MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1835 Followed

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Chapter 1835 is followed

Step on, step on!

The battle horses are booming, only a dozen horses come, but the feeling of giving six people like Holleka is like a storm.

The closer the distance, the more forceful the people are.

Stone and Bill only felt that the roots of the back neck were upright.

This is... the remnants of the wolf faction?

They looked at the demon hunters who were getting closer and closer.

Most of these demon hunters lack arms, legs, or ears, and are rarely intact.

But each one gives them a feeling of guilt.

It is as if any of these people stand up and can kill them in one hand.

The cold sweat on the forehead kept coming out.


Bill's throat squirmed up and down.

Then he turned his head and looked around.

It was found that in addition to Holleka, four people, including Stone, were shocked.

"This is the wolf pie?"

Bill asked the voice hoarse.

"This is the wolf."

"The wolf school that used to be like the snakes in its heyday."

Holleka said lightly.

Is the wolf strong?


Holleka will never deny this, but the snakes are stronger, this is Hollerka's 'memory' to inform him, not to mention his mentor, the heir of the snakes, the snakes are hiding in the dark. Power is a hundred times more than the wolf!

With such memories, Holleka will certainly not be shocked.

However, there are a lot of etiquettes.

He is, after all, a hunter.

When the people of the wolf school were stationed in Lema, Holleka followed the rituals of the demon slayer, and Stone and Bill were also the same. They are now also hunting hunters.

Moreover, it is still a snake!

Thinking of this, the shock on the faces of Stone and Bill's five people quickly converge.

There is only one kind of pride that can't be said after eating the reassurance.

Unlike the ‘quiet night retreat’ hidden in the dark, the ‘snakes’ hidden in the dark gave them the feeling.

They are not surprised about this.

Because the former is a cowardly deserter.

And the latter?

It is a real warrior!

Even if the battle is the same as the remnants of the wolf, it will never shrink.

Faith, at this moment, appeared in the hearts of Stone and Bill.

In this regard, the evil spirits who are busy at home are laughing and not talking.

Seeds are planted, and as long as they have experienced the wind and rain, they will surely take root.

Nothing is faster or slower.

Stone and Bill's five changes, the leader of the wolf-hunting demon person clearly found out, he jumped off the horse first to give Edson a hug, pointing to the Stone five.

“Is the young person you found?”

“Very good!”

Breath is not a lie.

Especially when experiencing a metamorphosis, the breath is more obvious to everyone present.

Edson is no exception.

But because of this, in the face of a friend's inquiry, this old hunting demon can only be a bitter smile.

"They are companions of the snakes."

"Joined today."

Snake pie!

Horuff’s mind flashed the appearance of Qin Ran.

Not a grin.

"That little unpleasant little guy!"

"Is he alright?"

Asked Horf.

Although the character is very unpleasant, but Koruff is still worried about the recent situation of Qin Ran - for any partner who fights side by side, the demon hunter is always remembered.


"No one is better than him?"

The old hunter devil sighed and said this.

"Oh, it looks like something has happened recently that we don't know."

Horruff nodded with a smile, then quickly smirked his smile. He patted the leather pocket on the side of the saddle and said with a serious look: "Similarly, there are things that you can't possibly know here. ”

“Is there a safe place?”

"It's not suitable for being exposed to the public."

"follow me."

I glanced at the leather pocket and the old demon hunter said immediately.

He knows that friends' ‘late arrival’ must have happened.

As for what?

I will know soon!


The Lower Seventh Ring, the 'Mist' church camp.

The appearance of a group of hunters has attracted everyone’s curious gaze.

However, with Edson's leadership, no guards came to ask, and soon, the adults regained their gaze and began to busy with other things, leaving only some curious children around.

Of course, such curiosity is not without reason.

The old hunter smiled and took out a packet of sugar from his arms and gave it to a boy.

"Go, give it to everyone."

The old hunter said.

With a cheer, the boy led the children to run away.

Such a scene, let the face of the serious wolf-hunter demon people have their mouths up.

"A scene that I miss."

"In the previous camp of the Devils, the same was true of a group of little guys."

This is what Holuf said.

"It's the same here."

"Although it is not a wolf, it is still a hunter."

“The members of the ‘Mist’ church do not exclude the demon hunters, who are the most kindly clerics I have ever seen.”

The old hunter explained.

"It’s like you, before that, I have seen believers other than the war madman and the female madman."

Holuf is joking.

Then he is ready to meet his friend's fist.

The demon hunter is always like this.

Play with each other and be jealous.

Sometimes I will have a drink in my own pub.

It is a habit.

More is a heritage.

However, Horuf clearly found that his friend changed his face after hearing this sentence.

That kind of dignity makes people feel heart-wrenching.

"what happened?"

Asked Horf.

"You are right, I have seen it."

"You have seen it with everyone."

"Go, go in and say."

After coming to the tent belonging to the deliberation, the old demon hunter pointed to the tent road.

A group of people sneaked in.

Hollerka and Stone five stayed outside.

They know what the old hunters have to say.

In this regard, they know clearly.

It is better to stay outside as a guard.

The old demon hunter stood in the middle of the tent and glanced at his friends. After a while, he said.

"I am here to assure that the things I am going to say right away are true."

"There is no falsehood."

"Maybe you will feel ridiculous."

"But the truth is always like this."

Then, the old hunter demon completely described the recent events in Aitantin.

When I heard that Qin Ran was not only the heir to the snakes, but also the heir to Aitantin, the faces of these demon hunters were shocked.

When you hear that there is still a ‘god’ that is hidden behind the scenes, ‘trick’ ‘conspiracy’ ‘destruction’, these hunters are even more difficult to conceal and breathe.

For a full ten seconds, the atmosphere was maintained throughout the tent.

"I finally know why the group of snakes chose to keep hiding when we were destroyed."

"It turned out to be the case."

Horuf took a long breath.

The last knot in my heart is unlocked.

The same is true of the hunters around.

Hunting devils, helping each other, this is the idea, never changed.

Therefore, when the snakes appeared, the first reaction of the Wolf Hunter was why the snakes at that time did not rescue them.

Even as time goes by, it proves that the snakes are really the same after the demon.

Even, to some extent, such doubts are getting stronger and stronger.

And now?

Finally got the answer.

More terrible enemies are hidden deeper.

Once exposed, the snakes are not only useless, but will be sacrificed in vain.

For this reason, convincing these wolf-hunter demon people.

Without any hesitation, Horuff handed the leather pocket to the old hunter.

"Maybe you should tell Colin to see this thing."

"It is likely to be related to ‘He’.”

The leather pocket is filled with heavy objects, so that the pockets are somewhat deformed.

However, when the old hunter took the pocket, he discovered that the pocket was far heavier than expected.

And when he opened his leather pocket, he even looked at his brow.

One arm!

Not a human class!

It is made of metal and seems to be the human arm!

It can even be said that the removal of the metal is no different from the real human arm!

Moreover, the craft far exceeds his cognition.

Even the skilled craftsmen he knows can't make such a lifelike arm.


Raise your hand and gently tap the metal arm.

The fingertips give him a touch, and he tells the old hunter that this metal arm is far stronger than the imagination.

After checking it, the old hunter went straight to Qin Ran’s tent.


Although he had the identity of the successor of Aitantin, Qin Ran did not live in the palace.

Not only because you need to cooperate with your own, but also because he feels more comfortable here.

The secret detective in the palace is really annoying to him.

Of course, that was before.

just now?

Looking at the two hundred and eighty pieces of real magic props for compensation, forty pieces of rare magical props and sixty pieces of ‘species and residuals’ as information fees, how can the smile of Qin Rang’s mouth be suppressed.

At this time, he will not leave.

He has to keep his wealth.

The dragon will sleep peacefully on his own treasure, and he can!

Moreover, he can roll back and forth and change his position.

Of course, for the characteristics of these equipment items can not bring a copy, he also expected.

The previous experience is enough for Qin Ran to understand what should be done at this time.


In the hunger of hunger, some eager gluttony made a request to his brother.

"Eat and eat."

A simple and straightforward request.


"Slightly bear with me."

"Not yet."

Qin Ran said in his heart.

Although it is very difficult, but ‘gluttony’ is still very obedient and nodded.

"Good, good."

Patience has long been the basis of ‘gluttony’ because of the respect for his brother.

If there is no such patience, he will not appear.

Therefore, ‘gluttony’ is very clear about what it should do.

Qin Ran, who got a positive reply from the 'gluttony', stood up and walked out.

He has heard the footsteps of the old hunter.

He has already known about the arrival of Horuf and others.

The ‘eyes’ placed on the wall tells him everything.

Similarly, for Qin Ran to take the initiative to come out, the old hunter is not unexpected.

"Some things, Colin, you need to look at it, it is Horuff's discovery."

The old hunt demon whispered.


Qin Ran nodded and walked straight to the big tent of the deliberation.

However, before leaving, Qin Ran launched the "Silent Guard" of [Light of Vision].

Unlike the 'invisible eye' of [hidden gaze], [silent guard] is integrated into the shadow.

The appearance of two [silent guards] naturally caught the attention of the old hunters, but soon he was once again attracted to a large group of evil dogs.

Before that, he did not find out how these evil dogs came.

But because of this, it is quite remarkable that these seemingly lazy crawling dogs around the Qin Ran tent are quite extraordinary.

Needless to say, these evil dogs exude a faint scent of sorcerer.

"Is it a war dog?"

The old hunter asked a little envious.

The war dog was domesticated in the north of Aitante.

However, the process is complicated, and the requirements for bloodlines and breeding are too high. Except for the aristocrats in the true sense, the average person cannot afford it.

The same is true of the Demon Hunter.

Many hunting hunters have proposed to use war dogs as regular partners.

Unfortunately, it was finally forced back by the extremely high cost. It was only to train one or two hounds as comfort.


Qin Ran gave a positive answer.

The name of a war dog is better than a bad dog.

Then, I looked at my own layout and calculated the location of the tents on both sides. I felt that anything happened and I was able to come back in an instant. Qin Ran then walked into the tent.

"Colleen, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Holuf stretched his arms and walked toward Qin Ran.

"long time no see."

Qin Ran did not dodge, and the other party came with a bear hug.

And, like the other party, force the opponent's back.

In a slap in the face, Horuf let go of Qin Ran.

"You don't know if you respect the old and love your baby?"

Horuf dared to guarantee that his back must be red.

"Do you know how to respect the old and love the young, will you treat me like this?"

Qin Ran asked.

He doesn't feel anything.

A strong enough body, plus [Ghost of the Ghost] as a protection, such a tap is really nothing, even if this piece of equipment is just a substitute.

Laughter appeared in the tent.

From the Qinran appearance, the hunting demon who has been looking at Qin Ran laughed.

They did not feel the arrogance of the nobles in Qin Ran, but instead felt like them.

Live in the tent.

There is no such thing as holding.

Strong strength.

The heir to the snakes?

not bad.

The demon hunters looked at each other and gave them a footstep. They put the mechanical arm on the table in front of Qin Ran.

At the first sight of this robotic arm, Qin Ran was sure.

This is from the ‘hacker’!

Because this robotic arm is exactly the same as the arm of the 'mechanical law enforcers' who he saw at the ‘hacker’ auction.

However, Qin Ran did not speak immediately.

He walked over to the robotic arm, picked it up, and looked at it for a moment, then he sighed.

"It's the one who wrote it."

"He, are you not going to hide?"

The voice just fell, and a slamming sound suddenly appeared outside the tent.

"His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness!"

"Oh no!"

"The plague broke out in the Temple of War!"

(End of this chapter)

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