MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2238 The invasion of the eternal god

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! The high sky is floating with gray clouds, and the faint sunlight can't pass it through. The fine rain splashes down and pulls out the wet bunkers.

Qi Ying Ling stood above the Gobi Desert and his eyes were wrong.

He only felt a little life in this world.

This should not be what the world should look like.

In any world, even if it is not so prosperous, it should be full of vitality. Through the hidden power of the earth, we can see the future of the tens of thousands of frosts.

But the world of Heluo is not the case.

Although the area is vast, most of them are sandy, and the water source is not scarce, but too clear water indicates that even in water, there is no life.

Qi Ying looked back to Emperor Jun and Taiyi – they are the only gods in Heluo and the creators of the Heluo world.


Qi Ying asked again.

Even if it is a world that is on the verge of destruction, it should not be like this.

Taiyi looked at Qi Ying, his eyes were complicated.. "This thing... let Dijun tell you! He used to turn Hetuozhu into a Heluo world."

Qi Ying’s eyes fell on Emperor Jun.

Compared with Taiyi, the image of Emperor Jun always looks more radiant.

At this time, Emperor Jun pressed his head very low, and he saw that he did not want to talk at all, and was avoiding Qi Ying’s problem.

Qi Ying took a deep breath and slowly spit it out.

A breath is enough to give him a general understanding of the surrounding environment.

"You don't have to say it, I probably know it. Heluo world, there is not enough chaos to support." Qi Ying slammed his fingers and continued to calculate. "The foundation of the world is the temperament of Hongmeng. The cycle of all kinds of vitality between the heavens and the earth, and even the reincarnation of the soul, relies on the spirit of Hongmeng... But the temperament of Hongmeng is not the most fundamental thing. The qi of Hongmeng was born in the chaos of air... In the Heluo world, indeed There is a cycle of ignorance, but I have not sensed enough chaos... I would like to ask two people, is that true?"

Emperor Jun raised his head and murmured. "If you have already investigated it, why do you ask this?"

Qi Ying shook his head gently.. "But I don't know why this is happening?"

“Why not?” Taiyi asked. “Hetuolu is the strongest treasure in the history of the Pangu world, but its power of origin is limited! It can be transformed into a sigh of relief, but it cannot be out of thin air. Creating chaos..." When it comes to this, the light of one eye is dimmed, and the sound is getting lower and lower until it disappears.

Emperor Jun smiled bitterly and said: "Our brothers and two, originally used He Tuluo to refine the Heluo world. In fact, they wanted to provide a place for the gods and souls of Pangu world when the era was robbed. Refuge! But the end result is that the world is depleted, the world of refining is large enough, but it lacks the strength of the source, it is difficult to support normal operation, and it can not accommodate the lives of the people. At that time, fate has already Can approach us, we can only rush into the unfinished Heluo world. When we recover, we will come to the plane of God and find that it is already the third era of the Pangu world."

Qi Ying is speechless.

He can imagine how disappointing it was when Taiyi and Emperor Jun exhausted their efforts in the river Tullow and tried to pull the building to the end.

A dream for a million years, when I woke up, I moved to the stars and moved to the sea.

"However, the Heluo world has always been promising." Taiyi’s eyes have restored some of his fascination. "Although the source is very small, it is a sigh of fluidity! As long as the time is long, the Heluo world will be born. More and more, more and more complex lives."

Today's Heluo world is almost a world of death.


Qi Ying nodded.

He did not tell Taiyi and Emperor Jun about the specific things about the six universes of the new universe.

The Heluo world has certain similarities with the new universe.

But the new universe is not lacking in the power of the source, and the Heluo world has two true gods close to the Lord. The power of the source is not enough to support the rapid birth of life... It can be seen that a prosperous world needs the power of the source. How much!


The size of the Heluo world has shrunk to the size of a small world.

That must have prospered and prospered.

The key is.

The world of Heluo, the power of the origin, comes from the former Fuxi and Dongwanggong.

But the size of the Heluo world is enough to compare the original Pangu world! Today's Pangu world, after several broken, is far from the current Heluo world.

"My new universe, the reason why it works smoothly, is estimated because it was very small at the beginning of its birth!"

Qi Yingxin secretly said.

The development of the new universe is step by step, step by step.

In the beginning, the new universe had only a small space. From the tiny black holes, the star nucleus, the Tianluo continent and so on, the power gained from it supported the operation of the new universe.

Later, the new universe evolved into six worlds and gradually prospered.


The new universe is alive and well enough to compare with a complete big world.

at this time.


On the barrier of the Heluo world, a huge pothole was suddenly torn open.

“Someone forcibly invaded?” Too surprised to see, “Who will invade the Heluo world?”

Emperor Jun smiled and got up and moved. "Hey, no matter who you are, dare to come to Heluo, you are definitely looking for death!"

Any god, even the Lord of God, will be greatly suppressed as long as it crosses the border!


Emperor Jun’s figure was shot and flew down.

Emperor Jun, who went down, took a series of explosions and made the entire Heluo world a shock.

The mainland below is directly annihilated as nothingness.


Too surprised.

Like him, Emperor Jun is a force comparable to the existence of God, and was actually hit by a fly?

Qi Ying is also awkward - what exists, will cause such great destructive power?

The two gods quickly captured the "invader."

"Yong Yao God?!"

Qi Ying and Tai Yi, through the distinction of breath, recognized the identity of the invaders.

However, the eternal **** who came to the Heluo world is not in the same way as the god, but becomes very similar to the hedgehog.

If Yongyao is a big golden monk, it is very suitable.

"How can Yongyao God come to Heluo World? Why is his strength not suppressed?" Too many hearts, quickly flashed many thoughts, but he refused to think carefully, but quickly flew to Yongyao Around him, a golden sword appeared in his hand.

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