MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 7 Two million owed

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Just as Qin Feng was amazed at his strength, suddenly a wind blew...

Suddenly I felt cold and sullen.

Subconsciously looking down... I rub!

Pants and trousers are burned by fire.

Qin Feng squatted at the key parts, thinking about what to use to cover himself, and looked down on the subconscious, only to see that Lin Yuexi had already walked to the middle-aged man.

With a wave of hand, a sword was changed in his hand.

The sword arrived at the heart of the middle-aged man.

Without any hesitation, in the eyes of the middle-aged rough man's fear, the sword slowly fell into the heart.

A sword wears a heart!

The middle-aged rough man, with his eyes wide open, his mouth constantly vomiting blood, his fingers pointing at Lin Yuexi, and he wanted to say something but he did not say it at the end and swallowed.

Qin Feng saw this scene, frowned, and his concept began to change slowly.

In the past, even if it was a wealthy family, it was arbitrarily and arbitrarily in many respects, but it never went to the point of completely ignoring the law, but for the cultivation of immortals, life and death, such as grass and mustard.

"Put on."

Lin Yuexi picked up the black robe from the middle-aged man and then threw it to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng did not say much, and directly took it to himself, and he could not just run outside.

"You are crying."

Qin Feng looked at Lin Yuexi, who came to himself. It was obvious that Lin Yuexi’s eyes had tear marks and he just cried.

"I do not have."

"Don't hold back, cry, sometimes it's not a bad thing."

Qin Feng swept around, the fire here has risen, and the two did not talk much. They consciously ran towards the more remote places of the park and then left the wall directly.

The two had just left the park for a few minutes, and the sirens sounded on the streets. The fire trucks were all in the direction of the park.

It’s been another ten minutes...

Qin Feng was depressed, standing in shape, turning his head and looking back, Lin Yuexi followed him five meters behind him, followed from beginning to end, not going one step further.

"I said Big Sister, I also helped you with a knife. I am going home now, can you not follow me?!"

Lin Yuezhen just stood and did not speak, a pair of eyes staring at Qin Feng, the dim light of the street lamp fell on her side face, revealing a bit of beauty, Qin Feng can not bear to see.

"Hey, what a special blood mold."

After the talk, Qin Feng turned and continued to walk, behind him, Lin Yuezhen still followed.

After another ten minutes, the area rented by Qin Feng was less than two kilometers.

"Big sister, I really want to be home, have you been following me? Are you not going home?"

When I walked to the streets, Qin Feng couldn’t help it. He turned and looked at Lin Yuexi.

"I don't have a home."

Lin Yuezhen was silent and said.

"Do you always have loved ones?"


"What about your master?"


"What about your brother?"


After asking three consecutive sentences, Qin Feng himself was silent, and this life is too tragic.

Feelings, this woman is now helpless, she doesn’t know where to go, she is dependent on herself.

When he licked his forehead, Qin Feng sighed and couldn’t help but think of himself, at least he and his mother and sister.

The same is the end of the world, why have you met each other?

"Come with me."

Hefeng Community, Room 711, Building 3.

"If you remember, you will be my high school classmate, come to Jiangzhou to travel, and live in my house for a while."

In the dimly lit corridor, Lin Yuexi nodded.

Qin Feng took out the key and directly unscrewed the door. Qin Feng opened very carefully. Generally, my mom and sister are asleep at this time, but the mother will set an alarm clock at two in the morning to see if she has it. come back.

The door, slowly pushed away.

The simple two-bedroom and one-bedroom, mother and sister sleep each other, Qin Feng sleeps in the living room, and the old giants have fallen to this point, which is also miserable.


Qin Feng pressed the light, when the light was on, when I saw the moment of the house.

Qin Feng’s fierce glimpse, an anger in his eyes!

The entire living room, whether it is a sofa or other furniture, is all smashed.


Qin Feng quickly ran to his mother's room. When he opened the door, he saw a charm. The appearance almost crushed most young girls. Unlike a woman in her forties, she was holding a rabbit. The flower season girl in her pajamas sits on the bed.


The girl in the flower season, Qin Feng’s sister Qin Chuxue, once saw the Qin Feng, she rushed forward to hug Qin Feng and cried.

"Little snow doesn't cry, nothing is fine."

Qin Feng stroked the hair of a younger sister and looked at her mother.

"Mom, what happened?"

"Nothing, are you hungry? Mom is cooking for you."

Song Yu hides the eyes of Qin Feng, gets up and goes to the kitchen. When he goes out, he sees Lin Yuezhen standing in the living room.

"Come to the guest, your child, why don't you make a phone call, right, and what's going on with your clothes?"

"Mom, you first told me what happened."

Qin Feng’s eyes are extremely cold, and his appearance is reflected in his mind.

Bald, full of flesh, short and fat, like to wear a thick gold necklace.

Wang Dafu, the name is still changed by the goods, meaning that wealth is rich, in the past is a partner of a subsidiary of the Qin Group, driving a processing plant, alive and prosperous.

Two months ago, this Wang Dafu took a two-million owed to find the three sons of Qin Feng.

Qin Xiao’s signature is on the owed, which is an autograph. Qin Feng naturally recognizes his father’s notes.

What kind of person can Qin Xiao be, how can I borrow two million from such an upstart?

For Qin Xiao, the chairman of the Qin Group, it is not much difficult to take out two million drinks.

The only explanation is that there is only one, that is, Wang Dafu does not know how to get the signature of Qin Xiao, and then made up the other debts on this paper.

**Naked blackmail!

Of course... this Wang Dafu wants not the two million.

But it is more than two million yuan to let Qin Feng hate to kill the nouveau riche.

Wang Dafu actually stared at Qin Feng’s mother and wanted Qin Feng’s mother to marry him.

It’s a shameless shame.

If put in the past, Qin Feng can casually kill this Wang Dafu, but now it is not the same, the lonely family, let others slaughter.

However... after today, it is different.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about me, is it Wang Dafu!"

"Little wind, not..."

Song Wei has not finished, Qin Chuxue cried: "Brother, that is the fat man, he brought people to smash our family, but fortunately, my mother and my mother took the father's portrait in advance, and said, also said... ”

"Say what?"

The more Qin Feng listened, the more angry, the whole person was trembled with anger.

"He said that his mother would not agree to marry him. He hired someone to marry your hands and feet."


Qin Feng, a fierce punch on the wall.

Under the punch, the white wall was actually cracked... this punch, both Song Yu and Qin Chuxue were seen. 2k novel reading network