MTL - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy-Chapter 38 Basilisk (below)

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Yang ash was so hard that he finally found his own owner.

He didn't know how long he had been lurking in the dark, flying silently, and intercepting the ball thrown into the air by the giant snake with lightning speed.

Yin blinked and found that he was changed: "Gray smoke!"

Thinking of the suffering of the owner just now, Yang gray smoke almost cried and wanted to cry, and the heart flashed a heavy killing, the **** snake, sooner or later, it was pumped and pulled.

He originally wanted to put his master in a safe place, and then come to find this giant snake to settle accounts, but the stinking and angry snoring from behind him told him that the monster had been chasing it up.

[Bad silver... grab me...]

Yang Ash is angry: "You grab me!"

The giant snake swims very fast, and the terrain on this side is much more familiar than the Yang ash. Soon it catches up with the bad silver that steals its toys, and the **** bowl is bitter.

At the time of life and death, Yang Shiyan pushed out the defensive hood of Yin, and reflexed the big scimitar in the moon. In the blink of an eye, he set a 17-eight-knife.

His strength is great, and the moon scimitar is a rare weapon. If it is a general monster, even if it is like the golden-winged Dapeng, the demon beast is here, I am afraid I can’t stand his full strength. cut.

But the outer scales of the serpent were hard and unbelievable, and he suffered from a dozen or so knives, but there was no trace of scars. But the skin is not broken, it does not mean that there is no pain, the giant snake becomes more arrogant, and the child's scream is more harsh.

[pain... bad silver...]

Yang gray smoke flies in the air, the body is flexible, and when the blade is crossed, it is almost like a road, and it is almost impossible to see his movements. The serpent has great power and high defense. Although he can resist his attack, he can't catch up with his dodge speed.

Yin stayed in the hood and was floating on the water not far away. Seeing that there is no difference between the two, I know that they should not waste time here.

"Gray smoke, let's go!"

Yang ash smoked the heart, and after a trick, he flew toward Yin. Where they are now, the upper rock wall is low, and no matter how flying, they can't escape the attack range of the giant snake.

But as soon as you leave this area and return to the open area of ​​the upper rock wall, the monsters are so powerful that they can't catch up with them.

The ash of Yang Shiyan is quite good, but the giant snakes are not stupid. Seeing that they are going to escape, the lanterns usually emit two white lights in their eyes. This is its talent ability to freeze the opponent directly into ice. Use it once and ease it for a long time.

Yang gray smoke was not observed for a while, was shot by a white light, suddenly felt the whole body paralyzed, like a block of ice straight down from the air, fell into the water.

"Gray smoke!" Yin flashed his face with horror.

Without waiting for him to react, the serpent had already rushed to his eyes, and the blood bowl opened wide, and he swallowed Yin with the defensive hood.

Until the stomach swallowed, the serpent remembered the tragedy that caught his throat not long ago! It's a bit strange, why is this eating so smoothly? No matter, eat it anyway!

He licked his tail and was very happy. It was born with a big appetite, and the creatures in the underground dark river were eaten by it and have been hungry for several years. It is because it is not full, it is always growing.

Just as the giant snake thought, if you want to sneak into the bottom of the water to find another person's body, the bottom of the water suddenly lit up with a blue-violet flame and directed at it.

Looking at the man surrounded by the blazing flame, the giant snake stayed. When it used to shoot the white light of both eyes, it immediately frozen the other party into a popsicle. How did it fail on this person?

"The **** beast, return the owner to me!"

Seeing that the owner was swallowed, Yang Shiyan’s eyes were red and completely lost his reason. The whole aura of the whole was mobilized, and it was turned into a flame and hugged the body of the serpent tightly. No matter how the giant snake struggles, don't let go.

In a general sense, water can ignite, but his ghostly fire is not a fire, even if it is still in the water. Even the frozen white light from the eyes of the giant snake can offset each other.

The serpent's painful screams, mixed with the crying of children, sounds both weird and horrible.

Its body is a kind of monster called "Ba snake", because it was trapped in this underground dark river when it was born. It has only escaped the killing of human monks for thousands of years. However, there are few foods and weak auras. At the same time, it has hindered its growth. After practicing for more than 6,000 years, it is still only the early cultivation of the demon, and the intelligence is about six or seven years old.

Yes, it is a baby of the snakes of more than 6,000 years old.

The outer scales of the Ba snake are naturally strong in physical defense, but the ghosts of the ghosts are not only the body but also the soul. The soul of the beast is no different from human beings. The essence is the spirit.

Yang ash smokes out the big moon scimitar, wants to cut open the belly of the snake, and rescues his own master, but the scales of the monster are really hard, even if it is cut by Mars, it will not hurt it.

He was in a hurry, and when he continued this way, the master was really digested.

"Spit the master out, beast!"

The pain of the Ba snake was unbearable by the ghosts of the Nether, and the huge body was constantly rolling, trying to get rid of the fire people on the body, but the Yang Shiyan will make him wish, even if he was photographed on the cliff, the internal organs ruptured and spit blood, also Hold it with death.

The two are so entangled, every minute and every second is desperate.

[Hot... pain...}

In the end, the snake couldn't stand it anymore. It succumbed to crying, opened his mouth, and the belly continued to undulate, and wanted to spit out the contents of the stomach again. But it was too slow, and the ash smoke couldn’t wait, and turned over and jumped into the mouth of the snake.

Ba snake baby smashed, how did this person take the initiative to enter its stomach? This seems to be a sheep into the tiger's mouth, delivered to the door, but it quickly understood that this person is very bad!

It can be clearly felt that from the throat to the esophagus to the stomach, the burning pain is getting stronger and stronger.

No, it must spit out these two people! This is really going to be cooked!

Yang ash smokes all the way in the belly of the Ba snake. It is full of corrosive, foul-smelling mucus that falls on his body and is immediately melted by the ghosts of the Nether, but the pain of the skin is inevitable.

He has no thoughts on himself, and he is looking for Yin away: "Master, where are you!"

The body of the Ba snake is too tortuous and dark, and the gray ash smokes to poke a few holes from the inside out. If he is really late, the master has already... He simply can't think of such a result.

A familiar voice came from the front: "...ash smoke?"

Yang gray smoke almost cried: "Master!"

The owner is still alive, he desperately opened a pile of slimy stinking solution, found the burial of the Yin, the rain cover did not break, this ink lotus flower paper umbrella is fancy, but really reliable .

Yin Li gaze at his own little boy, and he pays the most attention to his appearance on weekdays. After the ups and downs of life and death, his heart could not help but stir.

"Go out first!"

The Baby Snake is still struggling to counter it. With the cooperation of both sides, Yang Ash has successfully saved his owner from the snake belly. Tossing this time, although the monster did not die, but from the inside out, it was grilled by the Nether, and it was weak to the extreme.

Yang ash smoked his own owner and flew in the air. He was angry and took out the soul-killing needle, trying to give the monster a fatal blow.

The huge body of the Ba snake crossed the water, and two lines of tears flowed out of the lantern-like eyes, and the child’s voice sobbed.

【do not die……】

Yin was a little unbearable, and reached out to stop Yang Shiyan: "There are two monsters in the mainland today. It is a rare thing to eat. It is a pity to kill it."

He took out a bottle of Pi Gudan from his arms and poured all the medicinal herbs into the mouth of the Ba snake. Compared with its huge body, these medicinal herbs are really inconspicuous.

However, the aura contained in the Gu Gudan is unmatched by ordinary food. For thousands of years, the baby of Ba snake finally realized it for the first time. What is called fullness?

Yin smiled and said: "Look, I am not a bad person, I really have something for you to eat."

Although the baby snake is small, but at this moment, I understand the meaning of his sentence. If this person is really malicious to it, now is the best time to kill it. However, he let it go.

He is not bad silver.

Feeding the Ba snake, Yin Li also did not have time to rest and recuperate, with Yang gray smoke quickly leaving, toward the direction of the voice.

Yang gray smoke is flying forward with his own owner, but his eyes are always vigilantly staring at the dark river below: "Master, the snake has been following us, it is difficult to say that the thief is not dead!"

Yin Frown: "Forget it, don't pay attention to it. It is seriously injured and it will not pose a threat to us."

Yang gray smoke is still not at ease, speeding up the flight.

The baby behind the snake felt that he couldn't keep up, and the fear of the surface surfaced, the child's voice shouted in panic.

[Don't go...wait me...]

"What does it say?" Yang gray smoke hesitated a little, and saw the underwater snake slammed up, just as the gray ash changed greatly, thinking that when it was attacking again, the giant snake suddenly saw the speed visible to the naked eye. Shrinking, has been reduced to a snake more than one meter long, "bar bang" snarled with the thigh of Yang gray smoke.

If you can, it actually wants to entangle the thighs of Yin, but he still keeps the defensive hood, and can only retreat to the next, holding the thigh of Yang gray smoke.

Yang Shiyan tried hard to get rid of this thing, the threat of evil: "Do you want to become a snake?"

The baby of the snake snake shook with fear, but at the thought of it was a meal ticket that was hard to find, and immediately stood firm.

[To eat enough... will be obedient...]

Although it is not only a child of six or seven years old, but instinctively tells it to stay in this dark river without life, waiting for it is just a dead end.

The two people in front of me are not bad silver, they can make it full, and they can take it away. They are all beautiful and can't be happier.

"I don't understand what you mean, hurry up and give it to me!" Yang gray smoke pulled the snake's tail hard and tried to pull it down, but the minibus snake also gave the strength to eat milk, and stalked him.

This is another battle that is evenly matched.

Yin Li smiled, he understood the meaning of the Pakistani snake: "Gray smoke, bring it."

Yang ash smoked his teeth, but it was a bit uncomfortable, but the owner said so, he could not do anything. As soon as the baby arrived, he immediately asked for the face of Yang Ash, and was pushed away.

"The snake's face is really thick," he complained.

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