MTL - The Deity of War-v6 Chapter 2176 The starting point of the emperor

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! Thor's Hammer can lift the power of the Demon Thunder to the limit.

This is the powerful power of Hongmeng Lingbao made from semi-artifacts.

of course.

It is easy to fly the embankment, but also the reason why the embankment is underestimated.

After all, the strength of Difeng itself is stronger. The hammer of Quake has improved the magic fog, but it can't reach the extent that the magic fog can directly crush the embankment.

At this time.

Tifeng has swayed and stood up.

He was not a light-hearted, but solid body, so that he can still play the strength of eighty-nine percent.

"Very good... It seems that this Quake hammer is really a treasure...but it is powerful and powerful, but it is useless!" Difeng suddenly swelled up, and at the moment of rushing out, he directly turned into nine people!

Nine dikes, each one holding a black long stick.

not far away.

Qi Ying blinked slightly.

The half artifact of Difeng's hand is not a thing!

As a reborn ancient god, although the strength of the embankment is far less than the peak period, there are many great gods.

such as.

Now Difeng is turned into nine, nine bodies, each one is real!

Although the strength of each body is not as good as the time of fit, there is also the power of the upper demigod level.

Fighting up is equivalent to a dozen!

Nine dikes directly encircle the magic fog, and countless sticks go to the magic fog.


The magic fog thunders under the feet, the thunder hammer, directly hit the ground.


Take the body of the magic fog thunder.

The places where the squares are dozens of feet are all filled with lightning!



The purple thunder formed a sea.

Not only the half gods were all shocked, but even the true gods, they also widened their eyes.

These forces are played by the demigods? You must know that when you come to the plane of God, the strength of the gods is suppressed. Many new demigods are hard to do with the power of the outside, but the attack that erupted under the magical mist is almost only true God can do.

of course.

The power is naturally not comparable to the attack launched by the true God.

But such a grand scene, there was no semi-god before!

Lei Haizhi.

Nine dikes, all body convulsions, fell down, one by one spit foam, stunned.


Magic fog is also breathing heavily.

The attack just took him a lot of power! In his calculations, it is estimated that he will spend more than 80% of his power to release such an attack. Under normal circumstances, no two days will be restored!

Can not be used as a routine means, can only be used as a hand.

This is so.

Devil's Thunder is also surprised by Qi Ying's "Thunder Hammer".

I did not expect a suitable Hongmeng Lingbao to raise my combat power to such an extent!

Before this.

He has never defeated the possibility of Difeng.

"Everyone has seen it!" Qi Ying said openly, "The hammer of Thor, it is very compatible with the magical fog, the power of the explosion, the enormous increase! The peak of the gods, the divine, is not holding the thunder Hammer's devil's opponent of the fog. Every piece of Hongmeng Lingbao I made this refining is not as good as the hammer of Quake. As long as it matches the user's nature, it can increase the user's combat power by at least one or two. Grades!"

The gods of the entire Pangu Town are very excited.

Even Naga, with a surprised look, looked at Qi Ying.

She really does not want to see Qi Ying and her rival Qi Ying because of her position.


It was built on the premise that Naga believed that Qi Ying was just another refining god.

But now, Qi Ying’s strength in refining is absolutely greater than that of refining the fire! This is no longer a problem of internal struggles in Pangu Town, but Qi Ying can definitely bring earth-shaking changes to Pangu Town.

This allowed Naga to put down some of the stereotypes.

after all.

She is also the true **** of Pangu Town.

Fundamentally speaking, the improvement of the overall strength of Pangu Town is far more harmful than her.

"Exactly, Qi Ying!" The real God laughed. "Before we go to the Heavenly Alliance, you will take out the well-prepared Hongmeng Lingbao! We are absolutely willing to exchange your best with your sincerity." Hong Meng Ling Bao!"

Even the refining **** of fire went to Qi Ying and asked with a hand. "I will not have my old man after the refining. I will return to the old line, be a warrior! You have created There is no fire attribute of the axe Hong Meng Ling Bao? The grade can be almost the same as the hammer of the Quake!"

For a time.

Qi Ying became the scent of all people directly, and was warmly welcomed by the gods.

Only the dikes that are still twitching on the ground are completely unreasonable.



The blood splattered, and the sword of the imperial hand smashed the head of Raytheon.

However, to deal with the gods, simply killing the head can not kill, the emperor reached out, from the fracture of the neck of Raytheon, directly into it, a lot of blood collapsed from the emperor's arm.

Stirred twice, the Emperor from the body of Thor, pulled out a purple luminous object.

"This is... the power of the source?!"

After exclaiming.

She has seen the original creatures kill each other and compete for the power of the source.

Unexpectedly, today the emperor actually killed a mortal **** and took out the power of the source.

Huang Yi carried the body of Raytheon and took the power of Raytheon in one hand and walked back.

"The power of the gods in Raytheon can be refining and taken to the dragons." The emperor said, "As for the power of Raytheon, reward it!"

The emperor directly threw the purple source to the dragon's largest cyan dragon.

The cyan dragon swallowed the power of purple, and twisted his body in pain. Gradually, the scales on his body turned purple, and the whole body shrouded a layer of thunder.

The Thunders all ran away, and the frightened Firebirds rushed back to the Mori with the beasts.

The emperor took the dragon and the heavenly people and directly occupied this vast land.

Two large rivers pass through the land.

The Tianzu settled down along the places where the two large rivers passed.

The dragons broke into the river.

In the place where the big river runs into the sea.

After lying on the beach, I said to the emperor on the side. "I really didn't expect that there would be a day when the Celestials occupied such a large site."

"This is just a starting point."

The emperor said.

Afterwards, I asked the emperor. "I have always been very curious. Do you belong to the Wanzu, or belong to the original living spirit? If you are a primitive creature, why do you want to grow with the Tianzu and the Dragon? If you belong to the Wanzu, why is it primitive? The breath of life is so strong?"

The emperor shook his head and looked at the sky, no words.

What can he say?

After telling, have you ever been the master of heaven and earth?