this law, Yu Wei is still continuing.

I saw the Monkey King in the magic, the golden hoop in the hand, crazy toward the bottom, a stick, a stick, crazy fall.

Within the scope of the entire demon sanctuary, the ground is already completely smashed.

Only the smoke of the flying air is extremely embarrassing.

The fall of each stick has a violent impact, and it spreads out.

These impacts are all on the top of this array.

Eighteen demons.

Even if there are 奕君 and Qinggu, under this fierce impact, it is also unsupportable, and the madness of the madness is shaken.

Jun Jun and Qing Gu, tried their best to maintain.


No fruit.

The golden hoop in the hands of Sun Wukong once again fell.

The ground shakes the mountain.

This road has a circle of 18 emperors.

Under this great glory, it was blasted.

The 18 demon emperors, except for Jun Jun and Qing Gu, are all vomiting blood.

Breath, wilting.


Just Yu Wei.

This is the case.

It can be seen that the power of this Monkey King is a horror.


The look of Jun Jun has changed dramatically.

Even the common condensed array of the Eighteen Emperors is directly crushed.

If so, this is a threat.

Spread in the autumn and autumn.

I am afraid……

Just a stick is enough to make the entire fall of the fall.

If there are a few more sticks, the entire seventh world will fall apart.

Jun Jun.

I want to find some more.

I want to resist.

However, he knew very well that it was too late.

Not only is he aware of this, but the rest of the demons are aware of this.

Between the subconscious, many demons are looking at the demon.

In the eyes, there is regret and helplessness.

Come again.

The power of this Yuwei is enough to shatter the monsters into powder.

Sealed body shape.

At this time, it did not hesitate to appear in the side of Zixia Fairy.

From his body, there is a source of spiritual power, enveloped by the Zixia fairy, when the Zixia fairy is enveloped by this spiritual power.

It is very visible.

Her figure is directly turned into illusion.

It is actually able to blend into the void.

No matter what it is, even if it is a burst of pressure, it will be able to penetrate the body and not damage it.


Looked at the Zixia fairy.

No matter what happens, his first priority is to protect the Zixia Fairy.

Zixia Fairy, this time has a great mourning on his face.

Seeing that the law was broken, she originally wanted to rush in.


The power that was released could not be rushed in.

Stepping out of three steps, it was forced to be contained in place.

And, just at this time.

Everyone’s eyes are concentrated in the center of the center.

I saw it.

The golden hoop of Sun Wukong was lifted again.

This, once.

Will fall again.

Contains a great deterrent, if it falls,

The whole autumn is bounded.

It will fall apart in an instant.




Crazy shouting,

Eighteen demon emperors, toward the numerous demon people, are ordered.

These demons have not yet reacted, and when they react and are ready to run.

However, it is already too late.

The raised golden hoop has already fallen completely.

‘End! ’

Heart, fiercely snorted.

Yan Jun’s pupils shrank slightly.

He knows that nothing is too late.

This stick goes down, and the entire autumn scorpion will be completely turned into a powder.

The demon people who are stationed on the Qiuyi boundary, even those who are quasi-holy demon, will completely perish under this stick.

The middle and high-level forces of the Yaozu, in this great, will disappear completely.

Everything is finished.


Under this stick, it is fearing the origin of the genocide.

The heart of Jun Jun is already cool.

What made him most helpless.

He, for all this.

There is no ability to stop it.

He can only look at all of this, and he is born in front of his eyes.

Nothing to do.


In my heart, I sighed.

Now, he only has a long sigh.

The rest of the 18 Emperors are also in the eyes of helplessness.

They are all clear.

If this stick falls, the whole autumn will be affected.

As a result, what will happen.

after all.

They personally experienced it, how powerful the power of a stick.

Even if it is Yu Wei, it is enough to sweep the entire autumn. 2k novel reading network

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