MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 30 030. You are considerate.

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Chapter 030, you are considerate

Yan Feng wants to say this, Ling Ke can't do anything, but fortunately, he is not too attached to the collection of gifts for girls, especially a girl who hasn't seen her face.

And when I think of that kiss, I feel that I have earned it myself. It’s the first kiss of Feng Feng... No, is Feng Feng’s definition of the first kiss the same as his? Or do you want to kiss your mouth?

Ling Ke left the auditorium while holding flowers and Feng Feng.

Going back to the road, the two are silent all the way.

Yan Feng’s hand kept tossing the bear for a moment, and then dragged the bear’s leg to play the throw, and then slammed the raccoon’s neck, twisted its nose, poked its eyes, nose and mouth.

Ling Ke really can't stand it... simply pull out the phone and brush down WeChat.

This is not a good brush, a brush scared him.

Dozens of unread messages inside, just open one, just the photos and small videos of him and Yu Feng on the stage, all angles, various fragments, can not bear to look straight!

The group is still discussing what has just happened. If Ling Ke can turn off the group message reminder, the accumulated news can be estimated to have several hundred.

You don't have to think about it, you know what they will say, and it must be YY crazy!

Sighed, Ling Ke went to see a circle of friends. This time, he spit out a dirty word: "Fuck..."

The first one is Gao Junfei!

"My two roommates are together. [Smile]"

The picture is exactly the picture of Feng Feng holding his neck and kissing him, and the self in the photo is actually... laughing?

...WTF! Shouldn't he be in a state of oppression? Why are you laughing? P, too?

Ling Kezheng wants to take a closer look. Just heard his rough Feng Feng and he came together: "What?"

Ling Ke couldn't find it at all. When Feng Feng glanced at it, he put the doll to the next arm and pulled out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket.

"...I rub! Haha!" Yan Feng estimated that he also received a bunch of news. After shocking, he couldn't help but smile and review it.

Ling visible and sighed in the heart of "Nima", with Feng Feng can make this thing a joke, he has to be nervous here? Can't you behave in a way that doesn't matter?

Soon, Yan Feng also saw the photo of Gao Junfei. He didn’t know whether it was a delight or a bad taste. He also pointed to the phone and told Ling: "When I kissed you, you were smiling!"

When I laughed, I laughed. I was kissed by a sister who was a straight man. Besides, the performance was so successful, and I didn’t laugh.

"Oh? Is it?" Ling Ke glanced at him, meditation on the law of disguised straight men, and quickly adjusted his mentality.

Yan Feng saw him so calm, but also a little embarrassed, no longer looking for no interest.

The two face each other as usual to finish a dozen or so related friends circle status, found that half of them are to ridicule their relationship, which also includes many straight male students.

Lingke wants to sigh at this magical world: Unbelievable...

When they arrived at the dormitory, Gao Junfei and Xie Qibao did not come back. It is estimated that they would watch the show in the auditorium.

Ling can put down things and wash his hair first. After Liang Ruixi and Yan Feng joined forces to fix his hair with mousse, he was uncomfortable. He felt like a helmet on his head, and now he is finally free.

After washing the head out, see Yan Feng holding the doll bear sitting in front of the desk to brush the webpage, one hand still slamming the bear for a moment, rotating its limb joints, separating the cotton filled in the bear body into segments, so that the original The limbs that are connected together are like the ones that have been pulled out of the bones and are soft.

Ling can smoke his mouth and rub his hair and ask: "Do you have a hatred with it?"

“Well?” Yan Feng didn’t react at first. After seeing Ling’s line of sight against the bear in his arms, he explained, “I’m itchy, as long as it’s my own hand, it’s my thing, I can’t help thinking. toss."

Ling can be speechless. It seems that there are several times when I saw the water bottles, cans and the like that I have played with, and the plastic film bubbles that were not lost when I received the express delivery.

I used to read the news and said that this seems to be obsessive-compulsive disorder or a destructive desire in human nature... Ling Ke does not understand, anyway, he does not have this problem.

However, rubbing his hair reminded him of the feeling that he had just rubbed his finger on his scalp.

Ling Ke face a hot, turned back and did not dare to think more.

At this moment, Yan Feng suddenly asked: "You said, will anyone take our things seriously?"

Ling Keyi, what is it? Are the students sending out their "together" in a circle of friends?

Yan Feng pointed to the computer screen, quite helpless: "I am watching the school forum, Liang Xuechang said it is good, and now there are gossip stickers."

Ling is surprised, so fast, not far from the end of their performance!

"It should all be a joke..." Ling Kedao.

"What if it is true?" Yan Feng raised his eyebrows.

"No, it..." Ling can be calm.

Yan Feng saw him for two seconds. Before Ling Ke’s heart was about to jump out, he took back his eyes and continued to look at the computer screen.

Ling Ke is also not sure what it means to ask this question, and his heart is uneasy.

In a short while, Yan Feng leaned over and put his arm on the back of the chair. He asked, "Hey, how do you see homosexuality?"

"Ah?" Ling Ke’s heartbeat, which had just stabilized, was hanged to the eyes of the blind man.

Yan Feng’s tone is very serious, like he really wants to discuss this with him, not a joke.

Ling could hold the towel on his head, some bun, frowning and thinking: "This... is quite normal."

Yan Feng: "Don't you hate?"

Ling can shake his head and subconsciously stare at Yan Feng and ask: "Do you hate?"

Yan Feng did not hesitate: "Of course not."

Ling Ke sighed with relief: "Now, aren't they all open? Otherwise, everyone will not open this joke at will."

Yan Feng’s tone is also somewhat relaxed: “I thought you would mind.”

Ling can't understand: "Why?" He tried to hit the straight man's ass...

"Because when I first started school, wasn't someone posting our gossip stickers in the forum?" Yan Feng gestured. "At the time, you acted like a resentful one."

Ling smiled, put down the towel that had wiped his hair, and hung his eyes: "I am not disgusted, but afraid of causing trouble for you."

Yan Feng looked a little surprised. After a while, he said, "You are really..." Just three words, he stuck again, paused, spit out an adjective, "considered."

Ling Ke: "..."

Put a towel back in the bathroom, Ling can turn around and deal with the big bunch of roses.

To be honest, although he is a gay, he does not feel anything about the pink thing, so the reason why Yan Feng’s "I think he wants it" is completely nonsense.

But the flowers are not guilty. Since they are collected, it is a pity to throw them away. They will be killed quickly when they are placed there.

Ling can remove the package and can't find a large enough vase. There are some empty mineral water bottles in the dormitory, but this bunch of flowers can be said less than one hundred, at least seven or eight bottles must be cut to put it down.

Being entangled with how to deal with it, Ling Ke listened to Yan Fengdao: "If someone really takes the jokes of our gossip seriously, will it make you feel troubled?"

I don't know why I returned to the problem just now.

Although Yan Feng was a bit persistent, after listening to this sentence, Ling could understand it. Yan Feng repeatedly asked the question the same meaning as when he said that he wanted to clarify the relationship - worrying that these things would cause trouble for each other.

Ling suddenly felt that his heart was warm, although it was impossible to be with Feng Feng, but he could feel the tolerance of Yu Feng for homosexuality and he was treated so gently. He was already very happy.

"No," Ling smiled and said, "Isn't you telling me, how can other people gossip, we can't manage it, it's better to relax and not to be true."

Yan Feng asked: "If someone is serious, it will affect your girlfriend?"

"I don't even say that I don't want to find a girlfriend during college." Ling Ke rubbed his brow and said, "You don't care about me anyway, you don't think it's okay."

The voice just fell, and there was a sudden footstep in the aisle.

It seems that the big troops who went to watch the literary evening are back.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the dormitory door was pushed open. Seeing Feng Feng and Ling Ke, Gao Junfei took the lead: “Yo!!!”

Hearing his cry, the boys in the dormitory next door also rushed to the 412 door and yelled at them: "Yo~~~~~~~~!!!"

Yan Feng & Ling Ke: "..."

Ling Ke, who just finished saying "not on the mind" suddenly felt a hot face.

The classmates, I started to tease me one sentence at a time -

"You two are really good, playing the piano is too good!"

"...It’s just enough to stand on the stage!"


"I don't know if you are standing on the stage, kiss, how loud is the girl in our class? That decibel, lying in the trough! I will yell at Laozi's ear!"

"Ah, haha, our journalism school is really famous!"

I don't know who shouted "together", a group of boys stood at the door of the dormitory and shouted to do the push-up action, replaying the grand occasion in the auditorium: "Together! Together! Together..."

Yan Feng & Ling Ke: "..."

Now, not only is the face hot, but my eyes are also very hot.

What Ling Ling can understand is that shouting "together" is no problem. Why do this group of straight men do the towering action?

... is simply unsightly.

At this time, I do not know who else shouted "pro-one"...

Before the scene became completely impossible to clean up, Ling Kezhen rushed to the doctor to pick up the bunch of opened roses and asked them with a blank expression: "Do you want to spend?"

"If you want it! Give me one!" The boys immediately stopped their actions and rushed to grab the flowers. "I want to, grab it!"

A large bouquet of roses was instantly robbed.

I watched it with excitement, and I was stunned. The flowers were also robbed, and a group of people went back with satisfaction.

Ling Kesong breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was awkward. When he reacted, he did not know whether he should thank these flowers for saving the field, or whether a group of big boys would rob flowers.

However, no matter what, this move not only diverted the attention of everyone, but also solved the difficulty of finding a vase. It can be described as a double-edged sculpture.

The maple on the side also quietly gave him a thumbs up: well done.

Ling Ke: "..."

Xie Qibao also robbed a few of them, and they were smugly asking for their merits: "Fortunately, I also grabbed a few, otherwise we have no flowers in our dormitory... Mom, a group of robbers, this should have been Let's!"

Ling Ke has a black line. I think that they have put a few pink roses in each male dormitory on this floor. This style is also very fascinating.

[small episode]


Yan Feng applied various kinds of torture to the bear.

Bear: What am I doing wrong! Why are you doing this to me!

Yan Feng: You are right, I just want to toss you.

Bear (see Ling Ke): The owner saved his life! You can't give up on me! QAQ

Ling Ke: I can help.


Yan Feng: "What if it is true?"

Ling Ke: "No, it will..." (As I wish! Let them be true!!)

Yan Feng: "..."

Read The Duke's Passion