MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 50 0 New Year's Day invitation

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Chapter 050 New Year's Day Invitation

In fact, Ling can be wondering why Qi Feng will choose to stay in China.

When Yan Feng went to the United States to find his brother, Ling recalled that it was just when he finished his first smart phone, and when he just paid attention to Qi Feng WeChat.

That summer, Feng Feng did send a lot of photos abroad, but did not let his brother, when Ling Ling thought he was traveling abroad.

For a long time, Ling Ke felt that he and Yan Feng were two world people, and never imagined that he would become a classmate with Qi Feng until he sent a message in WeChat that decided to test F.

It’s hard to be true, as he said at the beginning, just because he can’t eat the dishes he likes and can’t see his own dog, so he’s not going to go?

"I thought about it. I have been preparing for going abroad for the first two years of high school," said Feng Feng. "Although my parents are divorced, my mother still hopes that my brother and I will grow up with each other. She and Dad. Work is busy, there is no time to take care of us."

Ling Ke: "Why didn't you go in the end?"

Yan Feng paused and sighed: "Because I am gone, my mother has only one person left. I am a little worried about her."

Ling Ke was a little surprised. Their only child of this age is still only considering their own minds, especially the arrogant son of Yu Feng. Ling did not expect that he would be a big dutiful son...

"My mom, this person is usually very strong outside, but life is very sloppy. After my dad left, her boyfriend didn't look for it. He took work as everything, often neglected the body. Last year, I found a little cervical spondylosis and shallow. Epidermitis, "Yu Feng is like a small adult shaking his head, and there is a worry in his eyebrows. "Although I live now, I don't often go home, but I am in a city. What happened? A phone call passed. ""

Ling Ke’s mind showed Jiang Ying’s exquisite facial features and skillful appearance, but it was difficult for him to associate such a strong woman with the “sloppy woman” in Qi Fengkou.

However, when talking about such a story, it is surprising that people feel gentle and delicate, just like a small intimate jacket.

Compared with Qi Feng, Ling Ke, who has not made two phone calls to his family during the first half of the year, is actually dwarfed.

"I don't have much obedience to go abroad anyway. Isn't F big good? Besides, I don't miss my brother. He will come back almost every year, either Christmas or summer vacation. This year he just went to college. I applied to Stanford’s business school, so Christmas is not coming back."

Two minutes ago, he said that "because his brother learned well, he was not reconciled". Now he is dancing again and again. One can't wait for the world to know how much his brother is so powerful, so Ling can't help but laugh.

- Stanford, the top five universities in the world, is really very powerful.

When Feng Feng said this, he looked up and saw Ling Ke and asked, "What about you?"

Ling Ke: "What am I?"

Yan Feng: "I still don't know your home."

Ling Ke faintly said: "My family is very ordinary, my parents are ordinary office workers, my father is an engineer, my mother is an accountant, and both of them are very busy at work, not taking care of me."

Simply two sentences, this is over.

Ling Keqiang answered the question of Ling’s father’s mother about “what is the experience of a cool and independent son?”

The two chatted for a long time, and when they finished eating, they even met Zhou Wei and Xiao Yu in the restaurant!

“戚枫?” Xiao Yu saw him first and walked over to say hello to them.

"Mr. Xiao..." Yan Feng showed a smile and said with enthusiasm, "You and Mr. Zhou also come to date?"

Zhou Wei & Xiao Yu & Ling Ke: "..."

Also... come...


Ling Ke only felt that Xiao Yu’s eyes instantly burst into a glimmer of light. As for Zhou Wei, he also looked at him and he was very interested in squatting around him, and he had to dig a hole in it.

Although he promised that Yan Feng pretended to be a boyfriend, he was ready to go out to the public at any time. However, he was actually looked at by the people, Ling Ling still felt a scalp tingling.

Fortunately, Zhou Xiao’s emotional intelligence is quite high, and there is no such thing as face to face.

They also booked a couple's table, and they just happened to be on the side of Ling Feng and Ling Ke. The two men took a chance to sit down.

"It’s good, there’s a thing that I’ve been looking for,” Zhou Wei said to Yan Feng. “I’m going to prepare my thesis and reply after the end of the year. I may not have time to participate in the work of the student union. Do you want to take over the campus? The identity of the host? I think you are very talented in this area. You can exercise for two years in school. Not only can you add a personal resume, but it is also good for finding a job later..."

"This way, I have not done it, but I can try it." Yan Feng did not resist.

Seeing Feng Feng is so simple, Zhou Wei is also very happy: "That line, I have recently taken the exam, there is no activity, I will find you when the school starts next semester, hand over the work, I believe you can do it well."

Yan Feng readily agreed.

After this episode, Qi Feng and Ling Ke’s rice also ate almost, and they left the room first.

After returning to the dormitory, Yan Feng did not find any suitable opportunity to test Ling Ke. I slept last night. Tonight, the two washed their faces and went to bed early.

After lying down, Yan Feng took out his mobile phone and saw Shen Yuezhe send a message to himself - "Mad, I thought about it after I got up today. Now I have a little doubt, Ling Ge also likes you."

Yan Feng: "..."

Xiaofeng’s heart is a little excited: “What do you mean?”

Shen Yuezhe: "Are you coming?"

Shen Yuezhe: "This is the case. I have simulated the few things that you told me yesterday. Just say 'kissing'. It’s just a prank. I don’t feel that there is no possibility, but you didn’t follow me yesterday. Said, Ling did not take the initiative to kiss you in the face of the county owner without your inspiration?"

Yan Feng: "Yes."

Shen Yuezhe: "The problem is here! Let me give you an example. If there is a girl I have no feeling for, let me pretend to be her boyfriend, pay attention: no feeling! No feeling! She wants to show her love in front of her pursuer. This is fine, but if I just saw a man talking to her, my mother would get together and kiss her. I am not a beast?"

Yan Feng: "Yes! You beast!"

Shen Yuezhe: "...go your mother."

Yan Feng aimed at the figure under the bed and thought about it. He still tried to find a reasonable reason for Ling Ke’s behavior: "I think Ling Ke is very special and not quite the same as you."

Shen Yuezhe: "Where is it different?"

Yan Feng: "He is a very tolerant person. Even if he doesn't like to do things, as long as he makes a decision, he can finish it meticulously. So what you just said, put you on the body, I think animals, but Put him on, I think, he may just want to carry out what he promised."

Shen Yuezhe: "Fuck! But the mother can pull it down! You have been stunned by love!"

Yan Feng: "Do you know him for a long time or do I know him for a long time?"

Shen Yuezhe was taken back, and he was so angry that he didn’t say anything for a long time.

Yan Feng looked at the phone and brushed the chat records back and forth, and sighed softly.

It’s not that he was stunned by love, but he didn’t dare to look too high...

Ling Ke’s words and deeds tonight are simply leaking and impeccable – ask him to eat at a couple’s restaurant, talk to him about his family’s problems, and then be smashed by Xiao Yu and Zhou Wei... He has been so calm and natural, just responding, not A panic-stricken attitude, occasionally innocuous jokes, such as the same pool of no waves.

In addition to his deliberately swaying the hand of Ling Ke in the afternoon class, Yan Feng felt Ling's connivance for himself, but otherwise, there was no more.

But the hooliganism can't always be done, otherwise he will be a rogue.

Without a suitable opportunity to play, he couldn’t find anything at all...


On the evening of the next day, Yan Feng received a message from Xu Junyi: "Yu Feng, I didn't expect that the circle of friends that I sent before would cause so many people to discuss your business... Sorry, I was a little impulsive at the time. I have deleted the message of the circle of friends, I don’t know if I have trouble you..."

Zhai Feng knew that Xu Junyi was such a sly character with a clear love, and did not put it in his heart. He returned to the sentence and said “nothing”.

In the previous junior high school class, Xu Junyi was also called a "small pepper" by the boy, and the temper came quickly.

It’s always a long-time old classmate. Yan Feng also faintly hopes that Xu Junyi can put down his obsession, so that he can continue to be friends.

Xu Junyi said again: "It was a bit rude to leave me suddenly. I am free on New Year's Day? Take your boyfriend out to play with it. I apologize to him and formally know."

When Yan Feng saw this sentence, his eyes were bright.

He immediately replied: "Okay!"


Yan Feng can't believe that the "opportunity" of his own heart has come so fast!

For the first time in ten years, he was grateful to Xu Junyi for his active invitation...

After Xu Junyi agreed to meet the specific time and place, Yan Feng turned to Ling Ke: "Ling Ke, are you free on New Year's Day?"

"How?" Ling Ke is burying his head and reviewing it.

Yan Feng: "Girls who came on Christmas Eve, do you remember? She doesn't seem to believe that I am with you. New Year's Day wants to ask us to go out for a meal... That, I have to trouble you again."

Ling Ke: "..."

Yan Feng slightly frowned and looked at him and said, "What?"

Ling can push the glasses and said: "Do it..."

Qi Feng took advantage of Ling Ke did not see the quiet fist, and held a mobile phone to the screen to kiss, just want to call Xu Jun a "little angel."

In a blink of an eye, on the appointed day, Yan Feng also specially found out the clothes of the same color and the same color, and matched them into a couple's clothes.

The two went out together and took the subway to the city center. The other party arranged a "three-in-one festival meeting spree" for lunch + movie + dinner.

Yan Feng thought that in one afternoon, she could be as excited as Xu Jun in front of Xu Jun, and she was so excited and excited.

However, when he took Ling to meet the other side, he was forced.

Because Xu Junxi also brought a...he was completely unexpected!


[small episode]

Yan Feng and Shen Yuezhe chatted for two days.

Ling can push the glasses.

After chatting with Xu Feng and Xu Junyi, they kissed the phone with excitement.

Ling can push the glasses.

...Mom, this is a big radish, I don’t know if I’m stealing chickens and dogs.

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