MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 400 You can come by plane!

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As soon as he came, he was given a yellow banana, which was somewhat disgusting.

Maybe the organizers only considered the relationship between people of the yellow race, and they didn't even know there were people who didn't want to stand up after kneeling for a long time.

Li Xu is not looking for trouble either. He was invited here. Could it be that he has to make a fool of himself with the receptionist of a yellow banana?

When Doraqi saw that Li Xu said to get off the bus, he got off the bus and was immediately stunned.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li!"

Li Xu ignored him, stopped a taxi and drove to MIT by himself.

Doraqi shouted twice, and when he saw Li Xu got into the car, he said to the driver, "Wells, let's go back!"

"Then that gentleman just now?"

"Don't worry about him, where does he think this is? This is a free America! I'm not from their Chinese country."

When Wells heard it, he was a little ignorant. In his eyes, Doraqi was really no different from a Chinese, whether he was born in New York or not.


Li Xu looked at the streets and pedestrians passing by the window, and had a special sense of novelty. It was different from traveling to Xinmatai, and it was also different from visiting Korea.

This is the world of Europeans and Americans, and the people here are very different from those in China.

The people here are different from China in terms of appearance and education.

This is another "world"!

However, this is only for ordinary people.

For a billionaire like Li Xu, there is no difference between this place and Huaguo. Wherever you have money, you are an uncle, and when you are extravagant here, you will be less concerned.

Yachts, supermodels, luxury parties, football stars...

Anything you dare to think or do in China can be realized here!

As long as you have money!

The car soon came to the gate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. The overall planning of the school is open-ended and has no obvious boundaries. Walking into it is like walking in a leisurely town.

It's just that the buildings in the town are a little too boxy and tidy.

Li Xu didn't dare to go too far. He found a more obvious building and stopped.

Looking at all kinds of people walking on the campus, it still feels very strange.

There are relatively few yellow people and black people here, relatively speaking.

Yellow people are less likely to be discriminated against by race and nationality, while black people are because they are too muddy to support the wall.

It is useless for them to come to an academy of this level, except to satisfy the sinister intentions of the racists!

Because understanding can't keep up!

Of course, it doesn't mean that there are talents here, scumbags, and there must be some who abuse gambling and drugs.

After all, as a free and democratic America, preventing others from falling is hindering freedom!

After waiting for a long time, Professor Prior, who had met once before, rushed over with tousled hair.

"I'm sorry, dear Li, there was an important meeting just now, so I had to send my helper to pick you up."

Li Xu reached out and shook hands with him, saying, "No problem! It's great, I like the style here!"

"I'm sorry, I don't know much about politics. But I promise you won't work with him in the next exchange."

"Thank you! Please forgive my persistence!"

The two exchanged a few words, and Prior took Li Xu to his office.

Li Xu's specifications this time are not as formal and high-end as he imagined.

Strictly speaking, it should be regarded as a counterpart invitation from the Department of Physics.

For such invitations, the Department of Physics is generally responsible for the reception and arrangement, and then holds lectures or experience sharing within the scope of the discipline.

With such a large and well-known college, many people get invitations or apply for visiting every year, and most of them are visiting scholars.

These scholars are usually affiliated with a certain supervisor or under a certain department to conduct some theoretical or experimental research.

Sometimes, when you meet a Chinese person as a professor, you may be regarded as a free labor force.

Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people!

When you meet a qualified professor in Europe and America, you will be relatively free, which is basically equivalent to coming for a vacation.

People like Li Xu who come with the latest cutting-edge theories are a bit higher than these visiting scholars, and can be integrated into the local research group, like ordinary members, discussing, doing papers, and giving lectures.

But after all, he is not a big man in the physics world. It is absolutely impossible for people to hold him high, to be an important person all the time, and to accompany him to a high standard throughout the whole process.

Li Xu still has this self-knowledge. Although he has a cheating system, he is not a scholar system after all.

It is impossible for him to solve the ten major mathematical problems at will, just like those academic masters, and open his mouth to discover new laws of physics.

He is a half-assed hero, and the most important thing is to come on vacation.

Of course, when it's time to pretend, it's also a must to slap a swollen face.

After all, the opportunity to sign in is not a waste.

When Li Xu stepped into the office area of ​​the Department of Physics, he had already signed one of them silently.

"Sign in!"

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the mathematical expression of the non-perturbative strong interaction under limited conditions! Please pay attention to the study of the host."

Is it appropriate to come up with such great knowledge?

Li Xu was a little confused, but after he secretly glanced at it in his mind, he gave up decisively.

This content is too complicated, and the mathematical expressions look like heavenly books, too obscure and difficult to understand.

If you are not a master in the field of mathematics, you cannot study at all.

Alas, this check-in content is good, but the disadvantage is that the system does not increase his IQ and understanding!

He can't read it!

It's like putting the theory and calculation process of general relativity in front of you and letting you learn.

You must first understand Riemannian geometry, right?

You must first understand what is a gravitational field, what are the weak equivalence principle and the strong equivalence principle!

Unfortunately, this latest theory, Li Xu is like a hooligan looking at the Red Mansions, he only knows hey hey hey, the connotation of which is completely incomprehensible.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, can't you learn it!

However, there are some problems that he cannot understand if his IQ is not up to the level.

Not everyone can understand quantum mechanics and what is the Young Mills gauge field!

Li Xu didn't understand, no matter how many times he watched it, he couldn't understand the essence!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have finished the second book, and he would have graduated without accomplishing anything!

"Li, I read your paper. Your observation angle is very good, which made me feel a little stunned. These days, I have a little opinion on the basis of your paper. Let's talk about it in the evening. ."

Just when Li Xu was still worried about the sign-in reward, Professor Prior turned his head and talked to him.

"Okay, professor, you also know that I'm just an undergraduate student, and this time I'm here to learn from you. After all, some of my foundations are not very solid!"

Li Xu looked humble, but he actually told the truth.

"Oh, inspiration is often more important than knowledge! I hope we can promote each other these days!"

Prior naturally knew about Li Xu's situation, and had previously invited Li Xu to study for a master's degree under his name.

If it wasn't for Li Xu's paper, which just hits the direction of his research, and also gives innovative ideas, he would not have paid so much attention to it.

It's impossible to pass the school!

Because it was the first day, Prior took Li Xu into the theoretical physics research group of the college, which is a branch of quantum electrodynamics.

It is also the main force for inviting Li Xu to visit this time!

They hope to conduct in-depth exchanges with Li Xu on related topics.

"Everyone, let's welcome the young physics genius from China, Xu, Li!" As soon as the door was opened, Prior said cheerfully to everyone in the room.

As his voice said, there were three other men in physics who were of different ages and dressed in different styles. They stood up and clapped.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them came over and greeted Li Xu.

"Hey, Priel said you're very young, I still don't believe it, oh God, he surprised me!"

A middle-aged man with fluffy hair wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of blue fat jeans said with a smile.

"You must be Professor Evel, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Li Xu greeted with a smile.

He must have done his homework before he came.

"I believe we will have a pleasant exchange!"

Another Indian-Pakistani-looking man in his thirties greeted Li Xu with a smile.

"Yes, I think, I will come home full of rewards!" Li Xu said.

Although this person is not white, there are still many professional scholars among the Indian and Pakistani people, far from being funny and unusual as we think!

The world will never lack talents!

The last professor was an old man with white hair. Of course, Li Xu didn't know whether his white hair was white because he was old, or whether he was born white.

"This is Professor Luther!" This time it was Prior who made the introduction first.

"I am deeply fascinated by your insights on the quantum tunneling effect, and I am very happy to have the opportunity to meet you!" Li Xu politely greeted him.

"Oh, welcome friends from afar, your country is a beautiful place, I was fortunate enough to visit once when I was young, I hope you can spend a beautiful time here!" Professor Luther's voice was a little hoarse, but with a smile Very friendly.

These three people are all powerful people, and any one of them in China is a leader in various fields.

After all, MIT's physics discipline ranks first in the United States and even the world all the year round.

Among the professors, there are many Nobel Prize winners!

After a simple exchange, Li Xu left here with Prior.

After all, on the first day, you still have to arrange accommodation and schedule, and you will be jet lag.

The school has dormitories. The dormitories here are all double or single rooms, and the air-conditioning network is readily available.

Li Xu was assigned to a single room.

The environment is like a hotel, quite good.

After seeing Professor Purrell and the school staff away, Li Xu closed the door, washed himself, and then lay on the bed with the air conditioner turned on, reporting the safety of the "wives" in China.

"The eldest wife, the second wife, the third wife, the little wife" can't be missing one.

Everyone has to deal with it for ten to twenty minutes.

After coaxing them, Li Xu opened the mobile phone browser and downloaded some websites that were only available in foreign countries, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., which were not seen in China before.

Many things that are not allowed to be broadcast in China will be broadcast on the Internet.

Especially a well-known Chinese actress on Twitter, Li Xu has always seen it in small videos and has been fascinated by it for a long time.

Now I can finally observe it up close!

I don't know if the works have been updated!

Li Xu has a lot of mobile phones signed in by the system, as well as a universal mobile phone card, just change it, it will not affect the use, and he is not afraid of checking.

As a visiting scholar, they usually stay for half a year to a year, and most of them are official visits.

Most of these visiting scholars are to get in touch with the foreign research atmosphere, broaden their horizons, and learn about the latest research directions.

So there is plenty of time!

Li Xu may be a little busy, but his busyness is limited.

After seeing the large scale of foreign websites, Li Xu was no longer addicted to them. He had already passed his interest in dating the five girls.

After packing up his clothes, Li Xu walked out of the dormitory.

At this time, the sun is still shining outside. After all, there is a time difference with China. Coming here by plane is basically equivalent to walking against time.

Looking at the long legs with bright white flowers on the lawn outside, Li Xu was in a very beautiful mood!

He casually looked around at the beautiful scenery, and then occasionally glanced over the long legs.

Some commotion, some reserved!

It would be great if an international student could give some pointers.

Li Xu thought to himself.

"I heard that foreign students are very good at playing, and they are very good at playing!"

Unfortunately, he doesn't know him.

International student? and many more?

It seems that I really know an international student.

Li Xu suddenly remembered that among the people he knew, there was really an international student.

Du Yingxue, a female medical doctor who studied in the United States!

It is also the daughter of Du Shancai, a real estate boss in Eastern Qi Province.

It is also the granddaughter of He Lao, the manager of Liren Women's and Li Xu is her brother Du Qingyun's savior!

Relationships are not unfamiliar!

After thinking about it, Li Xu took out his mobile phone and called Du Yingxue.

"Hello, who are you?"

The voice on the phone was clear and cold.

"I'm Li Xu, do you still have any impressions?" Li Xu said with a smile.

"It turned out to be you, of course! Why did you remember to call me, is there anything?" The girl's tone was very easy-going.

"That's right, I recently came to America on a business trip and remembered that you were here, so I called to see if you had time? Please have a meal!" Li Xu said.

"Oh! You're here too. I'm at the University of Pennsylvania, located in Philadelphia. Where are you?" Du Yingxue was not unfamiliar, and said her address very politely.

"Uh, I'm in Boston!" Li Xulai had studied the map of America before.

The United States is different from Korea. The land here is not small.

"We seem to be a little far apart!" Li Xu felt a little regretful when he heard the words. It seemed a little too much to run so far to meet a girl for dinner.

He searched with another mobile phone just now, and the distance was four or five hundred kilometers.

It takes more than an hour by plane!

"Yeah! It's fine, you can come by plane! Or I'll go by plane!" Du Yingxue didn't think much about it.

When Li Xu heard this, he coughed lightly and said, "Then I'll go find you, and you'll send the address to my mobile phone later!"

"Okay! See you then!" Du Yingxue answered very succinctly!

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