MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2203 Grab

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After a round of confrontation, Qi Ying gasped and fell to the ground.

This kind of battle, for him, the disadvantage is too great!

All means of attack are countered.

Every confrontation hurts himself, causing him to consume too much power and increase the opponent's advantage.

"This red lotus dragon, what is going on? In the previous battle, I have never seen him have the ability to prejudge other people's actions! And his prejudgment is too early and too precise. Even if it is the Tao God, the **** of the true God, can't do this!"

Qi Yingxin is full of doubts.


Qi Ying Yu Guang, stunned to the eyes of the Holy Spirit.

This half-step true **** from the world of damage is very strange.

From the venue of the test to the present, there has been no shot, and now it has become one of the last three.

It is a bit strange.

"Don't the red lotus dragon fight, this guy, assisted in the side? His bones are blind, but one is staring at me!"

Qi Yingxin, some speculation emerged.


These speculations are temporarily unverified, for sure.

But at least try it out to help fight later.


Qi Ying turned around.

Instead of fighting against the Red Lotus, you will fly directly toward the Holy Spirit!

"protect me!"

The eyes of the Holy Spirit are busy.

The Red Lotus Demon Dragon knows the importance of this sacred god, and immediately flickers and blocks Qi Ying.

Qi Ying did not care about the Red Lotus, and turned to continue to kill the Holy Spirit.

The Wanmu Holy God prejudged Qi Ying’s direction in advance, and every time he let the Red Lotus Devil just stopped Qi Ying.


Qi Ying's mouth, pulled a smile.

It seems that my guess is right! Even if the Red Lotus Dragon is really a Taoist priest, it is impossible to predict the direction of the world's thousand-eyed monsters.

The only reasonable explanation is that the guy who prejudges himself is not the Red Lotus Dragon, but the one-half God of the World!

"Hey, kill you first!"

Qi Ying knows that the usual means is that it cannot kill the horrible world.

after all.

No matter how you shoot, you will be stopped by the Red Lotus.




For a moment, the eight poles once again flew out from Qi Ying.

There are two eight poles, desperately stopping the red lotus dragon, and the remaining six eight poles, together with Qi Ying, encircle the gods.

"not good!"

The Holy Spirit of Wanmu felt a great crisis.

It can not only predict the movement of Qi Ying, but also predict the movement of the octapole.


Prejudged, it is useless!

The red lotus dragon was still temporarily entangled by two dragonflies.

Qi Ying and the other six shackles have blocked all directions, and the Holy Spirit has no way to escape!

"In the face of absolute power, even if you know what I want to do, you can't help!" Qi Ying smiled slightly, and the streamer of his hand was changed to kill God.


Ten thousand eyes of the Holy Spirit, every eyelid is about to burst.


As Qi Ying said.

He can predict Qi Ying's movements, let the original red lotus dragons, and Qi Ying fight back and forth, can consume Qi Ying without any loss.


When he aligns with the British and the Eight-Pole, there is no dead end attack.

He can't resist at all!

The eyes of the Holy Spirit are only the realm of half-step true God, and the actual combat power is not as good as the ordinary peak and half god.

Their entire devils in the world, the fighting power is very weak, so they want to rely on the holy magic mountain to survive.

Face the British attack.

The **** of the eye can only wait for death!


Killing God pierced the eye of the Holy Spirit, and all the eyes on the Holy Spirit were bulging - but this bulging was only a moment, followed by thousands of eyeballs, The general body of the octopus of the eyes of the gods quickly shrinks.


The **** of the eye has become a dry corpse.



Eight poles, have been the Red Lotus, all flying.

Qi Ying also took the eight poles and collected them all.

"Do you think that you killed this guy, can I not rival you?" Red Lotus Dragon bite his teeth and smile hysterically. "You think wrong, completely wrong! The action moves he gave me are completely In the face of my strength! In the face of absolute power, Qi Ying, you are just the fuel of my red lotus industry!"


The red lotus dragon, the entire body, is covered by flames.

And his body shape is changing now.. "Now, it is my real form - 'Red Lotus Devil'! My strength is too strong, can be compared with the true God, the previous state, just to suppress me too much Strong power - otherwise I may be promoted to the true God at any time. I can force my full strength out, Qi Ying, you are proud enough!"

The breath of the red lotus devil is indeed very powerful.

Qi Ying is also aware of this suppression, the red lotus devil, indeed has the power of the true God!

And the red lotus demon body, there is also a set of artifact-level battle suits, and an artifact-level gun!

Double artifact!

"Artifact suit, ‘flame holy dress’!”

"The gun is the artifact of the Holy Mountain, the gun of the Gore, with special effects ‘messy.’ It can confuse the perception of the gods!”

The gods of the heavens, all eyes brightened, shocked.

Unexpectedly, the Holy Magic Mountain actually gave two artifacts to a half god.


The power of the red lotus demon, also shocked them.

This power is absolutely comparable to the true God! I don't know how long the Holy Magic Mountain has suppressed the Red Lotus Demon, and has stayed at the level of half-step true God.

"Exactly, very strong!"

Qi Ying took a deep breath.

The other party is very strong.


It will only be its own stepping stone.

"It's time to show your strength... Xuanyuanjian!"

Qi Ying’s arm, the Xuanyuan sword’s lines, gave a faint glow.

Outside the mask.

Taiyi, Emperor Jun, all looked shocked.

"Xuanyuanjian... I really miss it..." Too muttered.

At the beginning, Xuanyuanjian’s refining, Taiyi was dark, and there was participation! After all, the original Terran, although created by the son-in-law, actually turned Fuxi and Dong Wanggong to become stronger. Fuxi is the reincarnation of Emperor Jun, and Dongwanggong is the reincarnation of Donghuang Taiyi.

Today, is it necessary to reproduce the power of Xuanyuanjian?

Taiyi and Dijun are very much looking forward to it.


The red lotus demon, covered with red lotus fire, holding the gun of the Gore workers, stabbed toward Qi Ying.

The Gun of the Goer is a famous artifact of the Holy Mountain. When it is pierced, it can change the perception of the surrounding world by the gods in a space, and achieve the effect of confusion.