MTL - The Daily Life of the Zombie-Chapter 69 goodbye

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Chapter 69 Goodbye

The person who came down from the stairs originally explained something to Wang Kaili while walking, but after seeing a person who seemed to be familiar, he had to stop in surprise, not even finishing what he wanted to say.

Who is coming?

"What a coincidence... Officer Zhang!" Xiao Xiao greeted unexpectedly when he saw that an acquaintance finally appeared.

That's right, this person is Zhang Zhongbo who brought Xiao Xiao to meet Gu Chen for the first time!

After the end of the world, he also successfully survived the great difficulty of mutation, and even evolved into a power user.

When Gu Chen's status rose steadily, he also benefited from it, becoming Gu Chen's messenger and a powerful general as one of the guards.

‘Officer Zhang? ’

After hearing Xiao Xiao's name, the two of them made this wish at the same time.

The first person was Zhang Kaili. She really felt like she was being played by Xiao Xiao at this time. She said that she didn't know someone, so what happened to this police officer Zhang? tease her?

And the second one, of course, is Zhang Zhongbo himself. How long has it been since Officer Zhang called him that? When I listen to it now, I feel a little bit of a time-space disorder. But... the point now is, why did Xiao Xiao appear here?

"Cough!" Zhang Zhongbo coughed uncomfortably first, and then signaled to Zhang Kaili that Xiao Xiao would just let him handle it, and let her handle the things just explained to her first.

Zhang Kaili saw Zhang Zhongbo's expression, and after feeling sorry, she looked at Zhang Bozhong sadly, then rolled her eyes and glared at Xiao Xiao, picked up the data on her table, got up and left.

"This is..." Xiao Xiao was stunned for no reason. Did this Kelly eat dynamite? Why is there so much fire?

"Cough! That's not important, you don't have to pay attention to her. Miss Xiao, why are you here?"

Zhang Zhongbo shifted the topic a little embarrassedly, and asked Xiao Xiao's purpose by the way.

Zhang Zhongbo was really surprised by Xiao Xiao's appearance.

Because, he knew all about Gu Chen's search for Xiao Xiao's whereabouts. After all, many of Gu Chen's instructions came from him, and now that the person who Marshal Gu was thinking of took the initiative to appear, how could he not be surprised?

"But..." Xiao Xiao originally planned to say something, but when he saw Zhang Bozhong's slightly embarrassed eyes, he immediately understood that it was a young couple quarreling, and she was innocently affected.

"Well, it's like this. I just came back recently, and I want to ask Gu Chen to explain something. By the way, I want to know the situation. Can you help?"

Xiao Xiao saw that the matter was finally settled, and he was not in the mood to gossip about the little things about the love between children and children, but to see if he could find Gu Chen directly through Zhang Bozhong.

"Huh?" Zhang Bozhong was quite shocked that Xiao Xiao wanted to find Gu Chen, but he couldn't show it directly in front of Xiao Xiao, so he nodded seriously and said without thinking, "That's it Come up with me, I'll take you to see him directly."

In order to prevent people from running away, Zhang Bozhong still plans to take Xiao Xiao for a walk first. Anyway, there is an elevator, so it won't take much time to come and go.

"Ok, thanks."

Seeing that the matter was finally resolved, Xiao Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, at least he didn't make a futile trip today.

Following Zhang Zhongbo into the elevator, Xiao Xiao suddenly thought: What should I say... Zhang Zhongbo brought Xiao Xiao to the police station to see Gu Chen at the beginning, but today, after half a year, Zhang Zhongbo took her to find Gu Chen. Speaking of fate, it's amazing!

Zhang Bozhong didn't do much nonsense along the way, but Xiao Xiao could clearly feel that he had been paying attention to her...well, just purely curious.

Soon, the elevator arrived.

"Miss Xiao, this way please."

Zhang Bozhong stepped out of the elevator, pointed in a direction, and let Xiao Xiao follow him.


After Zhang Zhongbo got out of the elevator, Xiao Xiao looked around curiously, but didn't notice anything special. It felt similar to the office building before the end of the world?

Seeing to see Xiao Xiao's doubts, Zhang Zhongbo explained to Xiao Xiao with a smile: "You're right, this is an ordinary office building, and we only reinforce it at the base and outside the walls."

Seeing that Xiao Xiao still didn't respond, Zhang Zhongbo had to make more detailed explanations.

"Simply put, we didn't make much changes to the whole building. Because of the limited foundation, the weight that the whole building can carry is limited. If possible, we would like to reinforce it more, but unfortunately the situation does not allow it."

"That's right..." Xiao Xiao nodded clearly, and she understood after saying that, originally such a high-rise building is not suitable for use in this situation - some mutant birds may directly attack the building. ?

Not long after walking out of the elevator, Zhang Zhongbo stopped.

"We're here, Miss Xiao, please wait here for a while."

Zhang Zhongbo first took Xiao Xiao out of a room, and after turning his head to explain, he stepped forward and knocked on the door.


When Xiao Xiao heard Gu Chen's voice, he knew that he had finally found the true master.

"It's me, Xiao Zhang, head, someone is looking for you."

"…come in!"

Seeing that Gu Chen agreed, Zhang Zhongbo retreated from the door and said to Xiao Xiao, "It's alright, you can go in. I'll go first."

After speaking, Zhang Zhongbo turned around and went to the elevator.

Xiao Xiao suddenly felt a little nervous when he saw that he was alone and the door.

At this moment, Gu Chen and Xiao Xiao are only separated by such a wall, so Xiao Xiao's mental power can clearly feel Gu Chen's every move.

Gu Chen is a little strange now, didn't Zhang Zhongbo just say that someone was looking for him? Why is there no post after asking?

After thinking about it, Gu Chen got up, walked to the door and opened the door... He was so caught off guard that he saw Xiao Xiao.


Xiao Xiao greeted slightly embarrassedly.


Gu Chen looked out and determined that the initiator had seen something bad. After hurriedly running away, he sighed helplessly and said, "Let's talk about it first!"

Xiao Xiao did not expect that the meeting with Gu Chen would be so peaceful. There was no complicated situation, and there was no special situation where the old friend hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Sit, want to drink tea or coffee and pour yourself."

Gu Chen took a cup and put it in front of the seat, and then returned to his seat, looking at Xiao Xiao with all his time.


After Xiao Xiao took his seat, he poured a cup of tea and sipped it one by one. He lowered his head and did not dare to face Gu Chen's scorching gaze.

Gu Chen kept staring at Xiao Xiao, intending to see what she wanted to say, but Xiao Xiao had no intention of speaking.



The silence just spread between the two of them. After a few minutes, in the end, it was Gu Chen who spoke first to break the somewhat strange atmosphere between the two.

"You came here to find me, should you have something to say?"


Gu Chen saw that Xiao Xiao was still bowing his head, as if he didn't intend to speak, so he tapped the table twice with his right hand.


After Gu Chen's slightly magnetic voice sounded, Xiao Xiaocai realized that he couldn't stop talking, so he calmed down his nervousness, raised his head and said, "I came here to find you for two main purposes."

Looking at Gu Chen's face, Xiao Xiao bit the bullet and finished.

"First, I want to tell you that I have returned to the defense line, and I will live here in the future, so I want to get an identity certificate."

Seeing that Gu Chen didn't express any opinion on her words, Xiao Xiao said more and more smoothly, and told the whole thing.

"Second point, I have a question I want to ask you..."

At this point, Xiao Xiao remarked a little and described the system in another way.

",'s probably like this, what do you think?"

After listening to Xiao Xiao's statement, Gu Chen said a little strangely: "You haven't been re-incorporated into your new account before... Forget it, I'll find someone to help you handle it later! As for your second point..."

Although Xiao Xiao didn't explain it clearly, Gu Chen knew that this was the predicament she was currently encountering, and it was quite serious—she wouldn't come to him if it wasn't serious!

However, with Xiao Xiao's vague and half-spoken way of describing it, Gu Chen couldn't give any advice at all!

After a moment of silence, Gu Chen spoke again after a while:

"Assuming the 'it' in your mouth exists, since it has such a powerful ability, why should you deceive your...friend? What does it plan? It's just unfounded worry."

Seeing that Xiao Xiao was still looking at him blankly, Gu Chen reluctantly rubbed his brows with his fingers. Is the gap between Xiao Xiao too big? Half a year ago, he was still very assertive, so why is he like this now?

For the sake of An Xiaoxiao's heart, Gu Chen can only give another way of saying: "I think, even if it is really taking advantage of people, but if it is really harmless, then don't mind too much, let alone you. Since that friend has already profited from it, he must at least give the other party some basic trust, and until the end, no one can tell whether the other party is loyal or a traitor... How embarrassing if you wronged someone?"

Although Xiao Xiao was a little scared, after receiving Gu Chen's answer, he felt a lot more at ease.

Please forgive Xiao Xiao, after she lost the force she was accustomed to and the sense of security she was accustomed to mastering everything, she always felt that she had returned to the time when she was bullied by others, when she dared not speak out.

Now, after finding a capable person to give her advice, Xiao Xiao's mood is naturally a lot more relaxed - what Xiao Xiao needs is not the answer to the question, but someone who can comfort her when she is vulnerable, calm her restless heart, Gu Chen That role is played.

Seeing that Xiao Xiao's expression had stabilized a lot, Gu Chen spoke again: "Apart from these, you have nothing to say?"

Xiao Xiao shook his head dazedly, not knowing what Gu Chen meant.


Gu Chen was speechless when he saw Xiao Xiao's appearance, and in the end he could only speak directly to Xiao Xiao's fluke: "For example, why did you avoid me during the time before the model? Also, where have you been in the past six months? And... why did that farmhouse disappear?"

Every time Gu Chen asked a question, Xiao Xiao's head lowered a bit. In the end, she finally raised her head and returned to its original position. Xiao Xiao stared at the cup in his hand, as if there was a flower at the bottom of the cup.

Seeing that Xiao Xiao was an ostrich again, Gu Chen couldn't push her too hard, so he could only change the subject, so as not to scare people away again.

"Forget it, you don't have to say it if you don't want to... Do you have a place to live now?"

Xiao Xiao was relieved to hear that Gu Chen was no longer pursuing any further investigations. She was really too embarrassed to answer those questions, but this last question... In the past two days, she has just found a place for a cat, and there is no black history of renting a house at all. Absolutely can't say, so Xiao Xiao's answer is to shake his head, indicating that he has no place to live.

"Okay!" Gu Chen is quite satisfied with Xiao Xiao's answer. It seems that Xiao Xiao is here to defect to him this time, and for this point, he will let it go.

"You stay here for a while, and I'll have someone handle it for you."

After Gu Chen explained, he picked up the screen and prepared to call someone up to deal with Xiao Xiao.


Seeing that Gu Chen still trusts her and helps her so simply, Xiao Xiao speaks a little embarrassedly.

Hearing Xiao Xiao's voice, Gu Chen's movements paused, and looked at Xiao Xiao suspiciously.

"thank you!"

Seeing that Xiao Xiao was just thanking him politely, Gu Chen nodded and didn't say anything, but picked up the phone at hand and dialed it.

"Well, Xiao Li? Let Xiao Zhao come up with a communication device... Yes, I have something to do... Okay, come up quickly."

After Gu Chen explained, he put down the phone and explained to Xiao Xiao.

"When someone will come up, he can help you with the ID proof, are there any other questions?"

"That..." Xiao Xiao asked with some doubts: "If it is a survivor who came in from outside the defense line, what about the ID card?"

"What?" Gu Chen was a little strange, didn't he already say that someone would help her handle it later? How could Xiao Xiao ask such a question?

Xiao Xiao is no problem, but don't forget, there are still two boys who were put to sleep in the small fort by Xiao Xiao! These two ID cards are still a problem.

Although it was a little strange, Gu Chen simply explained it to Xiao Xiao.

"Well... let's put it this way, before entering the second line of defense, wouldn't it be necessary to observe a day there? At that time, it will be checked according to the information provided by the survivors, and if there is someone, an identification certificate will be issued, Kind of like the old IDs... what are you asking this for?"

Xiao Xiao said a little embarrassedly: "No, I have other people with me when I come back this time, but they didn't follow the normal route, so they don't have any identification..."

"Then, what about them?"

Gu Chen frowned, shouldn't Zhang Zhongbo just throw people downstairs?

"Cough, they are not coming with me now, can you..."


Gu Chen thought about it for a while, and then said, "I'll ask Xiao Zhao to give you two temporary passes later. You can bring someone when you're free, okay?"

"Okay, thank you in advance!"

Not long after the two chatted, Xiao Zhao, whom Gu Chen spoke of, knocked on the door.

"Marshal Gu, I'm Xiao Zhao, can I come in?"

Hearing the knock on the door, Gu Chen immediately raised his voice: "Okay, come in!"

After some chaos, Xiao Xiao's identity certificate was finally completed, which also included two temporary passes with the words that Xiao Xiao was the guarantor.

"First contact person, Gu Chen?"

Xiao Xiao looked strangely at the contact line. Did she fill in this just now? Why can't she remember?

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