MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 398 aa system

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Li Xu looked at her slightly handsome face, and couldn't help shaking his head.

"This, I really can't do it! It turns out that you are too, alas! Who made me have no money, I thought, forget it, you are busy!"

I saw him talking, showing a decadent and lost, as if lifeless expression.

Then he lowered his head, turned around and left without saying a word!

Wang Yufei's bright eyes immediately opened wide in doubt: "What happened?"

"Hey...!" She called out unconsciously.

Li Xu lowered his head, shook his head, sighed, and did not stop at his feet.

Wang Yufei wanted to stop him, but she was afraid that he might have some conspiracy.

Besides, why did you stop him? It seemed as if he really wanted to invite him.

"Humph!" Wang Yufei snorted coldly, her expression not happy at all, why is this Li Xu always different from other boys, always playing cards out of common sense.

I don't know how to say good things and coax myself.

"Actually, I'm good at coaxing, and I didn't really ask you to treat me to such expensive food! I hate it!"

The more Wang Yufei thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt. She was very happy when she heard that Li Xu's paper was published.


"I don't care about you anymore!"

The lotus feet paused lightly, she turned around immediately, and ran towards the dormitory angrily.

As soon as I entered the dormitory, I saw two best friends watching a TV series together, and there was a clump of snot on the table.

She didn't want to speak either, so she went straight to her desk and lay down.

When the two girlfriends heard the movement, they looked back and said in amazement, "Who made our beautiful lady angry? How strange!"

Wang Yufei didn't want to answer, so she just lay on her stomach without saying a word.

At this moment, a best friend came over, shook her arm, and asked, "What's wrong?"


"Who made you angry? Was criticized by your mentor?"

Wang Yufei did not speak.

"Someone bullied you?"

Wang Yufei still did not speak.

"Could it be the one named Li Xu?"

"Don't mention him!" Wang Yufei snorted coldly.

The two girlfriends looked at each other and immediately understood.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with him? Isn't he rejecting you?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like stepping on Wang Yufei's beautiful cat's tail.

The little girl stood up straight.

"I will chase him? Beautiful! I have nothing to do with him..."

Just halfway through his words, the phone rang.

Wang Yufei had to stop her sworn speech and picked up her mobile phone, which was an unfamiliar local landline number.

"Hello, is this Ms. Wang Yufei?"

"I am, who are you?"

"Hello, I'm a staff member of Ultraviolet Restaurant. I'm very happy to inform you. Please meet at mrandmrsbund on the sixth floor of No. 18 on the Bund at 6:30 tonight. We will send a special car to greet you!"

After hearing this, Wang Yufei was stunned!

"I, are you sure it's me?"


After hanging up the phone, Wang Yufei was a little unsure!

Really UV?


Suddenly something came to her mind: "It must be Li Xu's fault!"

"Don't think you find a girl to pretend to be a staff member, I'll believe it!"

The more I think about it, the more I think it is!

"Yu Fei, what are you thinking?" Seeing her stunned, her best friend waved her hand in front of her.

Wang Yufei came back to her senses and said, "Nothing!"

"One phone call, you won't cry anymore, there's something tricky!" The two girlfriends looked at each other, and then they stretched out their "magic claws" to her in unison!

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, I said, I said it's not enough! Chuck, spare me!"

Wang Yufei was afraid of tickling, so she immediately disarmed and surrendered after being tossed by her two girlfriends.

In fact, subconsciously, she also wanted her best friend to help her come up with ideas.

When she told what happened, from hearing that Li Xu's paper was published, to when she deliberately said that she was going to eat at the Ultraviolet Restaurant, she briefly said it again.

Of course, she also concealed some things related to the college.

After listening to what Wang Yufei said, the two girlfriends looked envious.

Publishing papers on s, even if you do nothing in the future, graduation will be a sure thing.

"Yu Fei, you are really, such a good boy, you have to hurry up, why do you still dislike the other party's lack of money!" The girlfriend scolded.

"I don't, how can I dislike him for not having money!" Wang Yufei hurriedly explained.

As soon as she finished speaking, she thought about it again: "Why do I despise him, we have nothing! I was just joking with him, who would have known him to be so rude."

"Some men are also very sensitive, okay?" said a girlfriend.

"Do you mean sensitive, is it serious?" Another girlfriend asked hehe.

"Yeah, you little dirty girl, why do you have no sense of it!"

"What did you say?"

"Okay, let me see how sensitive you are! Don't run!"

"Hate, my clothes..."

Wang Yufei looked at the two who were chasing each other, who were quite inappropriate for children, and immediately rolled her eyes.

Just as she reluctantly returned to the chair, and was about to wait for the two girlfriends to finish talking, the phone rang again.

This time it was Li Xu who called.

Wang Yufei sneered, trying to lie to me, but no way.

"Hey, why are you calling!"

"Did you get a call from the restaurant? Don't forget to dress up! I'll pick you up later!"

"Got it! I'll hang up if it's all right." Wang Yufei rolled her eyes, wanting to make a fool of me, but there is no door!

She had already thought that Li Xu must be fooling herself, dressing herself up beautifully, and then looking for a random place to get herself.

At this moment, the two girlfriends heard the movement, and they also came over and shouted: "Congratulations, Li Xu, it's amazing!"

"Yeah, great genius, the wife of the scumbag won't leave the court, don't be famous, forget about our family Yufei!"

Wang Yufei couldn't listen anymore and hung up the phone.

The three frolicked together again.

Dressed up?


Not only did Wang Yufei not dress up, but she also wore the women's big pants and plaid vest that she usually wears when she was casual.

I even wore a pair of pink sandals under my feet!

Prepare to give Li Xu a "surprise!"

"Are you sure Li Xu lied to you?" Seeing her appearance, her best friend asked with some doubts.

"Sure, that restaurant needs to be reserved in advance. I only said this afternoon, how could he have made a reservation, and then he...!"

"What is he?" the girlfriend asked.

"It's nothing!"

Wang Yufei was actually a little nervous in her heart. She was not afraid that this was a scam. She was afraid that if there happened to be a vacancy, Li Xu would spend so much money to make a swollen face and become a fat man.

Thinking of this, Wang Yufei became a little nervous.

She felt that there was no need to fight this anger, so she told the two best friends and went out.

After walking out of the dormitory, she dialed Li Xu's number.

"I haven't arrived yet, why are you waiting?" Li Xu's cynical words came from the phone.

"Who's waiting! Li Xu, that, I shouldn't have told you to eat ultraviolet light. I don't like it either! In this way, in order to celebrate the publication of your paper, I'll invite you to eat hot pot! My treat!" Wang Yufei sweetly The sound is transmitted in the radio waves.

"Uh! Well, I still like your stubbornness!" The microphone paused for two seconds, and then came Li Xu's annoying words.

"You! Humph!" Wang Yufei hung up the phone again angrily.

This stinky Li Xu.

He must have wanted to look embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Wang Yufei was relieved a lot, as long as the UV rays were not set.

As for Li Xu wanting to deceive himself, he just decided to do it!

After hanging up the phone for less than ten minutes, Li Xu rushed to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory.

Seeing Wang Yufei in a big pants and a long vest, Li Xu almost went down!

Sister, let's go back to the trouble, you can dress normally!

"Can you change your clothes?"

"I'm naturally beautiful and I look good in anything!"

"Okay, get in the car!" Li Xu shook his head, it didn't matter.

Wang Yufei got into the car a little proudly.

roundone, a small victory!

The car quickly drove out of the campus and rushed to No. 18 on the Bund.

After working in the car, Wang Yufei had the time to look at Li Xu, only to see that he was wearing an exquisite short-sleeved casual summer dress, and his hair was neatly combed.

It was a stark contrast to his casual outfit.

"Tell you to be serious!" Li Xu said.

"It's you who is not serious, don't you, you, yours! It's like talking about me!" Wang Yufei was obviously badly taught by her girlfriends.

"Okay, then I'll be serious!"

"Go ahead!"

"Thank you for the last tip-off!"

"What is a tip-off? I sound like a traitor. Tell you Li Xu, this girl regrets it now!"

"Do you regret falling in love with me?" Li Xu raised his eyebrows.

"You don't come, just because you are always angry with me, I shouldn't help you!" Wang Yufei snorted coldly when she saw that he was still smiling.

"I'm not ready to thank you!" Li Xu laughed.

"Not uncommon." Wang Yufei turned her head away and looked out the window.

After waiting for a long time, she didn't see Li Xu comforting herself, she secretly turned around and nodded.

Looking sideways at Li Xuzheng driving attentively, he turned back quickly.

The car drove very fast, and in just over half an hour, we arrived at No. 18 on the Bund.

The two parked the car and went straight to the sixth floor, which is a restaurant.

Looking at the exterior decoration, it is quite tall.

At this time, there were already about five or six customers waiting in the restaurant.

They were chatting or drinking champagne, looking casual.

On the contrary, no matter how leisurely, there is no Wang Yufei leisure.

As soon as Wang Yufei entered the restaurant, everyone's eyes were cast on them.

Wang Yufei's face was a little hot.

"Sit down!" Li Xu smiled and led her to sit down. Then, seeing how helpless she was, he felt a little funny, and said softly, "Didn't I tell you to dress better?"

Wang Yufei looked at him, pursed her lips and asked, "What are you doing? Where is this place?"

"Eating? Didn't you say you want to eat ultraviolet light! I ordered it!" Li Xu said casually.

"Don't lie to me! What the **** are you doing?" After Wang Yufei finished speaking, she felt a little loud and hurriedly lowered her head.

"Be generous, girl. We're here to eat. We're not here to pretend to be our grandson!" Li Xu shook his head and said, "I'm here for dinner! Why am I lying to you!"

Wang Yufei didn't believe it.

Li Xu said: "I can't always find so many people to be a passerby for you? If you don't believe me, go outside and ask?"

"Let's go, who's afraid of who?" Wang Yufei got up, and was about to go outside to ask others, but just two steps away, the little sandal made a chirping sound.

She didn't dare to walk hard when she lost it.

After finally making it to the outside, she kept her mind and went directly to the fifth floor to ask the staff there.

"Are you talking about the sixth floor? Yes, Ultraviolet, a foreigner opened it. Beauty, our shop also tastes very good, authentic French..."

Wang Yufei, who received a positive answer, felt that she was walking heavily.

After she went back, she looked at Li Xu with a tangled face.

"Did you really buy it? You, it's very expensive here. There are thousands of people. No, you can't eat here!" Wang Yufei got up and was about to leave.

Li Xu quickly grabbed her and dragged her back to her seat.

The people around looked at them one after another, including two foreigners.

"The money has been paid, and they will not refund it."

"Ah! What should I do then!" Wang Yufei looked at Li Xu angrily: "Are you stupid, I said you want to eat ultraviolet rays, so you buy it! Then I said you want to eat a full-length meal, can you also get it!"

"Theoretically, it's not impossible!"

"You, make you mad! Prodigal man! What credit card did you swipe?" Wang Yufei said angrily.

After he finished speaking, he thought about it and said, "Let's AA, let you die!"

"I still have this money!" Li Xu was a little ashamed, girl, I drive a BMW, no matter how poor, I can still pay for a meal.

"Do you have it? You can't spend it when you have it." After Wang Yufei finished speaking, she felt that her words were a bit ambiguous, so she explained: "I suggested eating, I don't want you to scold me behind my back!"

Just as the two were whispering, four more people entered the restaurant, and the number of people had reached twelve.

At this moment, there were whispers from the waiting crowd.

"Isn't there only ten people?"

"Yes, that's what I wrote when I signed up!"

Hearing these words, Wang Yufei looked at Li Xu with a little surprise.

Li Xu spread out his hands, put it in her ear, and said softly, "It's not the two of us!"

The girl's hair was fragrant, and the strands of black silk were as smooth as satin.

As soon as he finished speaking, a waiter walked in and invited everyone to go out to take a minibus and rush to the designated dining place.

"Since the money has been spent, then Miss Ben is welcome." Wang Yufei quickly calmed down. Since the money has been spent, why not enjoy it to the fullest.

Li Xu smiled slightly.

Soon the car pulled into a beautiful trail.

After turning a few corners, I came to a western-style villa with a classical style.

As the car stopped, Li Xu and the others got out of the car along with the other guests.

Then I saw the gleaming welcome light followed by enthusiastic waiters and various signs and greetings with the names of the guests.

"It feels different from the last time I came here!"

"Yeah, it seems that there are a lot of novel experiences!"

When everyone stepped into the steps, they were greeted by two tall and heavy wooden doors.

As the waiter bowed and saluted, the doors on both sides slammed open.

The lights swirl brightly, revealing the gorgeous hall in the style of the old Shangdu of the last century!

Beautiful and dreamy, colorful and charming!

"It's so beautiful! I feel like I'm back in the era of Ye Shangdu!" Wang Yufei said with emotion.

"It's just a meal, delicious food is king!" Li Xu said with a smile.

"On this scene, the food is not delicious, and I recognize it." Wang Yufei playfully embarrassed Li Xu's cute little nose.

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