MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2180 Falling gorge

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! The new Ray of God is emitting more and more electric light and fire.

These electric light arcs can help the new Raytheon to inspect all the places that raise the soul, to search for the place where the injured gods hide.

"It turned out to be here!"

The new Raytheon smiled.

After investigation, he discovered that the injured Tianzu **** was in the center of the soul-raising, and there were countless black gas around him, and he continued to drill into his body.

This is undoubtedly a good news.

This raises the soul, and it really has a bond to God!

However, at this time, the bound God is invading the body of the day's god, and there is no threat to him.

"Exactly double-edged, kill them all!"

The new Raytheon pedaled the thunder and flew to the center of the soul.

Those black gas, all away from the side of the new Raytheon, only the black gas around the emperor, still lingering.

Oh la la!

The hammer of Thor, flashing purple electro-optic, was lifted by the new Raytheon.

"You let us the Lei people to be displaced, to be bullied, today is your death!"

The new thunder and heart, there are countless memories.

Since the Lei nationality was driven out of this land, the days have been very difficult. In other ethnic areas, there have been countless battles, and most of the people have suffered damage.

Until he became the new **** of the Lei family, the Lei people were rescued from the abyss of the mud.

just now.

If you smash the hammer, you can revenge.

New Raytheon, the tide of the heart.

At this moment.

Suddenly, a black lotus appeared in the head of the new Raytheon out of thin air.

At the same time, the black gas that had been lingering around the emperor all went to the body of the new Raytheon.

"Get out!"

The new Raytheon is still able to maintain reason and initiate resistance.

But when he exerted resistance, the thunder of his body was all scattered and turned into a Lei people.

Nuo Da's nourishing land, its free souls are numerous, and suddenly this group of creatures suddenly caused the turmoil of the whole soul-raising land. All the black gas of the soul-raising land rushed out, facing the body of a Lei family. Rushing away.




A scream rang.

The Lei nationality with long wings and pointed corners were all invaded by black gas, and their bodies were black and their shapes changed.

The screams of the Lei people naturally stimulated the new Raytheon.

He resisted the black lotus, and he was struggling.

Today, the experience of the Lei family made him flustered, and the hammer of the Quake of the hand also fell off and fell to the ground.

This time, the invasion of Black Lotus is even easier, and there are fewer obstacles.

And Raytheon was possessed by the black lotus, which also led to the speed at which the Lei people were possessed, and further accelerated...

after a while.

The emperor sat on the colorful lotus platform.

The original nourishing land has completely disappeared, leaving behind a huge common swamp.

And over the swamp, a large group of black creatures are floating. These creatures retain some of the characteristics of the Lei, but they have become dark, and in addition to the wings, they have a barbed tail and a sharp corner on the top. More obvious, one mouth is sharp fangs.

A black creature that is much larger than the usual black creatures is worshipping in front of the emperor.

"From today on, the Lei family no longer exists! You will have a new name." The emperor sank a few moments, and then he said, "This name is - Yaksha!"

"Night Fork!"

"Night Fork!"

"Night Fork!"

The black creatures are all repeating.

From today, they are no longer the embarrassing Lei family, but the new one - Yaksha!

They will use this black body, the power of horror, let countless races between heaven and earth, in the dark, into an endless nightmare.


Qi Ying followed the big forces and traveled to the front of a canyon.

This canyon is the location of the Heavenly Alliance. It is called the “Lingying Canyon” because there are a lot of flowers growing on the cliffs, and the petals of these flowers often fall to the bottom of the valley, causing the valley to often fall into a valley. The state of the colorful, and got this name.

Qi Yingwang went to discover the canyon. There are already many gods, and I have already waited there.

As for the true God, it is possible to see the situation in the canyon.

"We are not the latest to come." The true God said, "Look at the situation, at least half of the power of the gods, did not come here."

The burning sea **** snorted, saying: "It is the Holy Mountain, this time the alliance will be organized by the Ming Dynasty, they have not come yet?"

"Who knows what tricks they are playing?"

"This time, the Holy Mountain is definitely a conspiracy!"

"We are not afraid of the holy magic mountain calculations, really want to die together, the worst is definitely them."

The gods talked a lot.

Qi Ying naturally did not understand a situation. He only asked the witches, the moon gods and other people around him for more questions about the various forces in the canyon.

The gods said as they walked.

Entering the canyon, just like the name of the falling gorge, at this time on the cliffs on both sides of the gorge, the flowers bloom. When the wind passes, the red, pink, blue, purple and orange petals fall from the sky, as if under the A grand flower rain, the scene is very beautiful.

Qi Ying stood on the petals of the head and stepped on the soft carpet on the ground.

"It's a really good place. If you come, you will love it."

Qi Ying’s heart.

I didn't think of the plane of God, but there is such a magical place.

This scene, if it is in the lower bounds, is deliberately created, it is not difficult to do, but it is indeed unseen and unheard of.

The plane of God is even more special.

"Qi Ying, you see a group of guys there are weird, they come from the 'damage world', the power in the position of God is called 'damage village', where the world is very different from ours, so the soul The gap is also great!"

The witch **** pointed at a group of guys.

Qi Yingwang went and found that it was a group of monsters - either a thousand or so eyelids on the soft body, or a large chunk of stone that was cluttered or a regular shape, or a colorful liquid. The mixture... is indeed all the forces, the strangest looks.

There are only ten deities and two true gods in the entire village.

On the strength, it is not as good as the Xipangu, which is weaker in Pangu Town.

At this time.

Luna is pointing in another direction.

In that direction, there is a large group of guys who are all metal. They are strong and strong, and the metal body reflects a bright luster.

Qi Ying feels that these guys are somewhat similar to the metal beasts they encountered in Kanazawa, but they are not the same.

Luna slowly said: "They are the gods of the 'Golden World'. The power in the position of God is 'Golden Valley'. It is one of the powerful forces. There are twenty-one gods and four true gods!"

Read The Duke's Passion