MTL - The Crimson Dragon-Chapter 124

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Claudius lay lazily on the specially made long cushions, and Ilya Lhasa once again turned into a human form and sat on the side to serve this red dragon that was turned into a human form to eat and drink, from time to time to be simmered. Fan. The powerful red dragon is very self-aware. He never intervenes in the military movement of Minerva. Claudius, who is afraid of trouble, let his own commander of the dragon tooth soldiers take charge of all matters. The only decision that Claudius made was the whole army's pressure - "There is no need to leave a soldier in the city of Rome, all with me! But if you dare to make trouble, then there are things that are more terrible than hell. Waiting for them!"

However, this is not unexpected for Minerva. Anyway, she has already mobilized the whole army of the dragon tooth and the centaur. The order of the head of the head Claudius has only allowed her to expand the metal mushroom man and the goblin again. The preparation of it. Because of the precaution of the war goddess, the prepared transport ship was originally enough to transport the entire legion, and the space bag that can be used normally after converging the material aura is enough to carry enough supplies to complete this expedition.

The goal of the expedition has been determined early, because of the island character of Hell Island - at least now the island, Talos has put his enemies, the supreme temple of the elves and the last home of their people - the island of Yongju The position tells Claudius. Unlike the general plan, Talos did not ask Claudius to attack the Comanso Forest, the largest settlement of the elves in the Faeron continent, where there were big cities like the Mizrono elves, but Directly ask Claudius to attack the location of the Elf King Court - Yongju Island.

The red dragons mixed up for a few days, and the preparation for the expedition was completed. Huge battleship fish ran out of the port, raised huge sails and sailed to the open sea. Hailong Obosinen restored the dragon shape and piloted at the forefront of the fleet. This guy was fully open and drove the sea monsters far away from the route. Ilya Lhasa was not taken out by the red dragon. The unfortunate female dragon was locked by the collar, and the chain was locked on the marble pillar in her room. Due to the magic effect, the chain can be extended by itself. But the longest is the chain that can become more than 100 meters. However, with the departure of Claudius, Ilha Lhasa's magical ability was restored, and she almost immediately activated her magical props hidden in the distant Tasselburg. However, the silver dragon still can't cut the collar and the chain. The pillar of the marble is also something that her magic is ineffective, and Ilya Lhasa, which is locked by the chain collar, can't be restored to the dragon shape.

Although leading the army to go out, Claudius did not honestly stay on the boat. The guy spread his wings and soared in the sky. The huge red dragon placed his figure on the thick clouds below hundreds of meters. A huge and constantly distorted shadow. The shadow is very light, because it is a layer of dark clouds. The sun reflected the golden light on the thick clouds, and in the clouds, there was a vague figure twisting and twisting.

Yes, the dragon disaster in Tianjin has also played, the girl dragon has restored the shape of a huge dragon, with its own talent ability to rise and thick and heavy rain clouds, rolling up the wind, blowing the whole fleet of waves, the goal - - Feilun local! "Silly forks follow the agreement to go to Yongju Island! One-way one hundred and eight hundred nautical miles! If it is more brain-destroy, it will pin all hopes on the mad woman Ambori! Not to mention I have a little holiday with her!" Claudi Uz thought so above the clouds. Minerva, Claudius, I never thought about listening to Talos from the beginning to fight for the island of Yongju...

Claudius is absolutely not convinced that on the road of 1,800 nautical miles, Ambry will honestly listen to Talos's words, and in fact he does not believe in the words of Talos - chaos gods can have credibility? "Like his mother joking!" Claudius's view is like this.

Just after the fleet expedition, a group of merchant ships slowly entered the lower city port of Rome. Looking at the vast port project far surpassing any port city on the mainland of Faeren, almost all the people on the merchant ship who have never been to Rome are stunned, and the sun is shining with golden light, as if it is in the sky. The establishment of the Roman Uptown is so magnificent and shocking. "Mrs. Dawn Light is on the top, I think our luck is coming." With the crystal ball emitting blue light in the cabin, some people say that the white hair in the light reflects the fluorescence. "Yeah, Claudius is not there, we will be able to save Ilya Lhasa." And in the corner of the cabin, the young man who was shrinking and crying, jumped up, "Justice will win! Crow Dius, you wash your neck and wait for death!" This is Achilles, who was forced to marry the ship to rescue Ilya Lazar, and the bronze dragon Achilles, who has been missing for a long time, was still three minutes ago. It hurts to say that this life is over.

The city of Rome is now an undefended city, but the lower city has always been a mixed place. Under the compulsory force of the dragon tooth, there is still no climate, such as a thief gang, etc., but the flow of the mix has always been less, that is, it has not Organized. There are a lot of casino brothels here. Under the relatively fair law of Rome, there is nothing wrong with the human tragedy. Since the Dragon Army soldiers have gone out, the door between Midtown and the Upper and Lower City areas has been closed, and it is nominally isolated – the guards without patrols can be turned over in minutes.

However, the majesty of the Dragonfighters still has a residue, although there is no strong suppression above, but under normal circumstances, the thieves are still not too daring to turn into the theft of the Midtown and Shangcheng District, and the public facilities in the Lower District are still normal. Operation - Port and commercial complexes began to reveal their power, mainly the believers of the goddess of wealth without public identity, and of course the believers of the good-hearted gods who spontaneously formed the "parliament" Started to temporarily manage the municipal work of the lower city.

Therefore, the righteous men who rescued Ms. Ilha Lhasa did not encounter a little hindrance. They crossed the dividing line from the edge of the city in an imposing manner - they could not cross the avenue, so they would openly play the "parliament" and will definitely return. The face of the Red Dragon Legion, the righteous people patted the **** and left, the Woking believers also want to earn money in this city.

There was nothing to stop the rescue along the way. The entire Zhongcheng District was not stunned. It was basically the family of some dragon tooth soldiers and the dragon tooth soldiers who were underage or failed to activate the blood. They did not block the rescue team. - Because it is unnecessary, most of the occupants do not know that the silver dragon is still behind the temple.

As for Ilha Lhasa, she is now leaning on the bench in the room to count the gold coins. Claudius is not stingy. Minerva is also, they use gold coins and gems to cover the room of Ilha Lhasa. She is a pet like a bright, shiny thing...

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