MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 28 028. Grab the hair

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Chapter 028 Grab the hair

A cold wind blew, and Ling Ling could feel the ripples in the air.

Fortunately, Feng Feng is a social person and will not let the stalemate continue. He confessed to the previous meal with Xiao Yu, and said that the premise of the guest to eat is that he wants to thank Xiao Xiao for his official business, not Xiao Yu’s initiative to invite.

"Mr. Xiao will really pick the place. Later, I realized that the western restaurant is a dating place for couples, but it is good to bring me this little newcomer to see the world." Yan Feng showed a simple appearance of a new person, humble Dao, "I am afraid that the schoolmaster will blame me. I am still joking. She must tell us about going out to eat alone, but I think she may not put this little thing in her heart, so I forgot to tell you."

Listening to Yan Feng talking, Ling Ke had to sigh the other high emotional intelligence.

Instead of pushing the blame to Xiao Yu, he also succumbed to his own price. While clearing his relationship with Xiao Yu, he took good care of Zhou Wei’s face.

If you revise another person to clarify, it is very likely to create a illusion that Xiao Yu is "watery Yanghua", which is even more embarrassing.

Sure enough, Zhou Hao didn't mind after listening to it. He smiled and thought about it. He said, "I remembered it. Before a while, Xiao Yu wrapped me around and asked her to eat steak. But recently, I was busy, I have been dying. Time took her to eat. She seems to have joked with me that she wants other guys to ask her to eat, but I don't know that handsome guy is you... Oh, don't be too nervous, she is a big heart."

One is socially talented, and the other is the president of the student union. Both of them have good eloquence. Once this is the case, the contradiction that might have caused the Green Hat storm was easily resolved.

Liang Ruixi brushed his mobile phone on the side and heard a sneak peek at Ling Ke on the side. He interjected and said: "How do I feel that your girlfriend is close to Yan Feng?"

Zhou Yi’s meal, also looked at Ling Ke on the side, seemed to think of the scene they saw when they first came in, and suddenly smiled.

It is tacit understanding that they understand each other and think about each other.

However, this tacit understanding has made it possible for Yan Feng and Ling Ke to face each other. What is the relationship with Ling Ke?

However, Zhou Wei and Liang Ruixi did not explain much. Then Liang Ruixi shifted the topic: "What program do you perform?"

Zhou Hao rushed and answered: "It seems to be playing the piano."

Yan Feng asked Zhou Wei: "How do you know?"

Liang Ruixi replied: "He is the moderator."

Yan Feng was a little surprised. It turned out that Zhou Wei was the host of the party.

He asked Liang Ruixi again: "What about you?"

Zhou said: "He sang."

Yan Feng: "..."

Are these two people spokespersons to each other? For the sake of my own problem, another person is rushing to answer?

Qi Feng learned, and the next question directly asked Zhou Wei: "Singing Yangge?"

Zhou Yi changed his clothes and said: "Li Ronghao's "Old Street."

Yan Feng thought about it and sang softly: "Hey... I don't know what I can't forget. I can't remember what it was like... Is this song?"

Liang Ruixi’s eyes narrowed: "You will sing?"

Yan Feng: "I like this song for a while."

Liang Ruixi unplugged the headphone cable and directly amplified the soundtrack: "Come and come, stay with me and again."

Yan Feng also took out the phone: "I am looking for the lyrics."

When the music started, the two sang in the locker room. Liang Ruixi’s voice was a bit clear, but it was a bit low, and one person was actually singing like a decent, especially the climax part, the two sound lines were combined. Inexplicably nice.

Ling Ke and Zhou Wei held their arms on one side, one staring at Li Feng, one staring at Liang Ruixi, and the whole room was filled with a warm atmosphere.

What kind of feeling is it that people who like you are too good?

If, before, the goodness of Yan Feng is only a symbolic definition for Ling Ke, now Ling Ke is just a little bit aware of how attractive this person will be to the people around him.

From the physical strength of military training, to the emotional intelligence when communicating with people, to the adaptation of songs, playing the piano, singing...

Ling did not know how much he could see, but everything he had already had already fascinated him.

Yan Feng earnestly composes the appearance of the song, and Feng Feng’s low-pitched sings look, Yu Feng’s appearance is red because of his sensibility, and his thoughtful appearance when he understands it... Everyone looks like he likes it. It is.

Yan Feng sang and sang, and suddenly turned to look at him, the gentle smile in his eyes seemed to be given to him.

Ling was able to close his eyes instinctively and did not dare to look again.

Finally, they finished singing.

Liang Ruixi still praised Feng Feng: "You sing well!"

Yan Feng smiled modestly, he does not admit that he is Mai Ba, but generally he does not sing songs in front of others, always sing a cool KTV package.

Liang Ruixi said strangely: "Don't they ask you to sing on stage?"

Yan Feng shrugged: "Maybe I saw the piano filled in my talent, I forgot to ask if I would be other."

Ling Ke heard a glimpse of his heart, yeah, if you don’t want to play with yourself, you can do anything on the stage.

Liang Ruixi said: "You just went to the stage with me to sing."

Yan Feng smiled and refused: "You don't drive me to joke, I can practice piano for two weeks with me. Just to play a song today, if I go to Taiwan with you, he won't kill me?"

Ling Keyuan had some gloomy mood because the playful joke of Yan Feng suddenly vanished.

He squinted his head and tweeted: "Nothing, you want to sing and go to sing."

Yan Feng took a look at Ling Ke and said: "Wow, you have no conscience, but I am your partner. Do you push people out?"

Liang Ruixi "haha" laughed: "This is not contradictory. You can sing with me and then you can play the piano with Ling, and not two programs together."

Qi Feng is one of the first two big, but Zhou Hao is in a round game in time: "Rui Xi, you should not give me a moth, but also the annual welcome party is not enough? I see that Feng Feng will not only sing, but also eloquence. Yes, then I am still pulling him to accompany me to the stage to host?"

He said that he also raised his eyebrows at him. Liang Ruixi said nothing, shrugged his shoulders and continued to wear headphones to sing.

Zhou Hao went out first after changing clothes, and reminded before leaving: "Rui Xi, you are the third appearance, remember to change clothes early."

Liang Ruixi waved and rushed: "Okay, you go."

When Zhou Yi left, the remaining three were not idle, and they quickly got up and picked up each other.

Looking at Yan Feng and Ling Keyi, a black and white dress is like a couple's dress. Liang Ruixi couldn't help but blew a whistle and praised: "The handsome is dead, the two piano princes."

Boys don't have to make up, so it's basically nothing to change clothes, but Liang Ruixi takes out a set of equipment from the close-fitting bag.

"What is this? Mousse?" Yan Feng picked up a long bottle and asked.

"Yeah." Liang Ruixi had squeezed a little in his hand and grabbed it in the mirror. He grabbed and combed two, both handsome and stylish. After finishing, he picked up another small jar and sprayed it a little on his head. Gold powder.

This gold powder is very thin, and there is nothing to see when it is sprayed, but when people move under the light, they can feel the flashing hair on their hair.

Liang Ruixi narcissistically licked his hair and asked them in the mirror: "Nothing?"

Yan Feng looked straight and smiled: "Sao."

Liang Ruixi said with enthusiasm: "Do you want me, too."

Qi Feng was told by him, and he also grabbed two. He occasionally used some gel water, but he never used mousse. This type of thing is too strong, and it is too hard to use.

Seeing that he finished, Liang Ruixi blew a whistle to him: "It’s so much more handsome!" Then he looked at Ling Ke, who was playing with his bow tie. "You also come to engage in it."

Ling Keru stepped back one step after the enemy: "I don't want!"

Liang Ruixi raised his eyebrows at Sui Feng, and Feng Feng also looked smirk. The two quickly approached Ling Ke, regardless of his struggle and resistance, and put him in front of the mirror.

Liang Ruixi squinted at his eyes and smiled: "The two big schools help you with your hair style, you don't want to, you don't know how to be blessed in the blessing!"

Ling Ke looked up and filled with indignation - Mom, he didn't bother to do this kind of thing, now the straight man is what happened! ?

Liang Ruixi reached for a lingering hair and was surprised: "Your hair is soft."

Yan Feng also screamed: "It's really soft."

Ling Ke: "..."

The two men made a brutal transformation of his hair, Ling can be pressed and unable to move, can not move, can only be a grievance.

After finishing the work, Liang Ruixi also made a snap in his ear, and his face screamed: "How? Look better?"

As a result, Ling Ke did not appreciate it. As soon as he broke free from the **** of the two, he jumped up like a cat with a frizzy hair, and the whole body could not help but tremble. Although it was only hair, it was just under the fingertips of Feng Feng. When he passed his scalp, he felt no different from being raped...

At this time, the sound of the deafening music came from the stage, and the host's opening remarks went straight through the floor floor to the background.

"Begin." Liang Ruixi said, and got up and went out. He took the third stage and should go to the waiting place now.

Yan Feng and Ling Ke also followed the tension. The two chatted a few words, and they couldn’t worry about it.

The waiting time was very fast, and I felt that Liang Ruixi went out, and the two heard the "Old Street" melody.

In a short while, the mobile phones of Yan Feng and Ling Ke shook a bit. It was sent by the Minister of Culture and Entertainment: "You are in the fifth place, and there are two more shows, which can come up."

The more you go outside, the louder the outside, the more crowded, through the crowded passages, they heard the Minister of Culture and Entertainment at the end: "All the members of the "Glorious Youth" dance group have arrived? Next preparation!"

On the side, hula cheered out a group of girls who had just made upstairs makeup.

In the blink of an eye, they jumped back.

"Come to you." Zhou Xiao smiled and greeted them, and took the microphone to the stage.

Through the curtain, Ling can be seen standing in front of the stage, and his face was very bright with the spotlight.

He began to talk, and the thick voice was heard through the sounds around them. Ling only felt the brain creaking.

Zhou Wei said what he said before, he only heard the last sentence: "Let's ask the news department (1) class of Feng Feng, Ling can bring the piano ensemble - "Jump!"

[small episode]

Ling Ke: "Don't touch me!"

... ah ah! Feeling strong and raped (〒_〒)

Liang Ruixi: "Hey, really sensitive."

Yan Feng looked at his hand: "Mom is so cool."

Read The Duke's Passion