MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 63 063. I only like you.

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Chapter 063 only likes you

He made the maple face look, he thought, even if they had known before, now Lingke only belongs to him!

But I didn't expect it, and then Ling will not hesitate to say "no", and said that he saw himself earlier than when he saw his brother.

Yan Fengdun lived, listened for a while, then I remembered that when I was in the summer vacation, I did meet such a boy of the same age. He remembered that when he asked Ling Kexi that he didn't like the piano, Ling could say that he didn't like it... that was the first time he met someone who could insist on doing things that he didn't like, and changed him to him. I won't work hard to practice, so he thinks Ling is very powerful.

He left the Q\'Q number on the other's score, but the guy didn't add himself as a friend.

Over time, he forgot.

Where can he think of it, Ling not only added him, but also paid attention to him for so many years...


When Ling Ke and his brother spoke, the voice was very light. Maybe they didn't want to let the third person outside of them know, but Yu Feng was still listening to it.

He looked at the panicked lover and slowly walked over to the sofa...

- So, from the first time we met last year, did you recognize me?

- When did you start to like me?

- Have you been pretending before we were together?


Qi Feng sat down beside Ling Ke, looking at him with ecstasy, so many questions lingering in his heart, but in the end he only asked: "How can you bear to tell me?"

Ling can be dumb, he has been completely scared.

Even if I have decided to confess these things to Yu Feng, it will not be just the words. He may say something concealed, and give him some dignity and initiative...

"戚枫......" He looked at the maple, just read the name, and he was suddenly held back by the head of the maple.

- In front of the brother of Yan Feng.

Yan Feng didn't want to hear Ling explained, he knew everything.

Because Ling can forget him for himself, so he is also tempted to pretend not to know himself. This guy is such a proud person.

Yu Yu looked at the scene of the spicy eyes in front of him, and he was stunned: Hey, he also declared sovereignty in person... When I will rob you, can’t you?

Ling Ke obviously didn't want to do such a shame in front of strangers. Yu Yu could see that he was resisting, but he just said the call, even his own outsider listened to it, not to mention his infatuated silly brother. It’s polite to not fall directly.

...... ah ah ah, Ling can be obedient after being kissed for a while.

No, it is better to say that it is tolerant of the younger brother's waywardness than to obey.

He also grabbed the back neck of Yan Feng with one hand and gently rubbed it as if he was calming the other's emotions.

Yuyu smiled and sighed, took the teacup, and continued to watch while drinking tea.

However, watching a younger brother who is the same as himself is kissing a same sex, as if he is looking at his own foundation, it feels a bit strange.

Yan Feng and Ling could kiss for a long time, but they didn’t see their brothers avoiding suspicion. They finally let go of each other and bowed to his brother: "What are you doing here?"

Yuyu shrugged his shoulders: "Do you want to show me what you want?"

Yan Feng & Ling Ke: "..."

Yan Feng said with shame: "I won't be surprised by what you can say to Ling!"

Put down the teacup and pick up the eyebrows: "That can't be said, it's rare to meet someone who knows us well. I will help you verify from time to time that his feelings for you are pure and impure."

Ling Ke: "........." This person... is terrible!

"Hey!!!" Yan Feng gas to the explosion, nervously grasping Ling Ke's hand in the palm, knowing that his brother may just be joking, or could not help but want to marry him not to do anything.

It happened that Jiang Ying came downstairs and broke the arrogant atmosphere: "All right?"

Yuyu responded with a sigh of relief, giving his mother a position to let Jiang Ying’s hand clenched to Yan Feng and Ling Ke. He smiled and said, “Well? How? I’m afraid you can admit that you are with your brother?”

Yan Feng & Ling Ke: "..."

Yu Yu smiled and said: "Mom, Ling, he recognized it."

Jiang Ying was surprised: "Recognize?"

Yu Yu: "Well, I just opened the door for him. He saw at a glance that I am not Xiaofeng."

Jiang Ying: "It's amazing, I often mistake your two brothers."

Yu Yu: "But he didn't recognize it five years ago. He regarded me as Xiaofeng."

Jiang Ying wondered: "Five years ago?"

Ling Khan was in the rain, feeling guilty about the lie he had said at the beginning.

However, Jiang Ying listened to Yu Yu’s story and did not blame him. He still held his arm and smiled straight: “I said how to look at it, Ling Ke is really a fate to our family.”

She asked Ling Ke again: "I still feel strange when I think about it. Why did you abstain from the original? Are you not doing well?"

Yu Yu first explained to him: "He regarded me as Yu Feng, thinking that I forgot him, so deliberately tempted to change the song temporarily, right?"

Ling Ke embarrassedly admitted: "Well, I didn't have a good mentality at the time, if it wasn't..." I paused, I don't know what to call it, I looked at him. "If you are not strong, Help me to cooperate, maybe I am alone."

Indeed, when impulsive abstaining, the heart is more uncomfortable than the "forgotten" annoyance.

Jiang Ying nodded: "It turned out to be the case."

Yu Yu smiled and said: "It’s also your own selection of songs. It’s just that the two of them have been with Xiaofeng. If you want to change individual ones, you won’t be able to.”

Yan Feng listened to this and was jealous. He clenched his hand more and more forcefully, and gritted his brother to him: "That is really thank you."

Yu Yu said faintly: "You are welcome, it is to help the future brother-in-law."

Yan Feng & Ling Ke: "..."

They were shocked by the word "sister", Ling was picked up by the skin of the goddess, and the maple was a bit dark...

But he still didn't have enough cool for three seconds, just listened to Xiaoyu's smile on Ling Kedao: "You can call my brother later."

Ling Ke: "..." This name seems to be on the bed before the 戚 maple...

Yan Feng: "..." In the future, you can't let Ling call yourself "Big Brother" in the bed! ! !


After dinner, Yan Feng couldn't wait to pull Lingke into his room and push it directly down on the bed... pressed up.

When I was just eating, Lingke was all over the world, and when I looked at myself, I quickly avoided it.

Such an obvious, naked shy expression, Yan Feng was the first time he saw it on his face... so cute that he could not wait to eat half to bring people into the room.

He bowed his head to Ling's lips and kissed him fiercely, and his ears seemed to rewind around the words that Ling Ke confessed in front of his brother.

I thought that this guy has liked himself for many years, and Feng Feng came to the air...

Why are you cheating me for so long? Let me design this all like a fool, because the initial unrequited love is tormented, and I am complacent about finally getting you... so stupid!

Yan Feng kissed for a while, looking down at the lover who had nowhere to hide but nowhere to hide. "You better confess with me again, otherwise I really want to be angry and ignore you."

Ling Ke was stunned by Xiao Feng’s rare and serious look. When he heard that he would be angry, he hurriedly said: "I didn’t mean to lie to you..."

Yan Feng: "When did you start paying attention to me?"

Ling Ke: "After a year of grading, I saw the Q\'Q number you left on the piano. I added you."

Yan Feng: "Why did you add me, don't you chat with me?"

Ling Ke opened his mouth. Do you want to say that you thought that Feng Feng was a full-drilled aristocrat, so I am embarrassed to hook it up? Too shameful...

He turned his head and did not dare to look at the maple, but was directly pinched by the 戚 maple with the other side.

"Come on." Yan Feng bit his head and bit his lip, and he was anxious. He obviously wanted to get to the bottom of the night.

Ling Ke's face was burning, he might have been red-faced... nothing could be stopped, and he was ashamed to shrink himself.

"I..." Ling could close his eyes and said, "Because I liked you at that time..."

Ling Ke can't tell if he likes it at that time, but if "attention" is the beginning of the like, then it is like it... as long as Feng Feng is happy.

Yan Feng was really ecstatic, but he did not show it, and wanted to ask for more sweet words: "I like it at that time? What do you like about me?"

Ling Ke: "I paid attention to your Q\'Q space..."

Yan Feng’s eyes widened and he stunned for a second. He said with amazement: “The space of Fengzhiyu?”

Ling Ke "hhh", did not understand why Yan Feng exposed this expression.

Yan Feng’s face was distorted, his hands were holding his head and cried: “That is the space I used with my brother! There is not only a photo of me alone!”

Ling Ke was awkward, and his mind seemed to be smashed with a thunder. The whole body burst out of a cold sweat and asked nervously: "I, I only pay attention to your space before high school. Later, when you have WeChat, you add it. You WeChat, WeChat is just yours?"

"WeChat is my own." Yan Feng's tone eased a bit. He has already found it himself, but his face is still terrible. The vinegar is so convincing. "So, do you like me?"

Ling can be anxious to appease him, licking his neck and desperately confessing: "I like you, I like you, I only like you..."

Qi Feng’s heart leaped for a while, and when Ling Ke said the third “like”, he could no longer resist, and bowed his head and kissed it.

——When I learned so many “fun” secrets, how could he easily let go of this person?

Ling can bear the kiss of a lover's storm, and think about how many photos he has thought about, whether it might be mixed into his brother... Anyway, this picture of the self-deprecating black history he killed Will not tell Yan Feng!


[No responsibility episode]

Since I met my sister, I feel that life has become more interesting.

After all, this is the first time he has met someone who can clearly distinguish him and Yan Feng. He is curious, can love really make a person distinguish different souls? In the following week, Yu Yu turned over the clothes in his brother's closet, took turns to dress up in front of Ling Ke, and played the game of “Guess who I am” to see if the sister-in-law is a wink!

(Ling Ke: My life is resting!)

In the first few days, Ling can still be distinguished according to intuition. After that, Yu Yu began to imitate Yu Feng to see his eyes.

I also found that on the same day, the younger brother exchanged clothes and deceived Ling Ke, deliberately pretending to be the brother's tone: "Coco, let's continue!"

Ling Ke: "You are... brother, no, you are Feng Feng... you are..." (=_=) I don't play!

戚枫醋气大发: "Coco you can't recognize me! Do you not love me! QAQ"

Ling Ke: Tongtong Roll!

Yan Feng looked fiercely at Yuyu.

Yu Yu touched the chin: I found that I seem to like the sister-in-law.

Qi Fengyan came to his Italian gun and aimed at Yuyu...

Read The Duke's Passion