MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2245 The strong man above God

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! "Sure enough, I saw you again."

Qi Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

The snow girl glanced at Qi Ying and said with a little surprise. "You still have the breath of God. You seem to have spent this disaster. You really saw his qualifications."

"Who is he?"

Qi Ying asked.

The snow girl smiled a little. "He is my teacher."

"Your master? What is your teacher's name?" Qi Ying looked shocked, who is the person who is qualified to be the master of God? Is it true that the Snow Lady’s Master is a detached person? Is that fate or gas?

Snow girl secluded.. "My teacher's name, I can't say. When you see him, he is willing to tell you, you will know."

Qi Ying said again. "When can I see your master?"

The snow lady smiled and said. "Now it can."

The snow female voice just fell.

When the snow hit, Qi Ying couldn't help but close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, Qi Ying had already come to another place.

"Oh... it should still be in the face of God! My strength is still suppressed here!"

Qi Ying first sensed the surroundings, then went to look carefully, but found that this is a beautiful place, flowing water, rich trees, a small waterfall hanging on the mountain next to it, the water splashing on the lake below A rainbow was shown, and fish in the lake leaped, and the tree next to it also had a deer.

"The teacher is in front."

The snow girl standing next to Qi Ying points to the lake.

Qi Ying saw that there was a pavilion by the lake, and there was a figure in the pavilion.

"come on."

The snow woman first stepped out, and Qi Ying followed the snow girl, step by step to the pavilion.

As he got closer and closer, Qi Ying gradually saw the appearance of the pavilion. It was a young man in white, and his long black hair naturally scattered, covering half of his face from this angle. Now, sitting on the stone bench leisurely, playing the game, under the black and white chess.

Finally arrived at the pavilion, and the white youth also raised his head.

"Master, I will bring you to you!" Snow woman is usually frosty, but in front of the white youth, it is completely changed to a person, naughty smile, and ran away.

"let's go play!"

The young man in white raised his hand to the snow woman, then looked at Qi Ying again and reached out to make a "please" posture. "Qi Ying, sit down."

Qi Ying only saw the face of the white youth at this time. It was handsome enough from the five senses, and his eyes were deep, and he had a very deep feeling. When Qi Ying looked directly at his eyes, it seemed as if I saw the boundless starry sky.

It has been a long time since people who can bring Qiying this feeling.

Even the gods, at the most, let Qi Ying feel the oppression, and there is absolutely no such feeling of being close to the mountains.

Qi Ying sat down, and the white youth said slowly. "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Qi Ying did not understand.

The white youth is obviously a great supernatural person. Since the snow woman can easily find herself, the white youth can do more. If he wants to see himself, he can clearly come directly to himself, or let the snow woman bring himself over. It is not necessary here. wait!

Suddenly, Qi Ying came back to taste.

Once the snow woman said "see his qualifications" ... Perhaps it is said that until now, he has qualified to see the white youth, and the white youth is not himself, but the person who is qualified to see him.

"Why are the seniors waiting for me?"

Qi Ying smiled and said.

He just tried it and found that he was free to contact the new universe here. He could return to the new universe at any time, and he was confident. Even if the white youth was deliberate, he could easily leave.

of course.

This is the case that young people in white can't come to their new universe like the purple night god.

"Lonely for too long, always want to find someone who can talk, I waited for a long time, and finally waited for you." The smile of the white youth, a trace of embarrassment, "you and me, is a kind of person."

"A class of people? I don't understand the meaning of the predecessors." Qi Ying shook his head. "What kind of class did the seniors say?"

The white youth laughed happily.. "If I said, I mean we are all men, do you believe?"

Qi Ying also laughed. "I don't believe it. But we are all men."

"Well, don't make fun of you." The white-haired youth stared at Qi Ying, and his expression became serious. "I let the Snow Lady bring you to me, I want you to take me to a place."

“I took my seniors to a place? What place?”

Qi Ying was a little surprised.

The white youth, who is higher than the Lord of God, can't go anywhere he wants to go?

"I want to go to your world."

A word amazing!

Qi Ying immediately mentioned his heart and was full of vigilance.

White youth, where is it? Is Pangu World or a new universe? If it is Pangu World, don’t you need to take him there? But if it is a new space, will you let him go? ! You must know that the new universe has just been plagued by the Purple Night God, and can not stand the other toss.

The most important thing is that the white youth is too strong and strong enough to be a bit afraid.

Even the purple night gods almost ruined the new universe, not to mention that this strength is very likely to be higher than the white youth of God's Lord?

"You know where I am talking." The white youth smiled faintly. "You can rest assured, I just look at it and never do anything that is unfavorable. If I renege... oh, if I renege, let me No one talks to me for a lifetime, how about?"

"This vow is a bit..."

Qi Ying hesitated for a moment, still nodded.. "Okay!"

The young man in white is obviously pointing to the new universe. According to Qi Ying’s judgment, he does not seem to have any malice. Let him go and see it.

If you are so strong, I am afraid that there is no desire for it. If it is really a detachment, it will not make its own idea.

Qi Ying’s mind moved and moved the entire pavilion to the new universe.

Qi Ying and Bai Yichun, sitting in the void of the new universe, behind the endless star river, there are six atmospheres of six atmospheres and the atmosphere of Hongmeng in front, while the top is the origin and the chaos like the ocean. Beads.

"A very beautiful world! It's still a little small."

The white youth couldn’t help but admire.

"Although it is very small, I attach the most importance to it." Qi Ying's eyes gently passed through the six worlds. "The people I love are here. I have been living in a lifetime, only after I created this world. I really have a feeling of home."

The white youth nodded.. "I understand your feelings. But your ‘home’ is still not perfect.”

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