MTL - The Daily Life of the Zombie-Chapter 4 Settings (Repair)

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The existence of Gu Chen is absolutely special to Xiao Xiao, which Xiao Xiao is very sure of.

However, Xiao Xiao only realized after her death that her existence seemed to be dispensable to Gu Chen?

Even without her, Gu Chen would still be able to live very well, and he would not even turn against the Lin family at the end, causing turmoil in the Y City base, and almost a crisis of zombie siege.

Although this may be Xiao Xiao's own inferiority complex, it is not without reason.

There are not many people who have awakened this kind of space ability in the end times. It is absolutely unnecessary to drag a burden around and it is very likely that Gu Chen is just taking care of her.

In Xiao Xiao's memory, there were many times when they met other survivor teams. Considering her safety, Gu Chen declined the invitation from other powerhouses, and just put up an umbrella to cover her. Shelter from the wind and rain.

‘Gu Chen…’

Standing at the intersection, Xiao Xiao thought a lot, but he didn't seem to think about anything. In the end, he could only step forward and slowly walk towards the home he remembered. In any case, the most important thing now is to understand what happened to him. I'll talk about the rest later.

Walking on the road, I felt a little stiff in my body. I didn't know if I had been lying down for too long or if my body was really abnormal. Xiao Xiao looked at the familiar and unfamiliar streets. People on the road were still rushing to make a living. I'm working hard to support my family, but I can't tell whether it's real or fake.

After the end of the world, all civilizations were destroyed. In addition to zombies, the enemies of mankind are more malicious from other people.

When disaster strikes, people who do not work together to overcome the difficulties, instead they calculate and frame each other, and use desire as their driving force, which will only lead to disaster or even destruction. tragedy.

Along the way, as if enjoying this rare peace, Xiao Xiao walked slowly back to the front of the house.

Looking at this dilapidated third-floor house, Xiao Xiao is a little sentimental...

'Dad... Mom... I'm back! ’

Since the awakening of his spiritual power, Xiao Xiao's memory can be shown at any time like a computer, and it can be called unforgettable.

Even the memories that have been buried in the depths of the mind are the same. As long as Xiao Xiaoyi uses his abilities, he can still replay the memories, and even things that most people would forget when they were young can be played back.

Xiao Xiao took out the key and opened the old door in front of him, as if he had entered a time tunnel.


There was a sound of wood rubbing from the wooden door, which made Xiao Xiao miss him quite a bit.

In the reconstruction after the disaster, for safety reasons, the doors of basically all houses are made of metal.

Anyone who has seen the three little pigs knows that the wooden door can't stop the big wild wolf, let alone the more ferocious zombies!

The advantage of using this kind of metal door is that when it is attacked by zombies, the door will make a harsh rubbing sound.

This is also a means of warning, so that people have a certain time to react, so as not to be awakened by zombies crawling on the bed.

After Maibu walked into the house, Xiao Xiao closed the door.

Xiao Xiao circled around in the hallway, looking at the furniture and shoe cabinets covered with a thick layer of dust, the memories of his parents in childhood memories are still vivid in his mind.

"Xiao Xiao! Come here!"

"Mommy mommy…"

"Hehehe, our baby Xiaoxiao is so good!"

"Don't move your feet when you eat, just sit down and play when you're full!"

"Baby sleep... baby sleep..."

"You will always be our baby!"

As soon as he entered the living room and looked at the old sofa, Xiao Xiao was lost again for a while.

Those uncontrollable memories flooded up from the depths of my mind again and again.

Xiao Xiao didn't know that the corners of her eyes were gradually brimming with tears. Only then did she know what it was like to feel at home.

Although the time spent with his parents was very short, it was Xiao Xiao's most precious time.

People always cherish after losing, but Xiao Xiao has not yet understood what loss is, and in his ignorance, he has lost everything that normal people have.

It was not until her mental power was awakened that she used her spare time in prison to recall it, which was also the motivation for her to support her five-year prison life and continue to live.

For the sake of her parents, she has to continue to live well!

Xiao Xiao walked into the bathroom slowly and looked at the mirror on the sink. The young but thin face, dry skin, and dry hair of the person in the mirror all showed that Xiao Xiao had returned to the place before the disaster struck. when.

But when Xiao Xiao stared at the mirror, he suddenly found that his eyes seemed to be flickering with a little red light?

Xiao Xiao stared hard and found that it was not her illusion, her eyes seemed to have really turned red.

'It's not right, it's not right! ' Xiao Xiao thought to himself.

From the moment she woke up, her mental ability automatically simulated Chen Wei as a rabbit, and she didn't feel any soreness when she walked all the way back. This was very unscientific for her physique just out of prison. The pupils all indicate that... Xiao Xiao seems to have become a zombie, and probably not an ordinary zombie!

Xiao Xiao stared at the mirror, recalling the data she had seen before, trying to find a similar description.

In the end of the world, the largest number of zombies that appeared at the beginning were zero-order zombies. Most of them only had bodies like walking corpses. They were perpetual motion machines that did not think. Until enough flesh and blood were hunted, they could evolve into crystal nuclei, which is the so-called Tier 1 zombies.

The biggest difference between first-order loss and second-order zombies is the body.

Compared with the first-order zombies, the second-order zombies have faster speed, stronger power, and even some instincts to seek good luck and avoid evil.

After all, without reason, the hunting instinct is left, and there is some simple thinking, isn't it a beast?

And the probability of the emergence of second-order zombies is about three or four of the average 10,000 zero-order zombies that can evolve into second-order existences.

Don't look at this ratio is not high, but the number of corpses can't stand!

Tier 3 zombies are more terrifying than Tier 2, because the watershed of Tier 3 zombies is the ability. As long as the ability evolves, it will become Tier 3 zombies, but there are also strong and weak points.

Fourth-order zombies are physical evolution, some will grow wings, some will grow claws and tails, but most of them are still humanoids, but the only thing in common is that they can command a large number of zombies, so fourth-order zombies are called For the corpse king.

In that memory, Xiao Xiao still hadn't seen fifth-order zombies before he died, but the human side has always had speculations about fifth-order zombies.

Looking back now, when she was besieged, it seemed that she was besieged by a group of Tier 4? This is abnormal!

After all, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Unless there are higher-level existences on it, it is possible to gather such a large number of zombie kings!

You must know that all Tier 4 zombies are inherently hostile, and the corpse king only needs to devour the opponent's crystal core to continue to evolve, becoming stronger and stronger, so it is impossible to coexist peacefully!

Although the blood grenades that Lin Wei threw have contributed greatly, it is very unreasonable for such a group of corpse kings!

It's a pity that the vision of God that Xiao Xiao got after his death was all stuck to Gu Chen. In short, it was a spirit-like existence behind him, so Xiao Xiao didn't know whether there were other higher-level existences behind those corpse kings at that time. .

When human beings rebuilt their civilization later, they never heard any news of fifth-order zombies appearing anywhere.

However, Xiao Xiao suspects that she is like a fifth-order zombie now, because her current situation is very consistent with one of the states of human conjecture.

Xiao Xiao doesn't know the truth about her!

Because at that time there was indeed a fifth-order zombie hidden in the Y city base, and it was attached to the Lin family as a lone ranger.

Because it felt that Xiao Xiao's mental power was approaching the critical value, if he broke through, he would find that they were different, so he encouraged the Lin family to take action. This is the origin of the conspiracy.

Regarding the classification of zombies, Xiao Xiao has read the information analyzed by humans.

That analysis goes like this:

Darwin's theory of evolution said that the superior overcome the inferior and the fittest survive.

In this analysis, it is assumed that the apocalypse originates from a bacteria or virus that spreads to living organisms on Earth because of special effects.

Humans, the race that dominates the earth for a few bucks, bear the brunt of it.

Among them, those with strong adaptability stand out from this evolution and become superhumans.

Those with weaker adaptability are the so-called ordinary people, that is, the gene invasion failed, but the infection was successfully resisted.

The group with the least adaptability, and the group with the largest number of people on the planet, all became zombies.

This inference is based on the fact that in the apocalypse, only humans have become zombies, but animals and plants have only mutated, and they do not have the massive, infectious and annihilating existence like zombies.

In other words, there are no zombie beasts, zombie plants, etc., and the mutant animals have been tested and are all edible by humans, which are rich in energy and even promote the possibility of supernatural power upgrade and awakening!

It can even be boldly deduced whether human beings have been pampered for many years. In peaceful times, what everyone pursues is no longer physical strength, and labor is gradually replaced by the brain, and this gene is aimed at the largest short version of human beings—the body. , so what will lead to the production of a large number of zombies?

Furthermore, if this mutation factor really exists, will the zombies evolve to the end, have enough energy, and restore their senses, will they eventually produce so-called new humans?

And if there is... Or, have there already been the existence of fifth-order zombies, and have they successfully evolved to hide in the crowd?

None of this is known to human beings and can only be inferred, because there is no evidence at all for this kind of thing.

Humans are social animals, and the desire for companionship is one of the instincts inscribed in genes.

The review of the analysis is complete, and the record ends here.

A situation like Xiao Xiao might be an anomaly in today's peaceful age, but if it is in the end of the world, at most, it will be considered as a powerful ability user, isn't it?

In addition, by the way, power users are different from zombies!

The ability user is born at the first level, and then according to the amount of ability energy that the body can store, it is gradually upgraded, and the sixth level is a watershed.

When humans become power users and have enough energy, most people can rise to the sixth level.

As for the seventh rank, in Xiao Xiao's long memory, there are only dozens of people in the world.

All of these people are the existence of the last force of the base, which is equivalent to Dinghai Shenzhen. Basically, a seventh-order is equivalent to the leader of a base, that is, a force.

From the perspective of God after his death in his previous life, Xiao Xiao knew how the end of the world ended.

From the time of her death, three years later, the bases blew the horns of counterattack. In addition to fighting zombies and mutant beasts, they also faced each other with the blades of other bases.

In the tenth year of the apocalypse, a certain research institute claimed to have successfully developed a method to exterminate zombies, which caused a **** storm.

After the last big base agreement, this method was published directly.

The principle of this weapon is basically to use the senses to deceive and let the zombies die naturally.

It was a metal ball glowing blue floating in the air, which seemed to be an overclocking attack using some kind of sound or light wave.

In the fifteenth year, all the zombies below the second rank were wiped out, and the remaining high-ranking ones also hid.

Human beings are also gradually resting, and the entire earth has become a state in which half belongs to mutant beasts and half belongs to human beings.

After the end of the apocalypse, the calculation methods of all abilities and superpowers have continued.

When Gu Chen killed the Lin family, he only made his move after reaching the seventh rank, so he could easily destroy the Lin family without causing turmoil.

After the situation stabilized, in the twentieth year of the end of the world, Gu Chen became the only eighth-order ability user in the world, and was also named the general general of the Federation. Due to the existence of Gu Chen, the situation of some warlords' separatism ended in an instant. The situation control returned to the original state, and the leaders of the bases returned to China and formed the China Federation.

Due to the heavy casualties in African and European countries, Gu Chen became the tenth year of the eighth order, that is, the twentieth year of the end of the world, and achieved global unity. China Federation.

Gu Chen never married, and it seems that he never got out of the pain. He didn't say anything to explain it.

There is one thing Xiao Xiao doesn't know, in the 60th year of the apocalypse, or the 40th year of the Huaxia Federation, when Xiao Xiao left, Gu Chen in that scene suddenly raised his head and stared at a certain place with emotion: " Xiao Xiao, you've always been here, right?"

Gu Chen, who is nearly 100 years old, still looks like a middle-aged 40-year-old. It seems that longevity is also a gift brought by evolution.

In the end, Gu Chen still sighed faintly, shook his head and laughed at himself, thinking too much, how could it be possible?

Then he lowered his head and continued to process the unfinished documents on the table.

The screen ends.

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