MTL - The Cold Regent Keeps a Fox as a Consort-Chapter 999 Grab the apprentice

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No one wants to swear, no one is afraid of Shangguan.

Make an oath.

The alchemy masters hated the Shangguan.

The new medicinal herbs were released, and the alchemists there had new capital. When he was alchemy, he blocked all the noise outside. So, he did not know what happened?

When he took the medicinal herbs and gambled on Dan, he saw that there was no remedy on the gambling cloth. The expression of the alchemy teacher was just as uncomfortable as constipation. He asked puzzledly.

"What happened to you? Are you gambling?"

The alchemists who lost the medicinal herbs and herbs gave him a fierce, white-eyed, so shameful thing, no one spoke.

Shen Yuxiao haha ​​said: "Gambling! You put Dan, we will gamble."

Xiao Yu won so many medicinal herbs and will definitely not be jealous of him.

Shen Yu has a strong backing and capital, and he is confident in his next son.

The alchemy teacher smashed Shen Yu, and his eyes were very: "Are you new?"


He found that the medicinal herbs held by Shen Yu's robes were more than a baggage, and there were many precious herbs, and he was shocked and wide-eyed.


He was a little scared of Shen Yu, and his voice was a little smaller: "Which of you are... who is the best?"

Shen Yu haha ​​smiled: "Under Shen Yu, from Tiansheng..."

Heavenly Saint?

The alchemy teacher's mouth is a little twitching. Isn't the alchemy technology of Tiansheng not comparable to Penglai? When is this calf?

The boat couldn’t stand it anymore. I took a shot of Shen Yu’s shoulder and pierced Shen Yu: “Well, you don’t want to be in the fox. You should tell him that these medicinal herbs and herbs are Xiao Yu’s win, Xiao. You are the real alchemy wizard."

Zhou You said that there is nothing wrong with this.

Does he think that Xiao Yu is an alchemy wizard?

The alchemy masters, including the Happy Dansheng, and the cold old, all feel that Xiao Yu is a wizard.

The old man glared at Xiao Yu, and the more he liked it, he suddenly said: "Shantou, you are worshipping under my door, I will be the best in this life."

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The alchemy master was completely shocked!


They didn't get it wrong! Han old wants to accept Xiao Yu as a disciple?

It’s the same thing that all alchemists at the scene didn’t dare to think about.

Although it is true that Xiao Yu is a good old man, it is true that the status of Han Lao in Penglai is respected by all alchemists.

Xiao Yu is from Tiansheng. Even if she shows her hand here, she is still not in Penglai.

But if she becomes a cold old apprentice, it will be different.

Happy Dansheng suddenly opened his mouth: "Shantou, as long as you worship under my door, I will not only give you the lifelong learning, but also send you Qilin Dan furnace, including Qinglian fire."

The alchemy teacher heard the words, all sucking a cold breath.

Kirin Dan furnace?

That is the alchemy of the Dansheng, and he actually gave it to Xiao Yu?

Qinglian fire?

Qinglian fire is not one of the ancient fires? How could it be in the happy Danah?

The blood of the alchemy's body is boiling wildly, which is too exciting.

Zhou’s eyes were all stunned, and he said excitedly to Xiao Yu: “Promise him and promise to be happy.”

Han old snorted, very unhappy about the happy Dansheng Road: "I really shameless, if you have Qinglian fire, you will not be able to melt the old man's Dan? The old man sees you is the apprentice who wants to lie to the old man."

Happy Danang Hehe smiled: "I have Qinglian fire, must I show it to the world?"

Not to rob this apprentice, he would not say the Qinglian fire.

The wealth is not exposed, Qinglian fire, this ancient treasure, who is not hiding?

The cold old nature is no green lotus fire, this Qinglian fire, he also thought for a long time, but there is no way to get it.

Unexpectedly, but in the hands of the happy Dansheng.

Happy Dansheng is really shameless, in order to grab his fancy apprentice, he actually moved the Qinglian fire and the Kirin Dan furnace.

It seems that he wants to put his most precious things.

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Take it out.

"Shantou, although the old man does not have a good fire for you, but the old man does not seem to lack a good fire. The old man has a coincidence and got a lonely book of the world. The old man used it for ten years and only studied one or two. Mysterious, I believe that this peerless **** will come into your hands and will play its biggest role. For you, it must be more precious than the Qinglian fire."

The eyes of the alchemy masters, like the moving spotlights, suddenly moved to the cold old side, all surprised to grow up!

Peerless **** Dan?

The legendary peerless **** Dan?

Do they want to have a glimpse of one or two pages of peerless gods?

Actually in the cold old here?

This is not the point. The point is that the old man should give the lonely **** of the world to Xiao Yu.

This is definitely the most intense, most exciting, and most ferocious apprentice contest ever.

The alchemy masters envy and hate.

But they also want to know, Xiao Yu's last choice.

Some alchemists think that Xiao Yu should choose Happy Danang, Qinglian fire! Kirin Dan furnace! With these two things, plus the master of Happy Dansheng, Xiao Yu is not in the alchemy world of Penglai.

The refining of the altar of Dansheng is not under the age of cold.

Just as Happy Dansheng did not come up with Qinglian fire, he concealed his strength and would not have melted the cold medicine.

This also shows that the Qinglian fire is more important in the heart of the Happy Sansheng than the Tiandan Mountain.

There are also alchemists who think that Xiao Yu will choose cold and old.

A peerless god, a mythical existence, is a treasure that all alchemists dream of.

Xiao Yu became a cold disciple, not only can get the cold old and the old, but she can also retreat to study the peerless Shen Dan, perhaps ten years later, Xiao Yu's alchemy will be on the cold.

Perhaps, Xiao Yu will become Penglai's first true Dan Sheng.

All alchemists held their breath and waited for Xiao's answer.

Even the cold Shangguan is absolutely amazing, and Xiao Yu’s final choice.

(End of this chapter)

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