MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2230 Snow woman

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Qi Ying came to the place.

Here, it is a mountain, named "Thunder."

In the middle of a narrow canyon, the rushing river washed over the cliffs on both sides, making a creaking sound like a thunder.

The name of Lei Mingyu came from this.

"According to the intelligence of the true gods, the coalition forces should arrive here soon."

Qi Ying was on a rock and practiced.

Said to be a practice.

In fact, it is to check the inside of the new universe, the situation of the chaos beads.

at this time.

The hundreds of thousands of calculated chaos beads, like the comet river, are scattered around the origin.

Every once in a while, there is a chaotic pearl that is swallowed up by the origin.

This scenario.

It's almost like the universe, those black holes engulf the close stars.


Qi Ying is still running "Northern Extreme Cold Body".

In fact, the North Ming is extremely cold, and he has not yet practiced to the extreme, and there is still room for improvement.


The following practice of the Northern Ming Dynasty's extremely cold body can't be practiced as a refinement.

It is to let the North Ming cold body, absorb the power of the source, and gradually strengthen, this process is relatively long, the effect is not particularly significant.

after all.

The speed at which the power of the source is absorbed is limited.


For Qi Ying, this speed can be greatly accelerated.

After all, he sits on a large number of chaotic beads, and part of it is used to provide the practice of the northern cold gods, and there is no problem at all.

Accompanied by Qi Ying's further practice of the northern cold and cold body.

Thundering the sky, there are a lot of clouds.

A piece of snow flakes falling from the sky.


The cliff on the side of Lei Ming is already covered in silver and looks like a snow mountain.

But the opposite cliff is a green scene.

The contrast on the screen is extremely strong.


Qi Ying felt that someone was close to himself.

He opened his eyes and breathed a stagnation - but he saw a little girl standing in front of the snow!

This little girl looks like a five or six-year-old, and her face is very special.

She has white hazelnuts, white hair, a white coat, standing barefoot on the snow, and the whole person is soaked in jade, which is to be integrated with the surrounding environment.

Qi Ying was shocked.

"who are you?"

Qi Ying got up and asked.

This little girl in front of him gives him a dangerous feeling!

Today, in the face of the true God, the ultimate **** of the devil, Qi Ying has the confidence to fight.


The little girl, the breath of his body made him feel suppressed.

Almost unprecedented feelings - unless, this little girl has reached that realm - God!

Qi Ying knows that the plane of God is the Lord of God.

But the gods, the gods are not ghosts, except for "leading", other gods almost never appear before the people, and even less involved in the battle of the heavens.

The little girl opened her mouth and her voice was as crisp as a silver bell. "I am a snow woman."

"Snow Girl?" Qi Ying nodded, and his heart continued to be vigilant. "I am Qi Ying, what are you doing here?"

"I am coming to you."

Said the snow woman.

"Looking for me?" Qi Ying looked at the snowy woman's petite body with a puzzled look and said, "What are you looking for?"

The snow woman continued. "Someone asked me to say a word to you."

"Who? What?"

Qi Ying couldn't help but see, the identity of the snow girl is absolutely extraordinary, and standing behind the snow woman, there are others?

"He told me to tell you that he is very interested in you, but now is not the time to see you. I hope you can not die before seeing him." Snowwoman said very slowly, while carefully looking at Qi Ying, " To be honest, I didn't think you have something worthy of his interest. But since he said so, I can only come to see you and tell you these things."


Qi Ying is speechless.

Who is the guy behind the snow girl?

I am interested in myself, so I hope that I will not die before I see him.

Does the other person think that he is likely to die?

What logic!

Qi Ying snorted and smiled and said, "Please tell him, I can't die."

"That may not be."

One of the snow female lips, suddenly, the surrounding environment has changed greatly!

The wind and cold winds condensed countless ice cones, and the whistling storm stirred a cloud of horror.

Qi Ying is like an enemy, his muscles are tense, and his nerves are tightened to the extreme!


In an instant, the smoke disappeared.

Everything was as calm as it was at the beginning, and the figure of the Snow Maiden disappeared completely at this time.

Resounding, only thunder, the sound of the flooding water hitting the rock wall.

Qi Ying looked at the direction of the disappearance of the snow girl, worried.

Although the Snow Maiden should not just want to shoot for herself, but just want to scare herself, even if the snow woman wants to shoot, she can escape to the new universe in the shortest possible time. From this horrible ability, the Snow Maid is God's lord is no doubt, who is behind the snow woman? Why do you think you might die?

Qi Ying shook his head.

I really can't figure it out!

at this time.

A noisy voice came from afar.

"Is it the coalition of the gods of the heavens? It really came to Lei Ming!"

Qi Ying held doubts about the Snow Maiden and the people behind him, and went to the Allied Forces.

The number of the Allied Forces who came to Leiming’s place was quite numerous. In addition to dozens of true gods, there were also a group of half-god, adding up to hundreds.

They were amazed when they saw Qi Ying.

Why, Qi Ying will appear here?

"Qi Ying, haha, how are you here?"

As the "Taiyi" of the lords of the heavens, he smiled.

"I am here waiting for you." Qi Ying smiled. "I came here to make a deal with the gods of the heavens."

"What transaction?"

Taiyi said with great interest.

"Hey, what about your kid, what kind of tricks do you want to play? Don't think about confusing us!"

To say this, it is the ultimate devil's "grace."

Grace, naturally, when I see Qi Ying, I won’t beat one place. Where will I have a good face? If it is not the scruples that Taiyi is by his side, it is estimated that in the moment of seeing Qi Ying, it is necessary to burst out and kill Qi Ying personally.

It was Qi Ying who let him get the planned abortion of the lords of the heavens, and at the same time caused the loss of the sacred world, including several red devils, including the red lotus demon, who are about to become or hope to enter the true **** level in a short time. In the fall of the British canyon.

Qi Ying glanced at the grace, but his eyes were swept away from the gods of the heavens, and faintly said: "I am here, I want to sell it to you, you absolutely want to buy something!"

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