MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 418 td garden arena

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On the way back to MIT in a pickup truck from the airport, Li Xu took out his mobile phone and called the general aviation agency responsible for the purchase of the plane.

Excuse me, has his plane arrived?

The receptionist of the other party politely helped him check and said that the registration procedures for the purchase of the aircraft had been completed and the aircraft was on its way to sea.

Hearing this answer, Li Xu nodded.

It seems that it won't be long before he can have a helicopter of his own.

The pickup drove down the familiar street over the bridge across the Charles River and into the city of Cambridge.

After a few more corners, the huge campus came into view.

Li Xu found a parking place, stopped the car, and then rubbed his neck, soothing his stiff neck from sitting for a long time.

After relaxing for a while, he got out of the car with some simple luggage.

After sleeping in the dormitory for a while, I fell into jet lag.

Li Xu got up and took a shower.

Although the transportation is convenient now, the more than ten hours of flight plus the time it takes to transfer planes is enough to make Li Xu dizzy.

It's better when I return home, I can go directly to the capital.

Coming to America was a bit of a toss.

After Li Xu finished packing, he called the newly recruited MD Huo Jiansheng.

This MD not only has unique insights in medicine, but also has two brushes in biology.

Coupled with the fact that he is Chinese, Li Xu asked him to be in charge of the laboratory construction of the pharmaceutical factory.

In his plan, the laboratory is divided into two parts, one is a biological laboratory and the other is a medical laboratory.

At present, there are people in charge of the medical laboratory, but there is no person in charge of the biological laboratory.

What Li Xu liked was Professor Bruce's team, the team that Klein was in.

It's just that it is difficult to connect, and Li Xu has not implemented it yet.

"Dr. Huo, you have recently arranged manpower to make an experimental plan for the harm of genetically modified drugs or food to organisms. I would like to know some experimental data." Li Xu instructed on the phone.

"Okay, boss!" Huo Jiansheng readily agreed.

He is a Wanwan native who has lived in the United States for many years, and his living habits have already converged with foreigners.

The reason why I returned to Boston this time was mainly because my wife had an emerging career here.

The salary and experimental funds given by Li Xu are also generous enough.

Therefore, after listening to Li Xu's experimental requirements, Huo Jiansheng arranged for researchers to prepare the project plan without any hesitation.

Li Xu didn't suddenly want to study the harm of GMOs, but because of the GMO hormone production process in his hands.

Of course, Li Xu did not dare to blatantly conduct research on the production of this thing. After all, the company and the patent rights of this thing have already belonged to Huasheng Company.

Can't research, but he can reverse experiment!

We don't do anything else, just see if there's any harm in this thing!

Li Xu felt a little ashamed when he thought that he had started to "do not do his job properly" again.

A good graduate student in information engineering goes to the United States for a visit to the theoretical physics class.

This is no longer an unprofessional job, this is not thinking of graduating seriously!

Because of the involvement of Huasheng, Li Xu did not dare to be too public, and decided to let Huo Jiansheng and the others do some basic experiments for the time being.

As for the experiments on genetically modified hormones, we will wait and see what happens in Huasheng.

After calling Huo Jiansheng, Li Xu spoke to the security supervisor hired by the company and asked him to strengthen the company's security patrol.

As a technology company, we will encounter a serious problem, that is, information leakage.

No matter how strict the security and confidentiality measures are, there will always be important information spread by malicious people.

The losses caused by such information leakage often directly wipe out the efforts of a research team for several years.

Therefore, Li Xu asked the legal team to formulate strict confidentiality measures in the early days of the company's establishment.

At the same time, a well-known security company was hired to carry out the security layout of key experimental facilities.

Although he paid a lot of money, for the long-term development of the company, Li Xu had to reluctantly consume.

Of course, the facilities have only just begun to be built.

It will take a long time to achieve the security level he imagined.

Li Xu hung up the phone, took a sip of coffee, then left the dormitory and went straight to the library.

He had previously signed up for an experimental paper on quantum tunneling.

In order to get this paper out as soon as possible, Li Xu had to work overtime to supplement some professional knowledge.

After studying for a while, Rena also rushed over.

With the help of Ruina, a real physics student, Li Xu could easily understand some professional vocabulary.

Occasionally, there will be people who recognize Li Xu and come over to say hello to him.

But more of it is to learn from each other like no one else.

Just when Li Xu threw himself into the ocean of physical knowledge.

The phone number of the white coach who I met on the court before came over.

Li Xu wondered for a moment, then found a secluded place to pick it up.

"Hey Coach Davis, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, Li, I have good news for you!"

"good news?"

Li Xu is a little puzzled, what good news can you, a basketball coach, bring me? Could it be that there are cheerleaders who want to experience the power of an Asian plumber?

But you don't need to call!

"Just now, you know. I know the assistant coach of the Celtics very well, and he called me to tell me that you were selected for the fan day on Wednesday. And there was a front volleyball ticket to give away." Coach Davis Still very excited.


There is such a good thing, this is not a system reward.

This is a real "reliable".

"This is really great, I like this news." Li Xu also exaggerated slightly.

Go, why not go, come to America, if you haven't seen a ball game, that's fine.

Not only nba, boxing, ufc, rugby and other entertainment activities, he has to have fun. Rich is uncle, these entertainment activities are not prepared for uncle!

Besides, sign in at the scene of these games.

Maybe even check out some nice bonuses.

The event day is scheduled for Wednesday, which is the day after tomorrow.

The time is just right.

Li Xu readily agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xu turned around and devoted himself to the study of physics knowledge.

There is nephrite on the side, although it is not a red sleeve to add fragrance, it is almost the same.

Li Xu is also motivated to learn.

Coupled with his own learning auxiliary skills, the girl also learned with great enthusiasm.

I even feel a little forgetful!

This wonderful learning atmosphere continued until Wednesday morning.

Li Xu studied for a while before driving to the TD Garden Arena where the NBA Celtics are located.

When Li Xu came, there were people walking towards the arena in twos and threes on the road. After the security check at the door, the crowd followed the passage into the arena.

In the past, Li Xu watched a lot of NBA when he was young, especially when he was in high school, when the little giants of Huaguo were on the court.

Later, with the retirement of the little giant, Kobe entered the late stage of his career, and Li Xu watched less.

To be honest, he really doesn't know which star the Celtics have now.

But these are not important, he is here to play.

chasing stars?


Following the crowd into the stadium, Li Xu saw at a glance the Celtic mascot interacting with the fans not far away.

Not far from the mascot, there were a few players warming up there.

Li Xu looked from a distance, all of them were pitch black, and he really recognized them.

After thinking about it, he took out his phone and searched for the latest Celtics list.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, there are actually many well-known players in the team.

Such as Owen, Horford, Hayward and others.

It's not a big star, but it's not bad.

This time, the fan day was not held in shopping malls or schools.

The main purpose is to show everyone the situation of the team's running-in and enhance the confidence of the fans.

After all, Irving was just introduced.

Where to go is not important to Li Xu. It is relatively better to come to the arena.

By signing in this way, there is a greater probability of signing in for team-related rewards.

Li Xu followed the crowd, participated in a simple game interaction, and was stopped by a player who was more than two meters tall.

"Hey, are you Li? I've seen your playing video. It's amazing!" This was a black player who took the initiative to greet Li Xu.


Li Xu also raised his hand and greeted the old black brother in a black way.

No way, they just feel comfortable.

Of course, Li Xu raised his hand because the goods were too high.

"Hey, look, he's Li! That amazing Chinese boy." The black man had a big mouth, and he immediately shouted.

As his shouting spread, not only the players who were warming up on the opposite side rushed over, but even the surrounding fans who participated in the event also gathered around.

This kind of atmosphere made Li Xu not quite used to it.

Brother is just here to be a spectator, not a pig's foot.

Li Xu had to say hello to this group of tall men one by one.

At the same time, he also knew the name of the black man who had just chatted with him.

Horford is a relatively well-known player.

No wonder Li Xu couldn't recognize it.

Looking at it on TV, I may still have a little impression, but in reality, especially since I haven't watched football for so many years, and I'm black, I really can't get on the number for a while.

A group of people gathered around Li Xu to tout it, and then proposed to have a one-on-one bullfight.

Li Xu's face turned black when he heard it. This group of black big men who looked so sick, I haven't even started to sign in, so how can I use a skill card.

"Sorry, I'm hurt. I probably won't be able to be one-on-one with you."

Li Xu could only make excuses.

"Oh? It's such a pity!" Several players said so, but a sneer appeared at the corners of their mouths.

It's scary.

No matter how powerful players are on the field, they have to lie down when they get here!

Not to mention an Asian who blows up!

How could Li Xu not see the expressions of several people.

With a slight smile on his lips, he said, "Well, let's play long shots, I'll move a little bit."

"Long shot? Are you sure?" At this time, a white player walked in from behind.

Li Xu heard the sound and looked, he was familiar with him, Hayward, he was considered a second-rate middle-up player!

However, the salary seems to be low.

"Of course, although I can't exercise vigorously, I can still make a few long shots."

"Okay, I'll play two games with you."

Upon hearing this, Li Xu shook his head and said, "I'm not feeling well, you have to choose one to compare with me."

Hayward smiled and said, "You don't have to choose, I'll compare with you. How do you compare, you order."

A group of fans watched the fun and didn't think it was a big deal, and they started booing.

Even the team managers came over.

"Three balls, the first is in the middle circle, the second is at the opponent's three-point line, and the third is at the opposite off-court point!" Li Xu said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, the entire stadium was in an uproar.

Are you sure it's a game long shot?

Hayward also froze for a moment, but after a moment, he smiled and said, "Okay, that's it!"

As his words came out, the fans began to cheer enthusiastically.

They didn't support anyone, and they didn't support anyone's ideas, they were just watching the fun.

Hayward handed the ball to Li Xu and said, "You come first!"

Li Xu was not humble, took the ball directly and walked to the horizontal line in the middle circle.

Then aim at the rim and shoot hard.

The basketball crossed a graceful arc and fell accurately into the basket, making a crisp net wiping sound.


The people present boiled and screamed loudly.

Hayward was obviously stunned when he saw the ball, and then he felt the pressure on the whole person doubled.

He took the ball, walked to the center circle, aimed in the direction, and threw it hard.

The basketball was like a cannonball, hitting the neck of the basket with precision.


There was a moan from the crowd.

Every time there are three chances Hayward, naturally will not give up easily.

I saw that his eyes were firmly projected again.

Basketball still didn't get in.

At this time, the cheers of the crowd were noticeably smaller.

Hayward took a deep breath and threw the basketball hard.

The basketball crossed an arc and accurately hit the basketball center.

It made the whole arena tremble.


Li Xu spread out his hands and shot in the middle. After all, many NBA players can easily do it.

It's nothing.

He picked up the basketball again, walked to the top of the opposite 3-point arc, and threw it hard.

The basketball did not stay in the air too much, but fell directly into the basketball net.

in again?

After a moment of silence, the cheers suddenly struck like a dormant volcano erupting.

"Li, Li, Li!"

Hayward's brows were already furrowed.

When he practiced, it wasn't that he never scored a goal in this position, but it wasn't like Li Xu, who scored all at once.

But at this time, the entire stadium could not allow him to ponder too much.

Still three shots.

In the sound of regret, Li Xu easily won the game.

"Hey, Li, your shot is very good." Hayward was willing to admit defeat, come over and hug Li Xu.

"However, have you also made the third position you mentioned?" Hayward asked curiously.

Li Xu smiled, picked up the basketball directly, walked to the opposite basketball hoop, and then turned his arms around, and threw the basketball out like a mortar shell.

(The content of basketball is not much, just a transition of signing the plot!)

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