MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2250 chaos

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! "I didn't expect Pangu to turn over the ship in the gutter. This is a great opportunity for us!" A feminine man smiled coldly. "The little dolls have gone to the world to make waves, and the gods are completely dragged. We just took the opportunity to reach detachment!"

Another strong man blinked. "The detachment? You said it is light, do you know how to detach? Pangu this guy, the tone is very strict, never asked us to cooperate with him, but never tell us the specific method of detachment It is impossible to simply plunder the power of the source. There is no way to detach it. Only Pangu knows the specific situation. I think we have to go to the rescue."

"Hey, what kind of Pangu is saved?" The feminine man said disdainfully, "Pangu was sealed up by someone. It was his self-sufficiency. We will save him, maybe I have to get in."

The sturdy man is sulking. "Oh, it’s just a group of guys who haven’t even come to God. In the face of God, will someone be our opponent?"

"You don't underestimate them, don't forget, forcing an eye, they are not impossible to give birth to a new God." The only woman, the three women, said, "Don't forget, we were a few people. How did you become the Lord of God?"

The sturdy man is silent.

In fact, the reason why they can become gods, in addition to having a certain relationship with Pangu, is more effective than the world they are in!

They become God's lords by relying on the power of the other gods in the world.

Not only are they three, including the eternal god, the purple night god, and the gods who have become like this.

At the beginning.

Pangu first found the eternal god, and taught the eternal gods how to deceive the gods of their world, and gave them a lot of original power to make them God.

But when Yongyao became the Lord of God, he was imprisoned by Pangu.

Later, Pangu successively found the purple night **** and the three of them, so the technique was re-applied.

A total of five gods, all of whom were condemned by Pangu, were imprisoned in the "God of God" mother. It is their strength that the mother of "God" can produce so many eggs.


The five of them were also transformed into the existence of a semi-"Shen".

What they are jealous of is that in the case of other people in the world, from Pangu, they got the method of birthing the Lord of God. Once they started the war, they found that there were more people than the other side.

"Let the gods and people go to the world first!" The only woman continued. "Even if they don't know the way God is born, the purple night and the eternal glory will die. We fight with them, it is not necessarily safe. It is imperative. Or go find a way to detach. Once you become a detached person, we can go to the world of the world, even if Pangu, we can't!"


The feminine man, and the sturdy man, nodded.

The world outside the world is a legend. The place where the detached person can arrive, the three of them all want to know what the place of the detachment is.

As for the birth of the detached, they also heard from Pangu.

In the general world, only one detached person can be born. After the birth of the detached person, the world will be completely destroyed!

Only Pangu World, the two detached people still exist, and Pangu wants to be the third detached person in the Pangu world.

The plane of God is originally the handwriting of Pangu.

It was Pangu that brought together the worlds together and created the face of God!


The origin of each world is connected to the plane of God.

As a result, every world has no way to create a new detachment. At that time, the second detachment of Pangu World was born, which caused great damage to Pangu.

Over the years, Pangu has been accumulating strength and waiting for the right time.

When the power savings were finally reached, Pangu released the gods and began to plan.

However, something unexpected happened.

Yong Yao God, the purple night **** died, Pangu himself, have been banned!

"The secret of Pangu should be hidden in the Pangu world." The gentle man analyzed, "We need to go to Pangu world to find a way to become a detached person!"



A strong man, the only woman, agrees with the words of a feminine man.

Although the Pangu world is the most powerful one, the three gods and their gods join hands, and the gods of the Pangu world should not be enough.

Moreover, they do not want to be an enemy of the Pangu world, just want to explore the secret of the birth of the detachment! If you act in a secret, it will not even be discovered.

"However, I don't think it's rushing for a while!" The feminine man said faintly, "At least we have to be in the position of God, first restore the peak strength and then say, otherwise it is really possible, the ship in the gutter!"

When they stayed in the "mother body" of the people, their strength was not half of the peak period.

The eternal god, the purple night god, is the same.

The death of the two former gods, giving them three, sounded the alarm.

"Exactly, we can finally destroy the following meal!"

The sturdy man licked his lips.

At their feet, the "mother and mother", the huge body does not move, so it floats in the void.


A chaotic one.

A voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey, have you noticed it?"

Another voice responded. "No. Hugh, have you sensed it?"

"Yes." The existence of the name "Hugh" said, "Pangu appeared, and my will left in the Pangu world, I felt a breath of his breath!"

He said coldly. "After waiting for a long time, this old guy finally dared to come out. Where is he? We will go to him immediately!"

"When I determine the correct direction, I can go back." Hugh’s voice is full of grievances and anger. "This old man, who cheated me that year, made me not really detached. I could not reach the world outside, only I came to this chaos, and I couldn’t even get back to the ancient world. Fortunately, I was wary of Pangu, leaving a will, when the will touched the ancient atmosphere, even if it crossed a long distance, it could give I am passing the message."

"Okay, finally I can take revenge!"

I also said with resentment.

Both of them are detached people in the Pangu world.

However, their detachment is not complete, and the power of the detached person is not enough to reach the extraterrestrial world like other world detachers!

In the extraterrestrial world, that is the real immortal paradise.


Hugh and He has been in chaos for years, looking for ways to go to the world outside of the world, or returning to the Pangu world.

Time and space, in chaos, seems to have lost the concept.

Hugh first came here, and later met again.

The two spent countless hours and energy, and they found nothing.


I can finally return to Pangu world!

"I don't know what the current Pangu world is like." Hugh's laughter left a trace of cruelty. "Where are the children there, will we welcome us?"


This time, I didn’t have the words of Hugh.