MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 404 Free America

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The outstanding performance of foreign girls in a certain part makes them unparalleled allure when wearing suspenders!

Although Li Xu felt that Chinese women were more in line with his aesthetics, when Du Yingxue fluttered beside him, he was still a little disappointed!

No comparison, no harm!

It seems that I have more time to go to places such as beauty and body to sign in, and strive to expand the skills of a human cub food base.

Let Chen Xiaojie and the others experience the feeling of moving forward with a heavy load.

Of course, he also tried the legendary powerful moves that he had only seen in movies by the way.

Whoa, whoa, far away!

Just when he was thinking about it, Du Yingxue smiled and said hello.

"Li Xu, long time no see!"

"Long time no see, I didn't expect that I would come to America too." Li Xu said slightly proudly.

When he heard that Du Yingxue was studying in the United States, he still felt a little unfathomable and out of reach.

Unexpectedly, in only a year, the distance between him and her is only a few tens of centimeters.

After all, he can be considered a person who "studied"!

"Well, it's quite unexpected. You went to MIT to study as a visiting scholar!" Du Yingxue changed her cold appearance and gave Li Xu a thumbs up.

"Hey, in general, brother, I am also someone who has a life pursuit!" Li Xu said boldly.

"I'm better than you!" Du Yingxue said angrily: "You can also communicate with my brother when you have time. He doesn't do his job all day! It's good to have half your self-motivation."

"Ha, thank you for the compliment, but if you let me teach your brother, then you have found the wrong person. If I had a rich father like Uncle Du, I wouldn't have a proper job!" Li Xu said.

Du Yingxue gave him a white look, what does it mean to have such a rich father as Uncle Du? What do you want to do?

She felt hungry for the scalpel on the labware table!

"Pongzui, let's go, I'll show you around our school and go out to dinner later!" Du Yingxue still has the "eldest sister" demeanor.

"Okay, eat a big family today!" Li Xu locked the car, and walked to the University of Pennsylvania side by side with Du Yingxue.

"Are there many Chinese in your school?" Li Xu asked casually, looking at the pedestrians passing by scattered around.

"It's okay, there are quite a lot of international students now!" Du Yingxue replied.

"Are there any special scientific research talents?"

"Yes, there are many." Du Yingxue said with a little pride.

"Well, help me pay attention when you have time, and see what projects can be communicated!" Li Xu smiled.

"Okay, I thought you were here to see me, but it turned out that you wanted me to be a free labor force for you!" Du Yingxue looked at Li Xu pretending to be dissatisfied and said.

"Gene Era"

"No way, no way, you are the main thing, I also brought the taste of my hometown!" Li Xu laughed.

"The taste of hometown?"

"Yeah!" Li Xu said, "Wait a minute, I'll bring it to you in the car!"

"Okay!" Du Yingxue still had some little expectations!

After wandering around for a while, and having a general overview of the school's scenery, the two were ready to drive to the city center, find an authentic American restaurant, and have an authentic "Western food"!

Just then, a boy's voice came from behind the two.


Hearing this voice, Du Yingxue frowned slightly, but she did not stop.

Li Xu also heard this voice, and seeing that Du Yingxue didn't respond, he naturally wouldn't talk too much stupidly.

"Yingxue!" The man who spoke was obviously a little persistent, and even trotted to the front of the two.

Li Xu looked up and saw that the man's appearance was quite tall and handsome, with a white face and slashed cheeks, matched with sword eyebrows and star eyes, quite a bit like the demeanor of the ancient principal before he turned black!

The man looked at Du Yingxue and said in English with a look of surprise: "Yingxue, what a coincidence, I looked at your back like you."

Du Yingxue showed a rare formulaic smile on the corner of her mouth, and also replied in English: "Qi Shanghe, it's you! Is there something wrong?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I just saw you here and came over to say hello." After the man finished speaking, he looked at Li Xu again, looked up and down and asked, "Yingxue, who is he? Is he your brother?"

God's little brother!

Du Yingxue continued with her smile unchanged: "My friend, I'm sorry, we are going to have dinner. If you don't mind, let's talk another day!"

"Oh, I'm really sorry, let's talk another day!" The man spoke in a gentle manner, always smiling.

After he finished speaking, he extended his hand to Li Xu and introduced himself in English: "Qi Shanghe, a doctor of medicine from the University of Pennsylvania, is currently a researcher in neuromedicine."

"I'm sorry, I don't speak English, I'm a Super Saiyan! I'm glad to come to America to save the planet." Li Xu smiled and had a warm expression.

Qi Shanghe's expression froze, and he looked at Du Yingxue with some embarrassment.

Du Yingxue was also dumbfounded by Li Xu's manipulation.

"I'm a distant relative, that one, it's fine, let's go first." Du Yingxue held back a smile, dragged Li Xu and walked outside the school.

After walking a few dozen meters, Du Yingxue realized that she was holding Li Xu's hand, and hurriedly pretended to release it inadvertently.

Li Xu smiled: "Actually, I don't mind, you can pull me a little longer!"

Du Yingxue gave him a bad look and said, "My hand, I just dissected the human body. If you want to hold hands, I have no problem!"

The expression on Li Xu's face suddenly froze, he smiled awkwardly, and said, "Well, I have always regarded you as my sister."

"Haha!" Du Yingxue replied to him with two words.

As soon as Li Xu saw this scene, he hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Who was that person just now? Doctor of medicine, isn't it funny? Aren't you also a doctor?"

"He has graduated and studied abroad. He is a very powerful person." Du Yingxue said.

"Oh. I don't think people are good-looking and capable. Why don't you seem to be willing to take care of them."

"You have a lot of control, hurry up and drive."

Li Xu smiled shyly and opened the door of the Ford pickup.

The car went west along the bustling streets of Philadelphia, and came to a restaurant called Van Dijk not far from the city hall.

This restaurant specializes in European-style steak dining, with some classical flavors, especially some of the retro dishes, which are more distinctive and taste good.

The two chatted while eating, and drank some champagne by the way.

During the banquet, after chatting, Li Xu realized that the man named Qi Shanghe was not just a doctor of medicine, he was also a faculty member of this school.

At the same time, his mentor is a well-known medical professor in the United States.

And he and Du Yingxue met at a fellow townsman meeting and got to know each other.

"You don't seem to like him very much!" Li Xu asked gossip.

Du Yingxue said with a look of disdain: "He had a good relationship with a friend of mine before. My friend went to school in New Jersey. He didn't know we knew each other."

It turned out to be the case. Li Xu knew when he heard it that this man should have hooked up with many "compatriots".

"This kind of scumbag, let's stay away from him in the future." Li Xu said with "righteous indignation".

"Che, you are a raccoon dog!

"Du Yingxue looked at Li Xu contemptuously, as if I could see through you.

"What a raccoon dog on a hill, what a huge injustice!" Li Xu was a little wronged, but in front of Du Yingxue, he has always been the image of a righteous gentleman!

"How did the perfume smell on the co-pilot come from, you have only been in America for a few days?" Du Yingxue said with a half-smile.

Li Xu breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be this.

He immediately told about Serena, and of course changed his invitation to help on the road.

Du Yingxue was startled when she heard it. She didn't expect Li Xu to encounter such a thing, and hurriedly said that she would definitely talk about it in the circle of Chinese international students.

After half an hour, the two were full and drove out of the restaurant, then circled the streets of Philadelphia.

Finally returned to the University of Pennsylvania.

"Can I visit your lab?"

After sending Du Yingxue to the campus, Li Xu asked casually.

"Go to my laboratory?" Du Yingxue frowned and said, "When did you become interested in medicine?"

"Seeing and seeing, it is said that Laomei's laboratory is of this level and that level, and I want to see it."

"We are a medical laboratory, not a biological laboratory. You can do it, but you are not allowed to enter. You can take a look outside." Du Yingxue thought for a while, but agreed.

Then the two walked into a building similar to a five-pointed star bungalow. After a series of verifications such as face recognition, Li Xu finally entered the outer corridor of the building.

Through the glass in the corridor, Li Xu saw one laboratory after another, filled with various experimental equipment, mannequins, and even various medical equipment.

The further he walked in, the stronger the visual impact of the laboratory, Li Xu felt like vomiting.

He glanced at Du Yingxue, whose face was as usual, and his cheeks couldn't help beating.

Better sign up and get out of here.

"Sign in!"

"Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for obtaining a gynecological cervical test experience, please pay attention to the host."

your sister!

What do I want this thing for?

When Kato Hawk?

System, do you have any doubts about my combat effectiveness?

Li Xu almost collapsed when he listened to the system beep. What is the use of cervical testing?

With such a large experimental area, you can't reward individual ones?

Li Xu was speechless.

This is the only sign left for today.

What a waste!

"Yingxue, I suddenly remembered that, there are still some things to do, or I will come back tomorrow, okay?" Li Xu was a little unwilling, so he made an excuse and planned to continue to come over tomorrow to get the reward.

"You thought it was my house!" Du Yingxue gave him a white look: "Let's talk about it tomorrow. If you don't leave tomorrow, I'll find a way."

Hearing this, Li Xu smiled and said, "By the way, I forgot to give you the specialties of your hometown. Let's go and get something."

After that, Li Xu took Du Yingxue back to the pickup truck.

Li Xu got into the car, pretended to be looking for something, and took out a beautifully packaged item from the space.

Then he jumped out of the car, handed it to Du Yingxue, and said, "How about the pancakes in Yimeng Mountain? It's authentic!"

Du Yingxue didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she saw the stack of pancakes that weighed about three or four pounds: "I don't like to eat this either!"

"This is the taste of my hometown. Go to the supermarket, buy two bottles of Lao Ganma, roll up the green onions, and make sure your mouth is full of hometown flavor!"

Du Yingxue's cheeks were slightly red, and she spat, "I think you did it on purpose."

"Then don't forget it."

After Li Xu finished speaking, he had to take it back.

"You still owe me a specialty! This doesn't count!" Du Yingxue laughed.

She really doesn't want pancakes. Although she is also a native of Dongqi, only a few people from Dongqi actually eat pancakes.

She couldn't eat it even if she wanted it, it could only be considered a waste.

"You really know how to count, okay, special products are special products, okay, you go back, I will come to you tomorrow!" Li Xu waved his hand and said.

Du Yingxue nodded.

Just when Li Xu turned around and stepped on the pedal, the girl suddenly spoke again: "Pay attention to protective measures!"

Li Xu almost fell when he heard the words, so he pretended not to hear and got into the cab.

As the car started, Li Xuchong waved to Du Yingxue and left the university campus.

Since the sign-ins were used up, there was no point in staying at Du Yingxue's place, and he didn't plan to do anything with Du Yingxue, so he might as well leave early and find a place to relax.

Before he came, he had already rented a luxury room at the Sheraton Hotel in the city center.

First go to the level of the application, and then Li Xu drove to a nearby talk show studio.

Since you come to, you must enjoy the authentic life.

Li Xu was sitting in a group of black and white people, listening to the old black Balabara on the podium speaking some funny words in American style, which made him feel a little weird.

The cultural differences are relatively large, but after so many years of Western education and the influence of film and television, Li Xu can still get some of the funny points of the old black.

That's weird!

Li Xu couldn't tell what was wrong, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Cultural penetration?

It doesn't seem to be!

Only when people come out can they realize that the world is really different.

After listening to the talk show, there is also a TY dance performance that makes men passionate.

The performances here are roughly divided into two types, one is meat and the other is vegetarian.

How could Li Xu choose to look at Su.

After buying tickets and spending some money, Li Xu logically chose a front seat.

As the dynamic music sounded, the models began to perform naked as if they were walking down the runway.

Here, you only need to spend a few dollars, dozens of dollars, you can let the model perform up close in front of you.

Even the female model will hold your hand, giving you further access to her writhing body.

Of course, it's limited to her taking the initiative, you can't touch it.

If the tip is higher, there will also be a chance to perform alone.

Money, in the capitalist world, is only a gun away from being omnipotent.

The atmosphere at the scene was very restless. What made Li Xu curious was that there was no one arguing, no one was drunk, and there were no violent elements that were hard to say.

It seemed that in an instant, this place was the same as the violent America with guns that Li Xu had seen before.

Civilization on one side, chaos on the other.

Maybe this is free America.

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