MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 423 Dassault Aviation

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At an airport in Florida, Li Xu stepped out of a Lincoln sedan.

The car was specially sent by the airline to meet him.

Excellent service awareness.

Li Xu appreciates this very much, and he plans to buy a second-hand luxury car when he returns to China as a special reception car for the company!

After getting out of the car, a staff member came over to verify the identity information, and then invited Li Xu into the office building next to the airport.

On the way to the office building, Li Xu also saw a gray and white medium-sized passenger plane parked not far away.

The appearance looks good, the shape is a bit like a falcon, and it has a sharp feeling.

It looks like it should be the luxury private jet to experience this time.

Dassault Aviation, the main business jets are the Falcon series, I don't know which one is this?

Although he had doubts in his heart, Li Xu did not ask too much. When he got on the plane, someone must have introduced him.

It was not too early for Li Xu to arrive. At this time, there were already three white men sitting in the living room.

Behind the three white men, there were several men and women who looked like entourages.

Although these three are all white, they look obviously different, and it feels like there should be people from Eastern Europe or the Middle East.

The staff led Li Xu to the seat, and then enthusiastically asked what Li Xu was drinking.

All processes reflect the purpose of providing quality service to customers.

Li Xu thought about it and said, "Hot tea!"

After drinking coffee, I always feel sticky in my mouth. After drinking, I have to drink water to moisten my throat. It feels better than drinking tea directly.

Therefore, Li Xu generally does not like to drink coffee when he goes out.

Although Li Xu didn't have a follower, the waiter was by his side and could be summoned at any time, which was no less "inferior" than them.

The three people on the opposite side also seemed to be unfamiliar with each other. They were all sitting on the sofa lazily, without much communication during the whole process.

However, as soon as Li Xu sat down, the bearded man with a scarf and a headscarf not far from him turned to his side and said a few words of English to Li Xu.

Others, Li Xu, listened a little hard, but he still listened to the word Huaguo very clearly. Combining the above and below sentences, he roughly guessed what the beard was trying to convey.

Just ask him if he is Chinese!

Li Xu nodded and said yes!

When he heard that Li Xu was Chinese, the bearded man came to talk about sex, stood up, walked to the seat next to Li Xu and sat down.

Then he communicated with Li Xu in obscure English.

Li Xu's scalp felt numb when he heard it, but he didn't pretend to understand, but directly said that he sounded very troublesome.

The bearded man didn't care, he gently rubbed his fingers, and a follower came over.

Then, in Li Xu's surprised eyes, this guy started translating proficiently in Chinese, English and another language.


No one can be a servant to a local tyrant!

Li Xu instantly felt that he had been attacked!

With the translation, the communication between the two is much smoother.

The bearded man with a headscarf comes from the oil-exporting powerhouse Sarab.

That is, the legendary Middle Eastern tyrants!

This guy is very curious about China and wants to go shopping in China, but due to various reasons, he has been unable to make the trip. This time, when he sees Li Xu, he naturally wants to communicate more.

Li Xu is also very happy. Signing by his side is no worse than a private jet. Isn't this a small mobile vault!

However, considering that the people present were all rich, Li Xu was not in a hurry to sign in. When he got on the plane, he organized a group to sign!

However, exchanges are exchanges, and the local tyrants did not ask questions and chatter like ordinary people.

Basically just casual chat.

The two chatted for a short time, and soon Roberts, the vice president of Dassault Aviation, rushed over and greeted everyone enthusiastically.

He is the leader of this event, and naturally he has to follow him on the plane.

"There's another Mr. Hayes, who may have something to delay, so let's get on the plane first."

So everyone, led by Roberts, boarded the plane that Li Xu had seen before.

Stepping on the escalator to the cabin, Li Xu nodded slightly as he looked at the luxurious interior.

There is a sense of technology in luxury, and comfort and warmth in business.

The whole layout is pretty good.

There were not many people on the plane. The four passengers were Li Xu and Lao Sha, plus a Roberts and an airline staff.

No flight attendant, bad review!

After entering the cabin, the staff member took everyone to tour the cabin of the aircraft and introduced the relevant performance parameters and flight advantages of the aircraft.

This plane has a name, it's called the Falcon 8x

Just as everyone was visiting the bedroom, another white male came in outside the cabin door.

Roberts greeted him warmly.

This person should be the last passenger left, Mr. Hayes.

Hayes got on the plane, smiled at everyone, and said hello.

The introduction of the staff continues!

Li Xu looked at him carefully for a while, always feeling a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

After all, the faces of foreigners are really a bit blind to Li Xu!

After the introduction of the staff, Li Xu also had a general understanding of the attributes of the aircraft.

The fuselage is 13 meters long and is equipped with three high-end turbofan engines, which can provide a flight speed of Mach 0.8.

Most of the aircraft's operating systems come from the military, such as combined vision systems, flight control systems, etc., all derived from military combat capabilities.

This undoubtedly provides a stronger guarantee for flight safety.

There are also many hardware advantages, and Li Xu also listened to it.

As for the layout of the interior space, it is not a problem. Dassault has made the concept of service first to the extreme, and there are as many as 30 kinds of layouts to choose from.

"Gene Era"

Basically meet most needs.

After the introduction, everyone took their seats, and then the crew started to start the plane.

After a certain distance of acceleration, the plane looked like an eagle ready to go, with its head held high and soaring into the sky.

Li Xu sat in his seat, feeling the vigorous power of the plane's excellent performance, and silently activated the check-in function.

There are luxury planes, there are "landlord old jackals" who are not bad money, and there are also the vice presidents of combat power companies. There is no reason not to sign up for a king bomber.

Li Xu is full of expectations!

"Sign in!"

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the new wind tunnel design theory, which can help the host build a new generation of hypersonic test wind tunnels. Please pay attention to the host to check!"

Wind tunnel?

Li Xu was stunned for a moment, but didn't react for a while.

What is the use of this thing? He has no plans to start a flight test company or an aircraft manufacturing company.

That thing can't be done even with his small size!

Slightly disappointed, Li Xu checked in for the second time.

"Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for getting a cornucopia, break the cornucopia, the host will receive random wealth rewards, and the reward type is random."

treasure bowl? Still have to smash, but also random and then random?

Li Xu was too lazy to complain.

However, according to the gradual increase in cash check-ins during this period, it is estimated that the rewards should be indispensable.

If there is less, I am sorry for the name Cornucopia.

Just as Li Xu was thinking about the system rewards, the plane gradually entered the stable flight stage.

Roberts warmly invited everyone to drink champagne.

In addition to champagne, there are also a variety of fruit desserts, all made with top-quality ingredients.

After a few sips of wine, under the intentional guidance of Roberts, the conversation between several people gradually increased.

Seeing that Li Xu was the only non-white face, Hayes was slightly concerned.

He has a lot of Chinese people under him, so he still appreciates the ability of the Chinese people.

At this time, everyone started chatting, and he also took the initiative to talk to Li Xu.

After the two sides introduced themselves, Hayes asked Li Xu what projects he was running.

Li Xu thought about it for a while, and said that he is engaged in biopharmaceutical technology.

Regardless of the scale, the name is enough to bluff.

Hayes is also the CEO of a science and technology company, and naturally knows the vigorous power of technology companies.

Compared with those rich people who rely on opportunism, robbing, and selling resources.

He is more willing to communicate with technology peers like Li Xu.

After being nurtured by professional scientific research knowledge, Li Xu also has a good understanding of some fashionable science and technology, and the two chatted very speculatively.

Hayes even prepared to invite Li Xu to visit his company.

There is also such a good thing, Li Xu could not ask for it, and naturally agreed immediately.

This Hayes is not just the boss of a tech startup in Silicon Valley.

There is also a film and television company under its name, and it is said that it has also produced several best-selling movies.

As for other small industries, although not mentioned, there are certainly many.

The two exchanged for a while, and Lao Sha also came over.

Although he speaks English awkwardly, there is no problem with his hearing at all.

He didn't like to communicate with the Jew over there, even though the guy had always called himself an American businessman.

But the Jewish style in his bones could not be concealed.

With the addition of Laosha, Hayes' conversational nature is a little weaker.

However, it is impossible for Roberts to keep communicating with everyone. After all, this trip is more about digging out potential customers.

They have too many competitors.

Therefore, the test of aircraft performance has also become a top priority.

The crew members who came this time were the best of the best. In order to give customers the best flight experience.

In the ensuing time, under the control of the pilot, the aircraft underwent various tests in the conventional state.

Including circling return, emergency avoidance, etc.

Li Xu also took advantage of the test to use the third sign-in.

"Sign in!"

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for getting a premium aviation seat, which can be installed in a commercial vehicle. Please check the host carefully."


There is a cornucopia that is not a sign in vain.

After taking a private jet, Li Xu found out that the same thing happened with private jets.

The only use may be to make your long trips more comfortable.

Personal travel is more free and private.

Of course, if he has money, Li Xu still hopes to have one.

If you don't want anything else, you want to "privatize" the flight attendants!

The two-hour journey passed quickly. After flying back and forth in the sky, the plane landed smoothly back to the flight base.

As everyone returned to the base's office building, Roberts personally presented a gold model of a small airplane to the invitees present.

And introduce other incidental purchase discounts and purchase benefits.

This is the end of the event.

Several luxury cars have been parked outside, ready to pick up guests and leave the flight base at any time.

"Hey Li, are there any plans next?"

Just when Li Xu was about to say goodbye and leave, Hayes walked over with a few black security guards.

"Not yet!" Li Xu replied.

"I have a more leisurely party at home tonight, I think you should be more interested."


"Yes, I just hired a Chinese research team, and I'm going to clean them up tonight. If you want, I want to invite you to join us."

"It's an honor! I'm glad to have your invitation!" Li Xu agreed with a smile.

There's nothing wrong with going back. Might as well go and see the world.

After saying goodbye to Roberts, Li Xu drove to the airport with Hayes and his entourage.

The destination is New York!

This is also the city that Li Xu has always wanted to go to after he came to the United States, but he couldn't find it.

This time, I just took the opportunity of attending a party to visit the metropolis of New York.

After several hours of flying, the plane finally arrived at the New York airport.

"I think you'll like New York. It's a playground for a lot of rich people."

As soon as the two got off the plane, their entourage was ready to drive.

A black top-of-the-line Bentley sedan.

The car door has been opened, and two middle-aged white men with white gloves are standing by, ready to serve them at any time.

Li Xu is still not used to Others open the door for him and block his head.

But after the experience, I can only say that enjoyment is justified!

The interior of the car is obviously custom-made, and it is not only luxuriously decorated, but also full of supporting facilities.

The front and rear of the car are separated, with a sliding partition door in the middle for privacy.

Roberts took out two cups from the locker and handed one to Li Xu.

Then he took out a bottle of red wine from the small thermostatic wine cabinet and poured some red wine into the wine glasses of the two of them.



The two touched the cups and took a sip.

It was the first time Li Xu was drinking in a car, and it felt pretty good.

Much better than a dry ride.

Bentley was driving on the streets of New York unhurriedly. Through the car window, Li Xu looked at the surrounding scenery with great interest.

"New York is more beautiful than you can imagine! He can accommodate one of your fantasies and give you the chance to realize him."

Hayes shook the glass and said with some emotion.

"Then I must take a good stroll!"

Li Xu replied with a smile.

After about half an hour, the car arrived at a spacious and clean villa area.

As far as the eye can see, it is all the kind of spacious villa residences.

Peering through the trees surrounding the house, a clear swimming pool and a basketball hoop can be seen looming.

Soon the car stopped in front of a large blue and white villa.

There was still someone waiting to open the door.

Li Xu got out of the car with Hayes.

Looking at this gorgeous three-storey villa, I can't help showing the color of yearning.

It's not bad to have such a villa!

Li Xu is looking forward to tomorrow's sign-in reward.

The private jet didn't sign in, why should a mansion be given to one!

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