MTL - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy-Chapter 42 The disappearance of the demon domain

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Xin Xin is very anxious.

The most beloved glamorous female magic smiles and wraps around to ask for joy, kicked off by him. The handsome man who served the wine was frightened, accidentally spilling the wine in the pot on his thick fur, and he was shot on the wall by his raging slap.

The purple-red flesh blood exudes a tempting aroma, and the three eyes on the forehead squint, and the mouth is full of sharp teeth. When I fished and chewed two, I lost my interest in eating and threw the body. One side.

This three-eyed and six-armed, nine majestic humanoid monster sits high above the gorgeous temple, and all of them are beautiful and singular Yange dance, wine pool meat forest. The male and female devils who originally danced and flattered, have been scared by the master’s bad mood, and the atmosphere is not afraid to breathe.

This is the scene he enjoyed most in the past, but today it seems to be in a desperate situation, without any fun and joy.

Xinmu is a demons, and is also the 82nd strongest in the demon domain.

The demon domain is vast and vast, with millions of magic cities, large and small. Each magic city will accommodate at least one million demons, not including the ones who traveled to the four squares. In this way, the Mozu is indeed a very large race.

In the rumors of the world, the Mozu is a bloody, cruel, militant, blackmail and other extremely evil races in the world. Well, in fact... of course, there is more than nothing.

What you can imagine, any inhuman scene can be seen in the Mozu, just like a regular meal.

The Mozu is not only brutal, but also enjoyable. It has a high aesthetic and extremely dislikes the rules and regulations that restrict freedom. They are born with high IQ and high emotional intelligence, and even have the ability to appreciate art.

But all they create, the ultimate goal is to destroy. Only pain and destruction are the perfect endings in the eyes of the Mozu.

In the demon domain, there is no trace of warmth, full of **** and slavery, conspiracy and betrayal, blood and killing.

If the internal struggle of the non-Devils is too serious, and they are willing to kill each other, perhaps they have already unified the six realms, but this is also the cause and effect of the destiny. The Creator has given this race extraordinary wisdom and strength, and also gives them It’s hard to be tamed, it’s hard to be obedient, and the extreme character of life and death.

I am not afraid of death, and there are few people who are afraid of death. But if the death phase is too ugly, it is better to die than to die, it is still quite uncomfortable.

He once felt that there was nothing in the world that would make him feel fearful except for the ruling of this area, including the one of the ten great devils of his magic city.

But just last night, he felt the chill and fear of the bones.

This matter is detailed, starting from three months ago. In the 224 magic city under the rule of Devil Sabie, a bizarre disappearance suddenly occurred.

Overnight, a large number of demons disappeared. No one knows what happened, and some people are sleeping on a bed with others when they are missing. When I woke up in the morning, the people in the same bed found that the bed was strangely disappeared.

Such a bizarre disappearance has made the Mozu people in this area self-defeating. No one has the luck and feel that the missing person can return. In the demon domain, the disappearance represents death and bad luck.

The demons who ruled the magic city were furious and deeply felt that their majesty was provoked. Everything in the magic city, whether it is a monster, an animal or a plant, is nominally attributed to the city owner.

Being eaten in your own rice bowl is something that all the demons can't tolerate. But no matter how to investigate the trap, the main culprit of the disappearance can not be found.

In the days that followed, the disappearances became more and more intense. Finally, there was a situation in which the entire magic city was empty. No matter the monster, or the flora and fauna, everything that contains energy disappears.

Including the city owner of the magic city, a demons, the 167th strongest in the demon domain.

At that time, the high-level Mozu including Xinmu responded, and the Devil appeared a new strongman, a strong person who could silently kill the demons within the 200s.

As for the disappearance, of course, it was eaten. In the Mozu, this is a normal thing.

They understand, but at the same time they are more anxious. As the disappearance continues, the unknown and powerful Mozu seems to have become more and more appetizing and more and more unscrupulous.

Not only at night, but even during the day, there are still disappearings of the Mozu.

A magic city is empty, the second magic city is also empty, three four-seat five-seat, so far, there have been seventy-four magic cities turned into dead empty cities, nearly 100 million demons have been eaten, among them Including more than forty demons of the demons, the most powerful one, named Han Xing, ranked 61st in the demon domain.

Han Xing is more powerful than Xin Sim, but he actually lost in the hands of the mysterious Mozu.

Every time I think about this, I can’t help but be shocked. What is this sacred? So easy, quietly ate more than forty demons!

Is it a demon? Newborn demon?

If this is the case, then the magic domain will probably be violently turbulent for tens of thousands of years!

Xin Meng was frightened and scared, and could not help but be excited and excited, and the blood in his body was boiling.

This contradiction and extreme mood ended in last night.

As usual, he went to the big bed with a dozen glamorous female devils, and fell asleep after getting tired. Although he used a sleeping word, but he is such a powerful demons, even if he sleeps, he will still be alert, and he will wake up with a little wind and grass.

However, when he woke up, he was almost horrified to the extreme. The dozens of female demons of the previous night had only their heads left, and their bodies disappeared. And he himself, only the upper body left, only three left in the six arms.

It seems that he was eaten halfway, and the other party just had enough to eat.

What happened last night?

Someone ate half of his body and ate the dozen or so female devils around him, and he actually didn't notice it!

No pain! The spirit is completely paralyzed!

In addition to the creeps, there is no other feeling in the heart of the heart. Some enemies are terrible, and they always feel that others exaggerate before they have personal experience. When you really see it, there is only absurdity and fear left.

How powerful is that mysterious Mozu?

He runs magic and gives birth to a new body. But the fear of branding in the bottom of my heart, but can not stay.

He doesn't even know who the other person is, how to attack and defend, and how he will be eaten when. Compared to this unscrupulous opponent who came and went without a trace, he is more willing to kill a person with great vigour. At least die, and die clearly.

Xin Xin decided not to sleep tonight, he was fully armed, waiting for the arrival of his opponent in the bedroom. He has an instinct that the other party will never let him go tonight.

The moon is in the sky.

The night of the demon domain is more beautiful than the daytime. There are ten rounds of purple moon in the sky, the stars are a little bit, the night wind is slowly, and the towering lighthouse radiates a gorgeous light. The single view of the scenery, and the fairy world are not too much. However, the aesthetic style of the fairy and the devil is different.

Xin Meng has always warned himself that he cannot lose consciousness. But stupid, and a little sleepy.

Just as he was half-awake, he suddenly saw a few red-winged black-winged butterflies, fluttering the fragile wings and flying lightly on his shoulders. Then, there was a slight tingling.

He was suddenly shocked, all the sleeping insects ran, running magic, shooting countless fierce magic from the body surface.

The weird butterflies were split into powder, but the eyes were not relaxed. He knew that the man had come, but he was hiding in the dark.

He took off his upper body and shook his muscles, and there were tiny cracks in his skin.

The cracks, like a closed eye, suddenly opened together, and hundreds of red lights were emitted from the scarlet eye. There were a few painful screams in the void, and one person and one snake were shot by red light.

The two were forced out by this red light, and they didn't know what spells the Mozu made, and they cracked all the illusions that shrouded the room.

Xin Xin looked at a snake, the black snake is as thick as an adult's arm, and the length is more than 20 meters, and the woman with the butterfly wings is very beautiful, cold and arrogant.

His mouth showed a smirk: "You two, did you sneak up on me last night? Go to hell!"

He pointed all the hundreds of eyes in the upper body to the snake, and the red light locked them. His spell is his fame stunt, known as "Hundred Eyes Magic Light", and when he is stared by his magic eyes, he can't escape until he is melted into a pool of blood.

A snake struggles with one person, but cannot escape from the **** of red light, and the more painful it looks.

The woman with the butterfly wings couldn’t help but scream: "Master, help..."

Countless butterflies are surrounded by a fascinating eye. He has a glimpse of his heart and wants to repeat it, destroying these butterflies with magic.

But this time, he failed. At the same time that these butterflies are destroyed, they are constantly reborn, killing them, and endlessly.

The feeling of crispness and numbness that came from all over the body. Is his body being eaten by these butterflies?

Recalling the lower body that I had been eaten last night, the fear of my heart was provoked again, he should not die!

He launched his strongest defensive weapon: "Magic Wheel Dzi!"

In an instant, a powerful blood-red defensive hood surrounds the eye and isolates all the butterflies. Xinmu gasped, looking at his **** upper body, in just a few seconds, his hundreds of magic eyes were incompletely foraged, and no longer able to cast spells.

It is obvious that the body has been hurt, but it does not feel a bit of pain, and there is a wonderful sense of comfort.

What monsters are these butterflies?

At this moment, a smirk of laughter and screaming: "You are quite interesting."

The stunned turn turned and saw a red-haired boy with a black-haired shawl flying in the air, and the red/naked feet were white and tender. He is very beautiful, and he is a little bit weaker than the butterfly-winged woman, and has a poor temperament.

If in the usual time, Xin Xin sees such a male demon, his heart will only be eager to move, and he will be included in his own harem without any means. Such a superb appearance, even in the devil world is extremely rare.

But at this time, his heart only spread endless fear. The opposite boy gradually radiated a thrilling magic pressure.

Xin Ming’s forehead had a cold sweat and his feet almost stood unsteadily. Such a terrible magical power, he used to feel only in the devil sabbie.

The demon, the boy in front of him is undoubtedly a new god!

There is an instinct for Xinmu, and he is no longer able to escape tonight!

He screamed, and the three eyes on his forehead burst into bloodshot eyes: "It’s not that easy to eat me!"

He ignored all the attacking monsters on his body, all kinds of strange magical meteors like the demon in front of him.

The new-born demon waved his hand in an understatement: "The devil, the butterfly girl."

The snake and the woman rushed over with joy, and the snake opened its mouth and swallowed those spells into the stomach. The wings of the butterfly girl's back are gently fanned, and the magical devices that float in the air are swept away.

The two divisions are clear, and they are clearly divided. They look at the stunned eyes: "Impossible!"

The new-born demon smiled: "You can make any tricks. If it is magic, give this snake a meal. If it is a magic weapon, give it to this woman, and it will be better!"

I heard that almost vomiting blood, numb eggs, these guys thought he was giving a gift!

He didn't have time to think about it, just listened to "bar" and it was so loud that the defensive cover that his strongest defensive device opened up was broken. The dense butterfly cheered up and surrounded his body, and ate it.

The eyes are already poor, no matter how struggling, they can't escape the bite of a butterfly.

The new day demon sighed: "In fact, your taste is not very good. I ate half of it last night and I felt bad. But the number of demons is limited, and it can't be too picky..."

Xin Meng almost blew himself, but after all, he did not succeed.

You and he both put the old man in his mouth and chewed it, but also disliked it!

Death is not eye-catching!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who gave me the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 2 crispy ducks;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Stop 4 bottles; 3 bottles of water age; 1 bottle of green seedlings;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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