MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2223 Re-closed

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The catastrophe will come, all the gods of the heavens, and even all the souls, will face the crisis of destruction at that time.

If you want to survive this crisis, you must have strong strength!

No one can spare.


Qi Ying does not know that he is not in this rank.

Is the new universe opened up by itself still in the category of catastrophe?

At this point, Qi Ying still cannot be sure that after all, he is still in the position of God, and it is still suppressed. This means that the worlds of the world still have strong constraints on themselves, and when they are no longer subject to any restrictions. Only in order to be out of the scope of the robbery!

"You can't waste time, take advantage of the opportunity, get more source power, let the origin seek a breakthrough!"

Qi Ying thought about it, and his thoughts had moved away from the Great Snow.

After leaving the Great Snow Saga.

Qi Ying briefly met with Jian Zu, Qi Yueer, Qin Susu and others.

It was discovered that Qi Yueer had succeeded in refining the crystallization of the source, and now it is stepping into the ranks of the gods, with the strength of the first half god.

"Become a half-god, but also be cautious, you must know that there are people outside, there are days outside the sky, you can't feel that you can do whatever you want because you have become a god. You must always be vigilant. Otherwise, the disaster is endless!"

Qi Ying did not forget to bow to Qi Yue.

Qi Yueer smiled and said. "Know it, I know! I have the protection of the founder, nothing!"


Qi Ying sighed.

There is no way for me to take this gimmick!

"When the moon was just a god, I said, I want to be careful. I am thinking, these two little guys haven’t seen each other for a while, but it’s better to let me go to Fangfang with the moon!"

Jianzu said.

Qi Ying said faintly. "Since the ancestor is open, let's go! But, month, be sure to keep my words in mind, do you know?"

"Know it! Know it!"

Qi Yueer spit out his tongue and waved his hand.


Jianzu and Qi Yueer disappeared into the void.

As for Qin Susu, who is so lonely, he did not become an idea of ​​the gods. Qi Ying asked them to return to the endless star river.

And Qi Ying himself.

It is directly related to the Luna, indicating that he wants to return to the plane of God.


Leading the light, descending from the sky.

Qi Ying stepped into the light, like the first time he went to the plane of God. Under the feeling of becoming a heavy body, he appeared on the earth in the plane of God.

this time.

Qi Ying appeared directly in Pangu Town, in front of Luna.

"Luna, you see, can you contact all the demigods, true gods? I want to trade them with them, and, I think, in this case, those demigods who are new because of hedgehogs, It must be accepted by Pangu Town. Only when everyone is united, can we cope with the future robbery!"

Qi Ying is direct to the moon god, directly clarified.

In the lower bounds, especially the dialogue with Snow, Qi Ying was deeply aware of the need to deal with the catastrophe.

In this case, you can no longer let the gods of the Pangu world, like the same sand!


It’s not such a powerful appeal to yourself.

Only by the power of Pangu Zhenzhen.

Luna heard the words and browed. "But this way, you need to summon the gods of the entire Pangu town. But they are now in the lower bounds, while others are looking for the joint army of the hedgehog nest. It is very difficult to contact even if it is linked. Can you get out of it, not necessarily?"

Qi Ying smiled bitterly and then said: "Although it will take a while, I can only ask for the moon god! The hazards caused by the hedgehog in the lower bounds will not be too great. On the other side of the coalition, you can actually invite the Heluo world. The two ally, along with the leaders of other world powers, came over. I just talked to them about buying and selling."

"Talk about buying and selling?"

Luna did not know what medicine was sold in Qiying Hulu, but promised it.

after all.

I have experienced some things.

Luna is convinced that Qi Ying is very convinced.

After a brief exit, Qi Ying returned to his home.

Let Luna to contact the gods, it is estimated that it will take a short period of time.

This time can be used to do a lot of things.

Qi Ying, who reopened the retreat, this time, in addition to continuing to refine some of Hongmeng Lingbao, he began to ponder about the third-place detachment.

The third person who is detached, just in the plane of God, should be right.

Whether it is the unprecedented robbery of Snow, or the deduction from Taiyi and Emperor Jun, the third person who is detached will appear in the plane of God, and the disaster is not limited to the Pangu world, it is likely Even the other worlds have spread together.

That being the case.

Can you look at the identity of the third survivor before he causes too much threat?

This is also a problem.

after all.

Let's not mention the fate of the first era, this guy who appears in various forms and identities.

Even the second-century gas transport was born at the end of the Second Era. It can be said that before the Dachu Holy Dynasties and the Dagu Holy Dynasties were separated, the gas transport did not give birth to the two. Who wins? Who is the air transport. Because the great sacred dynasty won, the Lord of the Dalai dynasty became a gas transport, but if the Lord of the Great Chu dynasty wins, it is the Lord of the Great Chu Dynasty and has become a gas transport.

As for the demation of the Third Age

At present, the clues that Qi Ying has mastered are few and far between!

"Hey! If my Lianshan Yi can be more perfect, can I push the clues about the Tertiary detachment?"

Qi Ying thought.

Lian Shanyi originated from the inheritance created by Taiyi.

On the ability to deduct, in fact, Qi Ying is not too one, under the Emperor Jun! It is just that Qi Ying’s realm is not enough, which limits the ability to display. But even Taiyi and Emperor Jun, the clues that they can play, and so on.

"Forget it, I still wonder, how to let myself, get further improvement!"

Qi Ying shook his head.


Your own strength is comparable to the true God.

In terms of treasures, it is almost impossible to improve. It is possible to refine the best of the second-class Hongmeng Lingbao. It is already the limit, and there is a Xuanyuan sword equivalent to the peak period. I believe that even if you encounter some powerful true gods, you will have the power to fight.


Even if it is a powerful god, it will be fragile in the face of the catastrophe.

You must be promoted from all aspects, and try to squeeze out every inch of space you can use!

The promotion of the realm is not expected.

Can only hope for other aspects.

"My body, though it is the body of Hongmeng, can not be strong enough after all! In the world of the world, what kind of body is the most powerful body?"

Read The Duke's Passion