MTL - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy-Chapter 31 Parting ways

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After Sun Yuxi finished speaking, there was silence around, the atmosphere was a little dignified, and the eyes cast on her were very complicated, and there were dissatisfaction and hostility in all.

The monk of Beifeng, who was present, originally came for the treasure of the blood sea demon, but suddenly, the woman who claimed to be a descendant of the blood sea demon told them that everything was a scam. No one feels happy, only the anger of being deceived.

This witch, actually played all over the world!

There was a middle-aged monk who got close to Feng Qingpeng and whispered: "Under the Great Hall, this witch is treacherous, and her words are not credible!"

This person is also one of Feng Qingpeng's confidants. On weekdays, Feng Qingpeng also wants to give him a few faces, but at this time he is not willing to talk to him: "Do you think she is deceiving again? But in case it is true What about the big things in the world? Can my self-cultivators stay out of the game?"

"Under the Great Hall, your subordinates understand your mood, but we must consider the overall situation of the Beifeng country. We have not found the treasure this time, and we have already lost nearly half of the combat power. It can be said that we lost the wife. Folding soldiers, it is really a loss!" The middle-aged monk concealed his gaze to Yin away: "The sky is falling down, and there is a tall man. The Western Yin Dynasty has three Yuan Ying ancestors. They shot."

Feng Qingpeng has no expression: "Do you think so in your heart? Let the Western Yin royal family fight against the heavens of this continent, and the rest of us are watching, waiting to enjoy the success?"

The middle-aged monks have a high status in this group of Beifeng monks. Although no one speaks, but privately, the voices are secret, and everyone must have discussed them.

His opinions represent the opinions of most of the Beifeng monks.

The middle-aged monk saw him indifferently and anxiously: "His Highness, your status is honorable, it is the hope of my future, and I can’t take risks in person!"

Feng Qingpeng snorted: "The danger is like a tortoise. If the world is too peaceful, it will come out and glory. Is this the hope of Beifeng's future?"

Seeing that Feng Qingpeng’s stubbornness is not working, it seems that he has gotten into the corner of the horn. The middle-aged monk is almost sweating: “There is nothing wrong with the big hall, and the big ones are not restricted. You only have to repair the Jindan period, you must measure it. For that, you must not be a hero, or you will die and die, regret it!"

Feng Qingpeng cold channel: "The treasure of the blood sea demon, you do not want it? Just a few days of hard work, you would rather give up?"

The middle-aged monk was hesitant, but he still bite his teeth: "There is no way to stop the loss in time. It is better than the whole army. We are only the monks of Jindan, the king of the devil who is on the initial strength of the gods, just Just died in vain."

After all, they actually believed the words of Sun Yuxi. If you believe, you have to get out in time, otherwise you are not rushing to death.

Feng Qingpeng said impatiently: "Don't be jealous, I have a few in my heart."

He glanced at his sleeves and walked over to Sun Yuxi. His eyes were sharp: "Where, if you want us to believe in you, we must come up with evidence!"

Sun Yuxi’s eyes waved and faintly, with a hint of provocation: "I have said it for a long time, believe it or not with you. As for the evidence, as long as patience waits for the blood sea demon to become the king of the devil, naturally it can prove me. It’s true or not!”

She had long expected that it would be the current situation. As a magician, she would not be trusted. Even if she called for the sky to stop the blood sea demon resurrection, no one would believe her.

I couldn’t help myself, I came up with the idea of ​​pretending to be a descendant of the blood sea demon, using treasures to lure the world’s monks.

She originally wanted to wait for these people to walk into the imperial tomb, and directly ruined the entrance, and then explained the truth. These people have no way out, naturally they have to break the boat and follow her to the end.

Today, the identity is exposed in advance and the plan fails.

She laughed at the monks around her who doubted her, and also laughed at her own stupidity. What about the king of the demons? What about this side of the world? Originally, it has nothing to do with her. Whether it is better or worse, it will not affect her life.

What kind of nerve is wrong with her, she has to do something that is unpleasant.

Feng Qingpeng was ridiculed by this witch, and a sigh of anger was no longer able to hold back. His eyes were stunned and his paintings were in full swing. He was coming to Sun Yuxi.

"Gray smoke!"

Yin faintly sighed, Yang gray smoke immediately shot, the moon scimitar framed Fang Tian painting. These two people are thin and strong, but they are more powerful than others.

Sun Yuxi saw that the two men had to fight, and they ran to Yin and hid away.

Feng Qingpeng did not really want to kill her, but there was a grievance in her heart that was difficult to vent. After playing a dozen tricks with Yang Shiyan, he took the initiative.

Yin saw that he was ugly, knowing that he couldn’t pass the hurdle in his heart, and comforted: "There is no need to be dilemma under the big hall. Everyone has their own responsibilities. It is already here, I am afraid that it is not alone that you can solve it." I will find a way to inform the ancestors of the family and ask them to personally."

For example, Feng Qingpeng, such a bright and upright man, I am afraid that the most unbearable thing is to escape. Derogating his arrogance is more uncomfortable than killing him. However, at this moment, there is a space for arrogance and what is the use.

The golden-winged bird on the top of the head gently snorted and seemed to comfort him.

Feng Qingpeng decided to stand for a while, biting his teeth: "I will immediately sue the father when I go back. This is the boundary of my northern country. It should be solved by ourselves."

Yin nodded and nodded. What the Emperor Beifeng will do is not determined by Feng Qingpeng.

The two men and women parted ways, and Feng Qingpeng left with a group of Beifeng monks.

Sun Yuxi looked at Yin Yuan with a complicated look: "Under the Sixth Highness, do you really believe me? If I say a lie, just deliberately want to murder you?"

Yin di smiled and smiled mildly: "You and I have no enmity, why did Sun Girl murder us? When I get along these days, I think I know the character of Sun Girl."

He suddenly stood up straight and gave her a gift: "I should thank the girl of the world for the girl of the world. If you don't care about your own safety, you will stand up and reveal the plan of the blood sea demon. I am afraid that the king of the devil will It is now."

"This...the six halls are heavy..." Sun Yuxi quickly shunned away, and at a time he was a little overwhelmed, and even talking was unfavorable.

She lived for nearly six hundred years and practiced in the late Jindan. When she was used to being reviled, she was so sincere and solemnly grateful for the first time in her life. In this world, only about the sixth of the Yin Yin, she will be so respectful of her magic.

The feeling of rising sour inside is very strange, but she doesn't hate it. When she sees the smouldering of the ash, it has an indescribable pleasure.

When Sun Yuxi was in a good mood, he resumed his usual light and charming.

"I don't even tell lies. The treasure of the demon statue is indeed in the emperor's tomb. There is also the fairy sect Luo Luo Temple, which is also there. The six princes come here this time, presumably to get this fairy. If the six princes It really prevents the resurrection of the demon, regardless of the treasure or the fairy, you can take it."

She is the left-handed guardian of the blood sea demon, and she is very clear about the treasure she possesses. She also thought about whether or not to publish the existence of the fairy, but consider that if it is really a rich family of comprehension, it may not know the whereabouts of the fairy, the news leaks too much, but it reveals the clue and causes intelligence. Human alertness.

Just like the Sixth King of the Western Yin, this way comes, and there are many doubts about her existence.

Sun Yuxi originally thought that this time the identity was so suddenly exposed, Yin Lu must be more skeptical about her, to spend more means to get his trust, whether it was tortured or tortured, she is psychologically prepared.

However, I did not expect that His Royal Sixth Yinyi believed him so easily, and he was willing to help her, and asked the ancestors of the family to personally take the shot. The emperor of the Western Yin Dynasty, which is not a powerful monk who is famous in the mainland. It was the blood sea demon statue of that year, and he did not dare to sneak in the West Yin country.

Yin asked: "Can a girl know the specific location of the blood sea demon resurrection?"

Up to now, Sun Yuxi does not need to hide it again.

"At the beginning, the construction of the Imperial Tomb and the treasures of the demon statues were all planned and built by me and Ni Shuangshuang. Only later, the demon statues were suspicious of me, and I was excluded when setting up the outer defense defensive array. Only Ni Shuangshuang knows all the methods of breaking the battle. As long as I find the entrance to the Imperial Tomb, I can take you to the memorial hall of the Resurrection!"

Yin nodded: "So very good, you come with me."

He has always been a person who will never let go of his water once he has made up his mind. He just wants to take Sun Yuxi away, and he will hear a weak voice.

"Six Highness, the villain... can the villain follow you?"

Yin looked back and saw Ye Zhiqiu staring at himself like a beg, just stunned: "Sorry, I almost forgot you."

The demon hidden under the human skin is a secret smile, and he does not despise him. This is the opportunity for him to leave him as long as he agrees to leave him.

Yin turned to the head and told Yang gray smoke: "He will give it to you for care."

Yang ash smoke smiles, the sound is sweet and greasy: "Reassured, master, slave must be good ~ good ~ photo ~ Gu ~ he!"

Devil: "..."

Wait, he subconsciously stretched out his hand, but Yin has gone away with great vigour.

This is not the same as the plot he imagined. In the memory of Yang Shiyan, his master is a kind-hearted person who would rather die than harm others, even knowing the original disrespect of Ye Zhiqiu. Afterwards, you can tolerate a lot of forgiveness.

In the eyes of the demons, this is completely the realm of rotten people.

With the help of Ye Zhiqiu's body, he provided the important information of the South China Sea National University and his princes to the Sixth King of the Western Yin Dynasty, and debunked the true face of Sun Yuxi. It is reasonable to say that it has great merit. With this person's impartial and rigorous attitude and meritorious dedication, how should I give myself better treatment and a closer attitude.

However, how can I hand him over to the hands of Yang Shiyan in a light words? He did not believe that the other party did not know that there was an old enemy between the two!

Why did the witch who deceived everyone get the true gratitude of the Sixth Highness, and it was his turn to succumb to it?

Ye Zhiqiu's line of sight was slow and difficult, and he moved to the sweet and incomparable Yang gray smoke, and his body shook involuntarily.

Eggs, falling into the hands of this big devil, can have a good!

He is coming to abuse people, not to find abuse!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who gave me the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: like a water age;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

10 bottles of water age; 5 bottles of pilgrimage; 2 bottles of sputum; 1 bottle of Shanshan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion