MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1796 arrow

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Chapter 1796 Arrow

The huge lightning caused the evil spirits to tremble rapidly. Compared with before, the evil spirits of this time turned white and almost coma.


Unimaginable pain!

Far more than the pain of daggers, lumps, fire, and flooding.

Even if it is broken, it is less than one percent of this time.

The upper evil spirits can't wait to scream.

But it can't.

Because, this is related to it and its Boss plan.

Once you shout out, even if it is time to compensate, there will be some omissions.

This is absolutely not allowed!

So, it began to divert attention.

Distracting attention is the way in which the upper evil spirits gradually develop their pain when they suffer.

The sun is imagining the warmth of the sun.

There seems to be a sound of waves in the ear.

That is its hometown: West Coast!

The sea breeze blew on its face, not soft, but full of love, it is now sorry that he did not go ashore this morning, but on the ship.

If you go ashore early, maybe it will have a different life.

Will not touch your own Boss.

Will not be crushed by Boss.

It will not be used as a lightning rod here.

At that time, it will definitely be very pleasant.

Every morning, I will meet the sun, and have a hearty breakfast. The waiter will show a kind smile to it, just like the fireworks under the stars.

At noon, go to the best restaurant and have a steak or lamb chops.

It is best to add cumin or black pepper, that tastes... What would it be?

I have never tasted it. How do you know what it is?

Ma Dan, (╯‵ ′ ') ╯ (┻━┻.

Can't edit it anymore.


The evil spirits of the upper elder spirit mourn.

And in the next moment, its pain is over.

The abundant will of the **** of war finally entered the soul space of his own Boss through the power of the 'contract'.

"I wish you not to die!"

The evil spirits that gradually recovered from the pain gave the most sincere blessings to the will of the **** of war.

Or more accurately, it is... describe the facts.



This abundant God of War will fall like a thunder in the wilderness.

Compared to the previous one, you can see the unreal body.

This abundant God of War will be like the essence. If it is not the illusory light that blooms around itself, it is the same as the real person.


Looking at the wilderness in front of me, this abundant will of God of War, snorted.

The previous God of War gave him a lot of information.

He knows very well that there are many traps here.

Especially the knight figure!

It is the biggest trap!

"Take the entrant with the appearance of the knight, then steal the power of the entrant and destroy the entrant!"

As soon as I thought of the figure of the knight, this abundant **** of war would bite his teeth.

The loss of the will of the three gods of war is not a big loss for God of War.

But the sense of shame, but the war gods are indignant.

Damn it!

When I thought that I was humiliated by a half-god, this kind of will, born of the **** of war, immediately became more and more angry, and he flew straight to the position where the knight was in the shadow.

The three ordinary gods of war will be ruined by the other side.

He is not indifferent!

He wants to tear the other side!

He wants to let the other person understand that angering a true **** will be what will end.

The sound of the waves appeared.

This abundant God of War will see the figure of the knight, without any hesitation, he rushed straight up, and a big sword in his hand.

The other party can use his power to be false.

However, the extent of this use must have an upper limit!

Compared with the will of the ordinary **** of war, he is stronger than countless times, and naturally exceeds this limit!

Not honey juice confidence!

It's a real sense of intuition!

Belong to the sense of trepidation after the war gods!

He is sure to break through the limits of the other side!

The next moment, as if to confirm this speculation of the will of the **** of war, the figure of the knight representing the power of the sacred thorns disappeared in place.

"Want to run?"

This plentiful God of War will sneer and rush out of the cliff and rush toward the waves.


The extremely fast speed, when this abundant **** of war was in contact with the waves, made an explosion like an explosion.

Almost at the moment of water, this abundant will of the **** of war has already sneaked into the seabed, surging, crushing the rocky sea, without causing any trouble to him.

As if walking on the ground, this abundant God of War will pursue the knight figure.

At the same time, He glanced around.

When a dark figure appeared in the dark sea, his eyes brightened.

"Sure enough, I didn't expect it!"

"The wilderness and the cliffs are not your real soul space!"


"This piece of sea is only!"

Although it is impossible to see the other person's appearance, when he perceives the arrogance that only the gods have, this abundant God of War will immediately determine that he has found a real goal.

Without hesitation, this abundant God of War will rush.

He did not pay attention to the knight figure.

Even if the other party has begun to turn and chase after him, He does not care.

The ability of the other party is ‘inducement|cheat.’

Real attack power?

He is not in the eyes at all.

Instead, this arrogant figure makes him a great enemy.

Because, under the pressure of his breath, there is still a strong arrogance.

"Half God can't do this!"

“Have you hidden your strength before?”

This abundant war **** will suddenly breathe a sigh of relief, and the anger in his heart is also a lot less.

If you face a half-god and he loses the will of the four gods, it is really unforgivable and worthy of anger.

But if the other party is beyond the level of the demigod, then you don't need to care.

Instead, using four wills to detect another guy who is speculative, is what makes him happy.

One of the tricky guys is enough.


Give him to die!

The sword in the hands of the will of God is full of sorrow.


The next moment, the sea in front of the God of War, was opened, like a knife-cut tofu, the rapid evaporation of sea water, completely swept the arrogant figure by the invisible sword wind of pure power.

However, the will of the **** of war is not to look at it, but to turn back is a sword.

In his fighting intuition, the other party did not die.

It’s just a virtual shadow.


Dragons and tigers.

The dragon-shaped qi is with a tiger-shaped illusion, and it hits the sword of the will of the full-fledged God of War.


The whole sea water is rolling up, the full God of War will not step back, the arrogant figure takes a step back, but the arrogant atmosphere is more and more intense.


An inky-looking arrow was inserted on the knee of the God of War.

PS fat dragon is not feeling well, today's update is less, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

Read The First Vampire