MTL - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy-Chapter 26 Heart Demon (2)

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Yang ash smoked the top, I want to understand a lot of things.


The reason why Her Majesty the Queen chose to choose the Sixth Highness from the House of Lords is here. The Western Yin Dynasty royal family has always been loyal to the Taoist monks, and has lived for one generation and one time. When has he heard of the existence of a waiter.

Can the West Yin royal family not have the means to make such a way of doing this kind of yin damage, the body of the Sixth Hall is really the end of the mountain!

Why did the Sixth Highness not hire them to sleep? This is the only way for him to save his life!

Yes, he is certainly unwilling. If he is such a good person, how can he agree to build his own peace and health on the painful sacrifice of others.

At this moment, the ash of the ash is like a knife, and the pain is spread in the dull pain. This is his poor and respectable His Royal Highness...

His eyes unknowingly shed a line of tears, and looked at Ye Zhiqiu who was opposite: "You... what happened to you?"

For a long while, he said with amazement: "Are you regretting being a waiter?"

Yang gray smoke is not a word, from the arms of the embroidered white lotus, slowly wiped the tears on the cheeks. He didn't cry, but it was such a silent tear that was even more pitiful.

Ye Zhiqiu thought that he defaulted, and he saw that he was no longer fighting against each other. He thought that the other party had finally figured it out. It was understandable that it was meaningless to be jealous between them.

There was a bitter smile on his lips, and the tone of his voice mixed with the sorrow of the same life: "What is the use of regret? Now I can only hope that I will be under the Sixth High, and never let us sleep!"

Yang ash smoked a little, and a pair of beautiful eyes turned cold and cold to Ye Zhiqiu: "If we don't sleep, the six princes are afraid that there will be no way to live, so that's okay?"

Ye Zhiqiu was a stagnation, and he did not understand why he asked this question: "The Sixth Highness is very poor, but can we not be more unlucky? If you have no reason, you will sacrifice your own cultivation for him! If you make too much, you may even have a root." Destroyed!"

Yang Shiyan stared at him and said slowly: "We sacrificed, isn't it supposed to be? We are all orphans who are helpless. If it is not the help of the Western Yin Dynasty, there is still life to live." Moreover, we are not a good servant, and the spiritual spirit of cultivation is free to use. The rare elixir is never in short supply. If we do not enjoy such excellent conditions, where can we be at the age of twenty? Breaking through the foundation period."

Ye Zhiqiu opened his mouth and couldn't touch the meaning of Yang gray smoke. "The Western Yin royal family cultivated us. The ultimate goal is to serve the Sixth Highness, just like raising poultry. It is fattening to be slaughtered. This is also kind of love!"

Yang gray smoke sneered in his heart, he finally understands the mind of this person: "The stove is only dying, it will not die. The most repairs are stagnant, and I have been in the foundation period for a lifetime. I have been with the six halls for more than a year, he is How good is it, is it unclear in your heart? With his personality, you will push us to the dead!"

Six of His Royal Highness may not want us all at all, but they are forced to accept the pressure from Her Majesty.

Ye Zhiqiu slightly widened his eyes and finally realized that Yang Shiyan did not stand on the front line with him. The words were actually accusing him of ungratefulness: "How do you talk to the Western Yin Dynasty? Since you are so willing to do this furnace Ding, since I am willing to squat, then even if I am done, I will not stop you!"

He left a contemptuous look, and he was going to leave, but he was stunned by Yang Shiyan: "Stand up, today we are clear about the words. Since you are not willing to do the stove, then don’t want to have a vegetarian meal, leave early. The six steps of His Royal Highness!"

As long as there is no such an unsightly guy, there is only one of his servants left by His Highness, and he believes that he will be able to climb the bed of the Sixth Hall sooner or later. Thinking of this, Yang ash smoked in the heart and persuaded Ye Zhiqiu's tone to ease: "You can rest assured that the six princes will never blame you. If you can ask for it, he will only be happy for you."

As long as the six priests insisted, with his degree of favor, it would be more than enough to keep a servant. Besides, the three legs are hard to find. The men with two legs are not easy to find. They are enjoying the benefits they are currently enjoying. They are afraid that there will be people who are willing to come up to be the princes of the Sixth Hall.

Ye Zhiqiu was like acupuncture, and there was a confusing fluster in his expression: "You said it is easy, you are not the sixth temple, how do you know what he thinks. I know that you are deliberately yelling at me, I am not so Stupid!"

He slammed his sleeves and left in a hurry.

Yang gray smoke stared at the back of his departure, the peach blossom eyes slightly picked up. With a blank expression, he took off a blooming peony flower and moved closer to the nose to sniff.

"Your abacus is playing fine."

I am not willing to do the glory of the six princes, but also enjoy the benefits of the status of the prince, how can there be such a good thing in this world. If Ye Zhiqiu really has a heart to leave, he still looks at him with a high look. The result is a ungrateful, just thinking of a small, cheap white-eyed wolf!

Isn't it just licking the six princes and the heart of the house?

"The goodness of His Royal Highness is not used to be ruined by your garbage!" Yang Shiyan opened his fingers and squeezed the peony flower in his hand. "This kind of filthy villain is also in front of His Royal Highness." ""

In his heart, he made up his mind, but he was no longer impatient. His mouth smirked with a pleasant smile and walked slowly toward the Chaoyang Palace. It was already time for him to serve under the six halls.

Behind him, the smashed stamens drifted with the wind, and the red-winged black-winged butterflies flew high.

However, the plan for Yang Ash has not yet been implemented, and it will be smashed.

He was kneeling in front of the six halls, the air in the midsummer was hot and dull, but he felt that the whole body was chilly and unconsciously shivering. On the stage in front of him, there was a drug he used to deal with Ye Zhiqiu, and even some unused poison.

He carefully collected all the family's bottoms, even with a dark and ugly mind, red/naked naked in front of the six halls.

Ye Zhiqiu also groaned, and the original confused look after seeing those sinister things that had framed himself, was overjoyed: "The Sixth Hall of the Ming Dynasty, the martial arts, please be the villain."

He thought that the vicious behavior of Yang Shiyan was finally discovered by His Highness, and he would preside over justice for him.

However, the six halls did not say anything, did not reprimand, did not punish, just waved and waved: "Let's go, leave the West Yin Palace, I have prepared enough silver for you to ensure that you have no food for the rest of your life." worry."

Yang Shiyan heard the words, such as the five thunders: "His Royal Highness..."

The most unwilling consequences turned into reality. He panicked his mind and tears fell like a ball: "His Highness, the villain is wrong, no matter how you want to punish, just ask you not to dismiss the villain!"

His pleadings did not receive the half pity of His Highness. He ignored him and got up and went to the palace.

Yang ash smoked knees forward, anxious to pull to disappear in front of the hem, but in the darkness appeared, a burly and thin, gently waved his hand, he turned him to the ground.

"Let's be rude, not rude."

Yang ash smoked, and Ye Zhiqiu next to him was also pale and white. At this time, the two finally understood that the words and deeds in the weekdays, regardless of whether they were in front or behind, feared that they were all under the control of the Sixth Hall.

Ghost repairs, the secret forces of the Western Yin royal legend.

Ye Zhiqiu finally left, he seems to figure out what is going on, only the gray smoke is stubborn and stubborn in the Chaoyang Palace.

As the sun rises, he does not know how many years have passed, and the palace gates that have been confined have never been opened, but no one has driven him. There is no sound, no wind and rain, and gradually can not be perceived even in the cold and heat. The world is empty, it seems that he is left alone.

"You have been abandoned." There was a soft voice in his ear, and the voice was arrogant and faint.

"No." He subconsciously rebutted.

"He doesn't want you anymore."


"He is so gentle and kind, most hate people like you are so sinister and sinister." The voice goes hand in hand and directly sounds in his consciousness.

"... Shut up!" It was really annoying, and he gradually became anxious.

"Is your pain in the poke, and you know how filthy you are, and you don't deserve to stand by him."

"..." I don’t know when a dagger appeared in the hand, and the icy flash of cold cold mans.

"Since you are so painful, it is better to die." The voice was confused.

Yang Ash smoked his face with a blank expression and slowly moved to his neck.

There are double greedy eyes in the darkness, staring at him straight. This fresh body will soon belong to him.

The cold awning flashed, and the red-winged black-winged butterfly was split into two halves.

Yang gray smoke lowered his head, and the slightly twitching eyelashes cast a thick shadow, but the tone was soft like water: "You guys are really annoying, breaking my dreams again and again."

"...beautiful dream?" Is it wrong?

"I remember, the first dream was framed by Ye Zhiqiu, and the loss of the owner's trust was driven out of the Chaoyang Palace, so I was poisoned to kill Ye Zhiqiu, and I was discovered by the owner, and the ruthlessly ordered dagger. At the moment of the punishment, I also saw his last side. He was wearing a navy robe that day, and the sachet on the waist was what I gave him."

"Actually, I feel that I am too relaxed. I should be pierced by the rusty chain and hanged in the dirty cell where I don't see the day. The whip of the favorite person day and night, with barbed Every time the long whip moves, it will leave a blood mark. The hot soldering iron is printed on the skin and gives off the bitter aroma. The person can hold the wine and admire my body, the scars, the survival, the death. ""

"This beautiful scene is just an exhilarating trembling when you think about it. But unfortunately, your poor life limits your imagination!"

"..." Hemp eggs, what is this feeling of being dismissed?

The author has something to say: Yang gray smoke (contempt): look at the text of the abuse of love, and cultivate the sentiment.

Heart Devil: Eggs.


On April 10, Wednesday, enter V.

————————————————Thanks to the little angel who gave me the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Stop 4 bottles; no saber 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion