MTL - The Cold Regent Keeps a Fox as a Consort-Chapter 1072 Grab the daughter

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Xiao Yu was awkward and looked at the nine fluffy white tails behind the little girl. She knew that the child was a nine-tailed fox, but when her daughter was born, her tail was bigger and more long than Moh’s tail.

Xiao Yu suddenly has an excited cognition, and the child's spiritual power is immeasurable.

The little girl sniffed and seemed to smell the smell of her mother. She struggled in Xuan Zang's arms and wanted to come down.

Xuanzang naturally refused to let go.

The little girl suddenly wowed and cried.

The cry of the little girl completely angered Xiao Yu and the demon king.

At this point, the snow smashed through the acupuncture points. When Xiao Yu and the demon king attacked Xuanzang at the same time, the ferrets were from the side, and they were not prepared, and the little girl was robbed.

Xue Yu put the little girl into Xiao Yu’s arms, and pushed her to say: “Get your child away.”

Xiao Yu looked at the snow stunnedly and saw the smile in his eyes. Xiao Yu seemed to understand what was happening. The child in the arms was licking her neck, the little hands were soft and tender, and Xiao Xiao’s heart was soft. .

"Thank you."

After Xiao Yu was grateful to the snow owl, she took her little daughter and turned away.

Xuan Emei, there is a demon king blocking in front of him, he can not withdraw.

Jin Yunhe suddenly stopped Xiao Yu, but was blocked by the snow.

The gloom of the clouds is about to explode: "Snow, you are crazy, let go of the evil, the three worlds will never have a stable day."

Snow slammed his mouth: "I see you are crazy, the little doll is a nine-tailed fox, with the gods blessing, so the mysterious sword of Xuanzang can not hurt her half bristles, if the brothers are obsessed In the morning and evening, it will be condemned."

Jin Yunhe's expression is weird, and his eyes seem to flash. He Xuanzhen used the sword to kill the little doll. He also saw it, but he didn't think so much. He thought that Chixi was deliberately hiding in the baby, and the sword did not hurt the body.

Listening to Xue Xue said so, he seems to think of something.

Jiuwei Shenhu?

When the little doll was killed, nine tails suddenly appeared behind him. The tail had a holy light and the light of the Xuan Zang's fairy swords. They were really nine-tailed **** foxes?

So come.

That Xiao Yu is not a nine-tailed **** fox? Or is her husband a nine-tailed **** fox?

Jin Yunhe’s brain was in chaos, and he did not chase Xiao Yu and the little doll.

Suddenly, a group of black smoke plunged into his body, and when Yun Yunhe discovered it, it was already late.

Xuanzang's sword, aiming at the body of the Yunyun crane: "Look at the animals, come out."

Jin Yunhe’s eyes were filled with thick black smoke like ink. He suddenly smiled wildly: “Kill me! Xuanzang, kill me, he also has to die, dragging an elder of Tianzhu Mountain to accompany you. Going to hell, this seat is not alone."

Xiao Yu took her child to the foot of Tianzhu Mountain, and a black figure just happened to go to Tianzhu Mountain.


Feng Lingran saw his wife, his tight face, and he was happy. He saw Xiao Yu’s baby holding a nine-tailed tail, and he groaned.

"Hey, this is... our children?"

Xiao Yu did not expect to encounter Feng Lingran here, and the heart was full of miscellaneous, handed the child to the arms of Feng Lingran: "Yes, she is our child, a daughter."

May be the father and the daughter.

When the little doll touched Feng Lingran, he was happy to jump and jump in his arms. The nine big tails kept shaking, and it was so cute that it was so cute.

The little doll's body is very soft, so big, and Feng Ling is very careful to hold her, afraid that she will be broken.

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