MTL - The Deity of War-v6 Chapter 2178 Earth god

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! The area of ​​the gods is vast, and it takes several days from the departure of Pangu Town to the location of the Zhutian League.

During this time, Qi Ying first listened to the refinement requirements of the gods to formulate plans for targeted refining, so that the refining of Hongmeng Lingbao can transform the strength of the gods.

At present, Qi Ying’s Hong Meng Ling Bao is not enough to make the power of every **** to the extreme.

"It's a pity that I have no skills. If I can keep my body in the position of God, and I can also carry out the refining of the half artifact and Hongmen Lingbao, I should be able to reduce the time."

Qi Ying thought to himself.


How can the world do what it wants?

At this stage, Qi Ying can only finish one, and then busy with another, unable to balance the two.


New universe.


The returning Raytheon led the Lei family and began to attack the periphery of today's race.

There have been some casualties of the Tianzu people, and each time the emperor or the dragon rushed to the location of the incident, Raytheon has already led the Lei family to escape.

In this way, the Tianzu will become more and more heart-wrenching.

After the worry, ask the emperor what to do.

Although the emperor is not very concerned about the Tianzu, the Lei people have become the target of the emperor.

The Lei nationality is not a strong race, but it has great potential and has some similarities with the Tianzu.

If you can accept the Lei family, you may be able to bypass the class and discover the potential of the Tianzu.

"Just to completely surrender the Lei family, need..."


The emperor remembered one thing.

A few days ago, there were people from the heavenly people who reported that there was a black-smelling swamp in the land of the south. It was evil and sinister. The Tian people close to it were almost fainted, not knowing where it was.

The emperor was unable to make a trip because he was busy with the Lei family.

This may be an opportunity this time.


Emperor Huang took care of the dragon, protected the Tianzu and the dragon, and went to the black air swamp himself.

Passing through the vast plains, the emperor came to the vicinity of the swamp, and there were countless black gases going out, and every black and white seemed to be whining.

"This is actually a place to raise souls!"

The emperor was slightly surprised.

In the heavens, the Wan people naturally have a life and death.

After the death of the Wan people, the soul is not all in the six reincarnations, and some souls will become the soul.

Some of the wandering souls gather to form a soul-recovering land. In the resurrection of the soul, there will be some powerful souls, even the powerful creatures of the Terran, and even the existence of the gods.

Once the ordinary creatures reach the soul-receiving land, they will soon lose their minds, and they will invade the body and become crazy by the evil spirits inside.

"I would like to see the truth of this soul-raising!"

The emperor stepped into the land of raising souls.

As soon as he entered the soul-receiving land, there were countless black gas entangled in the body of the emperor. However, as soon as he approached the emperor, all of them were overflowing, and the air screamed with screams of screams, especially people.

With the power of the Emperor, it will not be invaded by this ordinary soul.


The emperor went deeper and became more aware that there was an unusual atmosphere in the place where the soul was raised.

at last.

When you step into the deepest part of the swamp.

A black shadow appeared in front of the emperor.

"The gods of all nations, you are stupid! I stepped into the territory of my bound God!"

The black shadow made a mad laugh.

The emperor's eyes are slightly condensed.

Ordinary nourishing land, the most born to bind the spirit.

One hundred soul-raising places, only one soul-raising land, can be born to bind God.

The earth is bound to God, it is the highest level of existence in this soul-raising land, the strength in the soul-raising land, equal to the gods.

However, the bound God is bound to the soul-receiving land. Only by taking the body of the gods can you become a true god, leave the soul-raising land, and regain a new life.

"I didn't expect it, I was so cheap."

The earth is bound to continue to feel emotion.

At this time.

The mouth of the emperor's mouth is awkward.. "I said, the person who said this sentence should be me!"

Then, in the hand of the emperor, a lotus stand appeared.

The lotus platform blooms with colorful light, and the emperor recites the mouth of Zhou Yili.. "Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is self-improving!"


The gods shrouded the earth, so that the latter could not pull the original strength of the heavens and the earth.

The earth is bound to laugh, but he laughs. "Do you think this is useful to me? My strength comes from the whole soul-raising land! Unless you cut off the connection between the whole soul-raising land and the heavens and the earth, you can't limit me!"


Hey! Hey!

A lot of black gas condensed together and came to the emperor.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, but he continued to recite the mouth without hesitation.

The last one is the first 《 of Zhouyi, dry!

This time is the "Book of Changes" gossip, the second, Kun.

Oh, on behalf of the heavens, the emperor’s cognition of the heavens comes from his natural feelings and vague feelings when he was born for the heavens and the earth. He seems to see a person, a painting, and a painting from this painting. In conjunction with "Lian Shan Yi" and deducted "Book of Changes", the Emperor of the Emperor realized the first encounter of the Eight Diagrams.

At the time of fighting with Raytheon, the Emperor only performed the embarrassment.

Not long ago, Huang Pushu performed the second pipa, which is Kun Yu!

Qiankun is born, there is heaven and earth.

Everything is born in the sky, and the earth rules the order in which everything works.

The order is not static, and the Emperor himself has mastered the old order!

and so.

Through the shackles, the emperor can cut off the connection between the gods and the heavens and earth.

However, when the dryness can't be effective, for example, now, Kun Zhiyu can be used very much.

Since the earth is bound to rely on the special rules of the land to cultivate the soul, to generate powerful attacks.


You can suppress yourself and even change the order of rules here!

The power of Kun Zhi directly spread to the entire black gas swamp, which is the soul of the soul.

There are colorful streamers everywhere, and the earth is bound to panic and shout, and I don’t know what to do. He is the master of the soul-raising land, and he can’t control the power of the soul-raising land. !


The emperor put the lotus on the top of the earth.

The resistance of the earth is very strong. He knows that the emperor is conquering himself and using all his strength to resist.

The emperor’s offensive is not just about strength.

"Do you want to get rid of the identity of God? From me, you have the opportunity to take the body of the true god, re-emerge as a god, and return to the sun! Think carefully, which one is the real freedom... ..."

The words of the emperor, like the whispers of the devil, are constantly tempting to bind the spirit.

Compared to the power of the colorful Hualien, the emperor's whispering, the lethality is stronger, bitterly eroding the soul of the earth.

at last.

The land is bound to God and completely fallen.

The black shadow, turned into a black lotus, floated quietly over the swamp.

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