MTL - The Daily Life of the Zombie-Chapter 99 end

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After the environment stabilized, the entertainment industry, which had already declined, also re-emerged, among which Xiao Xiao's paradise was the most important.

Just like Tishney Paradise before the end, Xiao Xiao's Paradise has also become a well-known leisure resort and a holy place for competition.

It turned out that the prizes left by Xiao Xiao had been distributed as early as half a year ago, and the system space that the twins could use had long since been unavailable due to the departure of zero. The remaining crystal cores and magic cores were all gone. Xiao Xiao, who had been there for a long time—yes, it was in the spear space created by Xiao Xiao of the Zero Gang.

Seeing this, Gu Chen had no choice but to take the magic cores he bought with Xiao Xiao back to fill in the pit, and help her improve these challenging levels by the way.

And those small challenges that had been improved by Xiao Xiao, after Gu Chen's changes, are now completely hell-level levels!

It's like the original level of catching mutant fish. In the past, Xiao Xiao used the simple mode of catching one from ten nets and two from ten nets. It has been increased to the difficulty of catching five fish from ten nets. Afterwards, only one person per week can successfully challenge the challenge, but Gu Chen is even more ill, and only five people can be successfully caught in one net!

please! It's not an ordinary goldfish, but a mutated one. People don't have only seven seconds of memory, and these fish are put back every time they are fished. It can be said that the difficulty of catching fish is already very high. Now it has changed. If you catch five in one net, you will get a prize, and you won't be able to use the ability. How much do you want to give a prize?

However, there are many talented people from all over the world, and a mountain is still a mountain high. Even though this condition is already so frustrating, many people still succeed in winning prizes—although most of these people are from the military.

Um? military? Could it be that the Salvation Army is self-fertilizing?

No, it's not actually, but after Gu Chen rectified all the challenge levels, he directly announced to the military department that anyone who successfully got the prizes from the park can be regarded as mission points!

This time, in the entire army, whether it is an ability user or an ordinary person, they all exploded—what's the joke? That's quest points!

During the holidays, Xiao Xiao's Paradise will win a new batch of challengers, and even many soldiers are competing with each other by the number of levels.

such as

"How many levels have you passed in Paradise? Goldfish? Shooting? Throwing? Huh? Neither? Haha look at you!"

"Have you been to the paradise? Have you been? Then passed the level... what? You didn't pass the level? That's quest points! Are you stupid? Let's go together next time and let you see what a sharpshooter is!"

"Yuanyuan you... what? You don't know what a paradise is? This eldest brother, which ravine did you come from, now you don't have to know about refrigerators or TV sets, but you can't help but know about paradise! Come on, come on! , brother, give you popular science."

This kind of dialogue is widely circulated among the soldiers. Anyway, after the ordinary challengers knew that they could not succeed in the challenge, they all became a crowd of onlookers... Let's see how these soldiers were abused.

"Hahaha, ten times, if you miss a shot, I'll do it!"

Well, this is shooting a dart target. You shoot a superalloy metal plate target with an overweight dart with your hand, and you can't use abilities either. It doesn't count if you hit the target, you have to successfully get stuck on it. This is the most important thing for soldiers. A project that likes a challenge.

Because this 'dart' shot not only tests accuracy and strength, but also tests a person's sense of balance.

Why test balance?

It is very simple, because this dart shooting is not a challenge on a flat surface, the contestant must stand on an unbalanced hexahedron, and then due to the weight of the dart, you have to rebalance every movement, otherwise it will count as falling. Challenge failed!

Even in the end, since there were very few successful people, Gu Chen personally went off the field to demonstrate and explain the essentials, and gradually the soldiers who got the tricks passed the customs successfully.

"Dude, leave now! Don't be ashamed, or the marshal will come back and see you here!"

This one is shooting... I'm wrong, it should be more appropriate to describe it as feeding, because in this challenge, the contestants are not throwing balls, but food, and the target is the mutant panda that keeps rolling below.

These pandas became lazy after the mutation, and their size also became quite large. The whole is an extra-large mascot. Gu Chen considered that because they have been raised before the end of the world, they have no survival instinct, and their aggressiveness after mutation is also high. It didn't change, so Xiao Xiao kept it—cough, this group of pandas was found in an abandoned zoo by Xiao Xiao during the previous half-year run, and then threw them into the space and brought them back to the park for stocking. , it was not brought by Gu Chen.

The reason for throwing food is that these pandas would rather starve for days than eat unless they mutate bamboo to their mouths. How to aim the mutated overweight bamboo in the mouth of the constantly rolling pandas? , which is the test item.

"Hey, although people won't be angry, don't keep humiliating people with that mutant bamboo!"

"Brother, I beg you to do it well, come down? It's okay for you to pass the customs!"

Guess who is this guy who didn't come down?

Cough, of course it was because of Zhang Zhongbo, who was left in the paradise after Gu Chen went out!

He originally came to this paradise for a holiday, but after seeing the enlarged version of the mascot, he came up to the challenge. For some reason, his hit rate was terrible, and he even reached the mutant panda's mouth several times. On the side, the panda just slapped it off with a palm...

So Zhang Zhongbo naturally lost and fought again and again and again and again, and it took several days to feed him, but he was the immediate boss of the current paradise (Gu Chen left, so he came to take care of it)... Although it is a temporary boss, But that's also the boss! The breeder in charge of taking care of these pandas can only ask him to stop trying.

"Bring the mutant bamboo again! I don't believe that I can't feed it! Don't worry, just one more bucket, another bucket, anyway, I have to pay, the customer is God, do you understand!" Angrily Zhang Zhongbo turned his head and stared fiercely at the breeder.

"Okay...Okay, I'll go get it now, as long as you're happy!"

What can a breeder do? Anyway, the group of Gun Gun seems to be enjoying this new toy, so he can only do it!

That's right! The breeder did not want Zhang Zhongbo to leave because the mutant panda was smashed, but because the group of pandas below did not know why, as if they had promised to tease Zhang Zhongbo, as long as he appeared, they would kill him and not eat it. After he leaves, it will return to its original state, and the whole will become a sperm.

Of course, these are just to say that Paradise has become very famous in the army. The most important thing is a special event caused by Gu Chen's actions.

This incident is about the relationship between Li Yating and Sun Jun.

" might not be suitable...poof...goldfish...would you consider trying somewhere else?"

The little girl who looked at the mutant goldfish fish pond stall looked at the challenger in front of her in embarrassment and wanted to persuade her to leave.

"No, I don't care! How could I possibly lose to that bastard! Another one!" Li Yating gritted her teeth and stared at Sun Jun, who had already fished the whole pool not far away, and said viciously.

Seeing this, the little girl could only collect the points, and then gave Li Yating a new net.

"...I think it's fine if you just talk to him directly. It's not worth it to get angry!" While persuading the little girl, she secretly glanced at Sun Jun's handsome face, and felt that Li Yating was very reckless.

"I, no, don't worry! If I don't win against him today, I won't talk to him for a month!" Li Yating said bitterly, and then put the net into the water...


Well, very good, another broken one.

The little girl looked at Sun Jun, then at Li Yating, and finally sighed and shook her head, and gave Li Yating a net again.

"It doesn't matter, that one is a defective one. Come on, I'll give you another one."

It's not without reason that the stall owner's girl is so Buddhist, because the two suspected young couples happen to occupy a challenge pool one by one, and by coincidence, the opposite is her competitor, and her boyfriend has a net. I picked all of them, and she has hundreds of nets and didn't catch half of the fish. She has won a lot of performances, and it doesn't hurt to send a net~

"Thanks! I fish, I fish, I fish..." Li Yating was much more cautious this time, but this kind of messy fishing without skills will still fail, so...


That bang is really sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who hear it!

"One more stick!"

Well, it's not without reason that the two would abuse these mutant goldfish like this, because when the twins were in class, they quarreled about whether the teacher was more powerful or the father was more powerful. In fact, Sun Jun really used force. Naturally, she completely crushed Li Yating, but she had been with these two students for so long, and Li Yating, who felt that she could not be ashamed, suggested that she simply come to the challenge area outside to decide the outcome.

After that, it became the current state of fishing for mutant goldfish... Well, the twins have naturally gone to eat. After all, although the quarrel just ended, in fact, I also understand in my heart that my father dumped the teacher for several streets, so This ending is doomed.

As a result, the two initiators slipped away, leaving a bitter master here desperately fishing for this **** mutant goldfish!

In the end, Sun Jun couldn't stand it any longer. He directly took over the last net that Li Yating had not poisoned, and after he performed a unique skill to scoop up the pool, this hard duel was over.

"...Why are you doing this?" Sun Jun helplessly looked at Li Yating, whose tears were already rolling, and said with a wry smile.

"You rejected me, I don't want to lose you here again!" Li Yating bit her lip and finally revealed the real reason.

"I love my wife very much. Although she has left me, she is irreplaceable in my heart, so I'm sorry..." At that time, Sun Jun's attitude towards Li Yating remained the same. Relationship with parents.

"I don't mean to replace her!" Li Yating yelled out of control, and then said in a very low tone, "I just think that I can be the mother of twins... Why don't you give me a chance? "

"...Some things can be discussed, but some things can't be backed down. Even if they all agree, I won't be sorry for my dead wife---I made a promise to her for the rest of my life, she just left before me. Well, that's not the reason why I can break my promise." Sun Jun saw that if he didn't talk about it, Li Yating would still stick to the matter, so he planned to make it clear.

"One person for the rest of your life? Does anyone still believe in this kind of fairy tale?" Li Yating was stunned when she heard Sun Jun's words, and then smiled bitterly, "So, I lost in time, right?"

"..." Sun Jun looked at Li Yating, who had begun to cry, and didn't know what to say. After all, being too gentle is the most cruel thing. Unless the person concerned wants to open it up, his comfort will not help, and even cause more misunderstanding.

"What? You can't even be friends now?"

Seeing that the crying trick that used to work in the past is no longer effective, Li Yating laughed at herself, "Do you think in your heart that a girl like me is so cheap? So I'm not worthy of you?"

"...I didn't mean that!" Sun Jun frowned in disapproval when he heard Li Yating use such hurtful words to force him to make a statement.

"Isn't it?" Hearing that Sun Jun was still responding to her with such gentle but polite words, Li Yating stopped abruptly, grabbed Sun Jun's face with both hands, and took a bite.

... Of course, her intention was unsuccessful. After Sun Jun digested the adventure, his body was far faster than the reaction speed of ordinary humans, so he easily avoided Li Yating's unexpected kiss.

"Don't do this!"

"What? Don't you just think I'm cheap and dirty, so you don't want to be with me?" Li Yating broke down and shouted, "Look! You don't even want to kiss me. Are you still a man like this?"

"...You're tired and need to rest." In the end, Sun Jun could only use his mental ability to put Li Yating into a deep sleep to end this embarrassing topic.

Li Yating woke up the next day, as if nothing had happened, and taught the two classes as usual, but the sensitive twins naturally felt that the teacher was in a bad mood, so they didn't ask for help, and be obedient students. .

But from that day on, Sun Jun and Li Yating seldom talked. It was not until after Li Yating stopped two classes for no reason that Sun Jun came to the door.

"Why don't you teach?" Sun Jun stopped Li Yating, who was about to go out, and asked directly.

"No reason, because I'm tired, and the two of them can learn these things by themselves. If you don't understand, you can teach them directly. I should have retired after you appeared."

Li Yating's expression was indifferent, as if she was not the one who collapsed at the beginning, but the two of them knew in their hearts that there was a gap between them that could not be bridged.

"If it was the last time, I apologize, I..." Sun Jun wanted to say something, but Li Yating stopped him with a faint smile.

"It has nothing to do with that, and it's not wrong for you to be liked by others. It's only me who is wrong. I can't control my heart... Even if I stop classes, maybe I will lose my mind if I don't see you again." Li Yating's calm expression made Sun Jun feel a little uncomfortable.

"...Sorry." In the end, a thousand words made these two words.

"...You know, that's never what I wanted to hear, okay, let's get out of the way!" Li Yating pulled her luggage and wanted to pass by Sun Jun.

"You don't have to go!" Seeing that someone was about to run away, Sun Jun quickly grabbed her.

Noticing that Sun Jun grabbed her hand fiercely, Li Yating stared straight at that hand.

"Sorry..." Sun Jun let go of his hand in embarrassment, then took two steps back and said, "I'm leaving the defense line recently, so the two children still need someone to take care of them, so I hope you can help..."

The pleading look in Sun Jun's eyes made Li Yating, who was already determined, softened.

"...Actually, I've thought about it in the past two days. You're right. I used my dead wife as an excuse because I was too cowardly. I promise you, I'll give you a definite answer when I come back this time, just give me a little time. ?"

Then Sun Jun's words made Li Yating look at him in disbelief. What did he mean...?


Read The Duke's Passion