MTL - The County Magistrate is Not Slag Very A-Chapter 10

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He looked at Jiang Fanyin angrily: "Yinyin, eldest brother is late." I didn't expect Song Boxue to not die on that rainy night, and I don't know what went wrong.

Jiang Fanyin has a scrutiny in her eyes. Jiang Wuyi is her righteous brother. She broke up with her father for some unknown reason in the early years, and then joined the army and never returned home for several years.

She faintly sensed that although her father loved her righteous brother, she did not fully trust her, otherwise she would not have asked her to come to Pingchuan County to defect to Song Boxue instead of Jiang Wuyi after the accident.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Jiang Fanyin became more convinced of her guess that there was something wrong with her righteous brother.

If it had been a few days earlier, she might have listened to some of this doctor's words, but now...

Song Boxue was originally a woman, so how could she have a good personal relationship with other men, and that man still had a heart disease, even if he had no words and deeds when he was sick, he was not as crazy as the doctor said.

Especially after what happened upstairs today, she thought that Song Boxue was also a good person.

Looking at the situation in front of me, the doctor was obviously tortured, and most of the words he said were inspired by others.

Jiang Fanyin looked at Jiang Wuyi, and said quietly: "How do you know that I am here?"

Jiang Wuyi was stunned for a moment, and then frowned: "After the accident of the foster father, I asked around to inquire about your whereabouts. I learned that you were in Pingchuan County a few days ago, so I rushed over by military affairs. Yinyin, did that Song Boxue treat you…”

Speaking of this, he felt a dull pain in his heart. The girl he had been hiding in his heart was humiliated by others, what should he do.

"She is very good to me." Jiang Fanyin looked at Jiang Wuyi's expression and became more and more confused.

Jiang Wuyi clenched the knife in his hand, and said with a painful expression: "Yinyin, please don't comfort me, I can't wait to smash that dog officer Song Boxue into ten thousand pieces, don't worry, I will definitely take care of you avenged this."

The night he heard the news of his adoptive father's accident, he had a dream. In the dream, the girl he had been secretly in love with was stripped of his innocence on a rainy night and lived on the street.

He didn't believe everything in the dream, but in the end it was his worries that prevailed, he went all the way to Pingchuan County, what he saw was exactly the same as in the dream, especially when he saw Song Boxue buy it from here A pack of mi medicine.

He had to believe that everything predicted in the dream was true.

Jiang Fanyin heard the words, stared at him for a moment and said, "Song Boxue treated me very well, and nothing happened as the doctor said."

"Yinyin, don't coax me, I...I won't despise you." Jiang Wuyi was unable to restrain himself for a while, grabbed Jiang Fanyin's arm, and wanted to hold the person in his arms inside.

Jiang Fanyin dodged sideways: "Brother, you are drinking too much."

She vaguely understood what the reason for her father's breakup with her adopted brother might be related to herself.

Remembering that Jiang Wuyi was drinking when she got to the inn, she found a step for him to go down.

"I'm sober, don't you understand Yin Yin?"

Jiang Wuyi wanted to hug Jiang Fanyin again, Jiang Fanyin took two steps back to avoid him, and seeing that he was still coming forward, he took out the dagger that had been hidden in his sleeve: "Brother, you are drunk. "

This dagger was originally intended to prevent Song Boxue, but it was unexpectedly used at such a time.

Jiang Wuyi saw her take out the dagger, and hurt across his eyes: "Yinyin, don't be impulsive, if I drink too much, you will treat me as nonsense, and I will never hurt you."

Jiang Fanyin looked at Jiang Wuyi, "I will never hurt you", Song Boxue also said, but she couldn't believe it either Song Boxue or Jiang Wuyi in front of her.

"Song Boxue is my fiancé, eldest brother, don't do anything stupid, what happened today should not have happened."

After she finished speaking, she held the dagger and retreated to the door before turning around and leaving quickly.

The sun was hidden in the sky, Jiang Fanyin returned to the back house of the county government and saw Song Boxue standing in front of the courtyard, as if waiting for her.

"Sister Jiang, where have you been?"

Song Boxue asked naturally, with concern in her tone.

It doesn't look like she's on purpose.

Jiang Fanyin was in a trance for a while, and said lightly: "I went to see a friend, why are you looking for me?"

Seeing her hesitating to say anything, Jiang Fanyin didn't ask, and walked into the room while leaving Song Boxue time to think.

The two entered the room one after the other, and Song Boxue finally thought about what to say: "The money I owe you may not be repaid until I receive my salary next month, so I will come to you to make an IOU. ."

Although the Song family loves money, she can also listen to the truth. After taking out the 200 taels of silver notes that the original owner coveted, she will take 5 taels of silver back to Jiang Fanyin. unwilling.

Song's original words were: "Mother also figured it out. If you want to get married with Sanskrit, you won't stop you. Since sooner or later you are a family, you don't need to pay it back."

Because Jiang Fanyin was hit by Song's hickey on his neck, no matter how Song Boxue explained it was useless.

In desperation, she could only come to the hostess to make an IOU, otherwise the money would not be practical.

Jiang Fanyin's eyes fell on Song Boxue's face: "Have you bought mi medicine at Yuekang Medical Center?"

She had other ways to verify, but after seeing someone, she changed her mind.

Maybe it’s easier and easier to find out what’s true and false by asking directly face-to-face.

Yuekang Medical Center?


Song Boxue's expression changed slightly after thinking about it, the original owner seemed to have bought mi medicine from the medical center.

But isn't that the case?

Does the heroine want to settle accounts again in the autumn?

She looked at Jiang Fanyin, the other side Qing Lingling's eyes were less soft, and the slightly cold eyes seemed to be able to read people's hearts.

Song Boxue sighed inwardly, resigned and said, "I fell ill that day, and I went to buy it as soon as my brain twitched. You know what happened next."

Jiang Fanyin's face was frosty, and he asked again after a while, "You know the son of the doctor in the medical hall, and you have said unbearable words to him."

The voice was not in a hurry or slow, as if stating the facts, but there was uncertainty in the tone.

Song Boxue thought for a while and said, "I don't know the son of a doctor in a medical clinic, and I don't even remember the name of the medical clinic, and I have never said anything unsightly."

Who did the heroine meet when she went out? Is she secretly checking her?

Jiang Fanyin glanced at her and felt relieved for some reason, as expected, it was his righteous brother who secretly instructed the doctor to talk nonsense.

She pursed her lips and said lightly: "If you get sick again in the future, don't be fooled, I will help you."

The balance in my heart was tilted at some point, and even the owner himself did not notice it.

Song Boxue's mouth twitched, how can I help? Let her bite her hand?

She doesn't have that hobby, and it's not necessarily useful.

She wrinkled her brows and said, "Sister Jiang, why do you remember to ask this?"

Song Boxue was quietly beating drums in her heart, strange, the heroine is very strange, is she really investigating her secretly.

"Suddenly think of it and ask, write an IOU." Jiang Fanyin got up and brought a pen and paper.

Song Boxue suppressed the doubts in her heart when she saw that she was getting down to business.

"Sister Jiang will follow me tomorrow?"

"En." Jiang Fanyin replied with a light voice, thinking of Jiang Wuyi, she added, "Be careful."

She didn't want Song Boxue to suffer unwarranted disasters because of herself. For this alone, she would also stay by Song Boxue's side for the time being.

"Okay." Song Boxue raised his eyebrows secretly, a little concerned about the sudden 'be careful'.

Seeing that it was getting late, she got up and left.

When I returned to the room, I saw Song shi mysteriously greet him, and locked the door.

"Mother, have you figured it out? Will you give me money?"

Song raised her hand and knocked on her head: "I'll give you a head, I want money to find your daughter-in-law to go."

Song Boxue sighed: "Mother, there's really nothing between me and Sister Jiang, and besides, I can't go out without a penny all day, what if I need money in an emergency? Just give me half."

The original owner's monthly salary is 45 taels, and I don't know if I should praise the original owner for his filial piety.

Song pouted: "You little conscientious, that is your filial piety to your mother, your daughter-in-law is following you every day, and she is what she uses, anyway, after getting married, her dowry is also you. of."

Song Boxue rolled her eyes and gave up struggling.

"Then you are old, why are you looking for me at night?"


The author has something to say:

Sleep, see you tomorrow~

Read My Father in Law is Lu Bu
Read Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe
Read Overpowered Archmage Doesn't Hide His Talent
Read Real Man
DramaSlice Of LifeSupernatural

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