MTL - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy-Chapter 18 Anti-customer

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On this snowy night, Yang Shiyan dreamed of the old things many years ago.

In the dilapidated thatched cottage, the stepmother, who was ill with the skinny disease, cried: "The roots of the bark are all over in the city... I don't want to make up my mind... The whole family starves together..."

He clearly knows that he is dreaming, the former weak and helpless, has long been annihilated in the corner of memory. He was like an outsider, looking at the scene in front of him in a cold and fluent way.

The nominal biological father stared at him, his eyes as fierce as a hungry wolf, and the hemp rope wrapped around his neck, pulling out the door like a livestock.

He knows what is waiting for his own destiny, numb, stumbling and being taken away by the hemp rope.

In the winter of the North Fengguo, there is no thick knees. The Beifeng royal family is incomprehensible, and all the upper-ranking people only know that they are indulging in pleasure, and they do not care about the survival of the people at the bottom.

Their small town suffered from snowstorms for three consecutive years, and the crops have not been long-term achievements and were frozen to death. Without food, you eat the bark grass roots, and even the eggs and red soil. When you climb the soil in the water, you can only eat and kill each other.

The city is deserted with smoke, ten rooms and nine empty spaces. Those who can escape have escaped, and they can't escape and stay and die. The cold north wind blew, and the sinus bones buried deep in the snow were faintly visible.

He was taken to the home of the only butcher in the city, where the meat was full of fragrance and it was endless all year round. There are large and small cages in the yard, with a single person, old and weak.

The man pushed him over and watched the tumbling broth swallowing: "This... eight years old..."

Carrying a sharp-edged knife, the brawny man in a dirty apron came over and pinched his hungry skinny thin body. His tone was disgusting: "A bone, there are not a few flesh."

The two men began to bargain, as if they were selling livestock on weekdays, no one would suffer.

He stood numb, and his heart was dead. It doesn't matter, this day will come sooner...

“砰啪”, the simple courtyard door was suddenly kicked open, and everyone was shocked.

A young man in blue slowly walked in. Every step was like a heavy anger and power, pressing this dirty and **** little courtyard.

"It’s not as good as making such a beast, you should all die..."

He stared blankly at the pale young man who was getting closer and closer. His body was not stalwart, but in his eyes he was like a god.

The dead heart shook a little.

the host……

Freed from the entanglement of nightmares, Yang Shiyan subconsciously confirmed the existence of people around him. Feeling the familiar cool body temperature, slowly relieved.

The sky was white, and the cold northwest wind sneaked in through the cracks in the window. The temperature plummeted last night. Yang Ash smoked up from the bed and opened the corner of the window, looking up and white.

There was a faint voice behind him: "What time is it?"

"The moment, the master." Yang gray smoke closed the window, pulled the ashes that were extinguished last night, added a new charcoal fire, went through the fire, and the fingers flicked, the orange flame burned. .

Put a teapot on the charcoal fire and put a medicinal herb in the clear water in the pot. All this last night, he came back to wait for Yin to get up and wash.

After warm water, Ying Yin’s brain was sober, and began to think about what to do today: “It’s been five days. Why didn’t the second emperor of Beifeng still reply to us?”

As early as the second day of his arrival in the county, he sent a ghost repair to the second emperor of Beifeng and asked about the time of the talks between the two sides, but he has not received a reply so far. The exchange of interests between Xiyin and Beifeng has already been reached, and the second emperor of the North Fengguo should not ruin the unilateral breach of contract.

Yang Shiyan smoked his deer boots on the ground: "Maybe he is listening to the treasures of the blood sea demon, and he is rushing to the people of the county to have a headache."

Nowadays, the second emperor of Beifeng is already standing on the tip of the wind. Everyone knows that the descendants of the blood sea demon are in his hands. It is also his most likely to get the treasure. His every move was closely monitored.

Yin Shi shook his head and couldn't hide his disappointment: "In this case, it is necessary to hurry up. It's been five days. He still hasn't moved a bit. Do you think that the other treasurers will automatically withdraw?"

If it is easy to get along, Yin has long come up with one or two of the regulations, or released false news to confuse the people, or force to suppress the small, always have to crack the current chaos.

Before he met, he lowered the score for the second emperor of Beifeng.

"The second emperor named Feng Qinghong is said to be the most beloved son of the current Beifeng lord." Yang Shiyan’s tone is vague and disdainful. "His mother relied on him to fight the original queen. Beifengguo Today's Crown Prince has been sitting on a cold bench and fighting for self-protection."

Yin Lidao said: "I think it is the mother who is expensive, not the mother."

When the Emperor of the Northern Feng Dynasty abandoned the original emperor and changed the new post, they also heard about it. For the orthodox self-cultivation, such a thing is a shame. After all, it is a Taoist who is married to the Heavenly Taoist marriage alliance. How can he say that he is divorced when he is divorced?

Tiandao, the witness of marriage, hates this kind of speech without trust. If you are not "sincere" in "Tao", you will not be able to fly in this life. This is why most self-cultivators prefer to be single dogs for a lifetime, to abandon the temptation of double repairs, and not to be willing to choose them.

The Taoist marriage alliance is a double-edged sword, and it is not harmful to others.

Yin Wei can't wait, and decided to take the initiative. The ghost repairer was sent to the worshipter again, and the wording was much stronger than the last time. Under his pressure, Feng Qinghong finally finalized the specific time for the talks between the two sides.

The meeting place was set in the county backyard of Liu County, which was originally a private residence of the county magistrate. When Yin Li and Yang Shiyan arrived, Feng Qinghong personally came out to meet, the two sides chilled and the atmosphere was fairly harmonious.

Feng Qinghong is over a hundred years old and has been repaired in the middle of the foundation. The appearance is quite handsome, and there is a faint arrogance between the words. Behind it are eight palace-like jade women, incense burners, fans, petals, and so on.

Compared with his royal style, Yin Li only took a Yang ash cigarette to travel, it looked a bit shabby.

Into the living room, Feng Qinghong sat on the top, a few 丫鬟 led Yin stayed in the next guest seat, sent tea. In the Yin centrifugation, it was slightly unpleasant, and the back of the Yang gray smoke looked cold.

Generally speaking, it is natural for the guest to take the lead with the guest. The temperament is mild and low-key, and it is not a person who cares about it. However, the current situation is different. He did not come as an individual, but on behalf of Xi Yinguo and Beifeng.

Xi Yin’s national strength is far stronger than that of Beifeng. If there is a war between the two sides, Xi Yin will definitely be able to beat Beifeng.

If the weak country has no diplomacy, if the North Emperor of the Second Emperor knows the current affairs, it should be more respectful. Please ask the Six Emperors of the Western Yin Dynasty to sit on the head and talk face to face.

According to the current situation, Feng Qinghong obviously wants to put this spectrum in front of Yin.

"The six halls come from afar, and the journey must be exhausted. I originally wanted you to rest for a few more days, and recharge your batteries. I didn't expect the six halls to be so anxious." This is a polite, but faint blame.

Yin Li didn't want to waste time with him, and he came to the door: "When is the second emperor ready to leave, go to the treasure of the blood sea demon?"

Feng Qinghong’s look is a little uncomfortable: “The Sixth Highness also knows that now there are rumors flying around, and the right way has brought a lot of high-ranking monks, waiting for us to start, they can follow the cheap. For insurance, or Waiting for a while is good."

Yin Li looked at Feng Qinghong deeply. He always looked like a torch. In front of this person, there are a few pounds in the end. It has been clearly seen.

This North Prince of the North is not a success. It is a waste of time to look after the situation, lack of arbitrariness, and follow his pace. As the old saying goes, opponents who are not afraid of God are afraid of teammates like pigs.

Yin Li does not want to be desperate in front of him, but also beware of the calculations of his own people.

Yin lifted the teacup and gently blew a few buds floating on it, but did not drink it: "There is also reason for the second priest. Now in the borders of the northern country, I naturally obey your arrangements."

Feng Qinghong saw Yin retreat and his face eased: "The Sixth Hall is relieved, and I have my own intentions. The treasure of the blood sea demon will fall into our bag sooner or later."

Yin gave a slight smile: "I heard that the descendants of the blood sea demon statue are in the hands of the second Highness. I wonder if I can see you?"

Feng Qinghong hesitated, the woman is his card, naturally can not be handed over to outsiders: "This..."

Yin Li forced to ask: "Do you not trust me under the Second Highness? We were originally a person on board. Is it difficult to share information?"

Feng Qinghong looked a little embarrassed, he did not expect, Yin looked at the appearance of a weak scorpion, once strong, so aggressive.

They are both a country's prince, who is more honorable than anyone else. When I think of it, Feng Qinghong’s heart is full of anger and the tone is tough. He was used to being used by slaves in the palace since he was a child, followed by a dozen or so bodyguards in the late Jindan, such a force to kill a small country more than enough.

Yin Li and Yang Shiyan are two people, not worth mentioning in his eyes.

He said coldly: "The woman is very incomparable. I am holding her in a special cage. It is not convenient to let her out. So, when the situation settles down in the future, I will personally hand the woman to the hands of the six temples. Anyway, how do you interrogate."

Yin Li buckled the teacup on the coffee table, and it was like a frost: "There are no sincerities in the words of the Second Highness. Do you think that I am good at bullying?"

Behind the Yang gray smoke has been eager to move, see Yin anger, a blue-violet flame between the fingers, threatening to stare at Feng Qinghong, the spiritual pressure of the Jindan period monks shrouded the living room.

Feng Qinghong’s face turned white in an instant, and he refused to show his ugly state: “Well, you’re really innocent, and you’re arrogant!”

He angered the teacup from the ground, and instantly poured into more than a dozen Jindan period masters, surrounded by Yin Li and Yang Shiyan: "Hey, toasting, not eating and drinking!"

Yin was in a hurry and looked around in a circle, and his face was calm.

Yang ash cigarette mouth twitched a touch of smile, gently drumming applause: "This is what we want to say, you do not know the idiots!"

The ghost guards of the 50th and 60th Jindan period were taken from the hidden corners of the living room. Before the reaction of Feng Qinghong, the Jindan monks of Beifeng were crushed with absolute force.

Feng Qinghong didn't want to escape, but Yang Ash smoked his throat and caught it in the throat. Like a chicken, he threw it at Yin's feet.

Yin did not lift his eyelids: "Give it to you, ask where the descendants of the bleeding sea demon are?"

He is kind to the people of the world, but he has no sympathy for those nobles who are in high positions and brutal. The Beifeng royal family is clearly listed here.

Yang Shi smoked like a rare toy, and smiled happily.

"Yes, the master, the slave must not disgrace the mission."

Read The Duke's Passion