MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1838 In control

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Chapter 1838 is in control

Ah, ah!

Kabbio made a scream.

Such screams are enough to draw the attention of the cheerers.

However, when Gino and others discovered that the screaming person was Kabbio, everyone stopped and stared.

Sympathy for a cold-blooded executioner?

What is the difference between warming a frozen snake?

Nature is different.

At least, in the face of the latter, you will be vigilant because the other is a snake, so it is possible to avoid the bite of hidden fangs.

Can the former?

Will be killed by the other party.

The other party will pretend and then look for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to kill you.

Don't expect each other to be grateful.

The facts have long proved that for people like Kabbio, gratitude is cumbersome.

Only by abandoning the cumbersomeness, he can continue to ‘lightly install it’ to get everything he wants.

"help me!"

"help me!"

Kabbio shouted for help, but unfortunately, no one would plead for him.

Soon, Kabbio also discovered this, and the deputy director of the sacred sect of the plague was suddenly revealed and began to curse the people around him with vicious words.

"I hope you will not die!"

"You hypocrites!"

"Do you think that I am cold-blooded?"

"What is really cold and tyrannical is Motor."

The vicious words quickly spread to the Privy Bishop.

Then, the scene became out of control, because with the words of the deputy director of the sacred sect, the secret information of some of the war temples began to be revealed one by one.

The people around me heard their eyes wide open.

They never thought that the Temple of War would be so dark.

The assassination of interest is almost a basic operation.

There are still people selling people!

Not a simple one or two people.

But the kind of hundreds of big handwriting.

The young knight and the people around him are very ugly.

They are the first to know about such a thing.

In fact, it is not just those who used to be war temples, including Sivarka and the old hunter, all of whom knew that the Temple of War had such a thing.

Qin Ran was also secretly surprised.

However, it immediately came to mind that the policy of the ‘God Temple’ against the South was relieved.

The population is extremely important for the ‘God of War’.

How to turn it into a believer is even more important.

And what better is the gratitude of getting a group of rescued slaves?

Nature is self-directed and self-directed.

He and the evil spirits are doing this.

The Temple of War is also doing this.

The difference is that he and the upper evil spirits are more courageous and the stage is bigger.

"Horoff, can you help me check what he said?"

Qin Ran turned his head and looked at the once-retired demon hunter.

"Give it to me."

Horuff, along with Edson, walked outside the crowd.

Although the wolf faction has been hit hard, some hidden news channels still know. After all, these channels are not only serviced by the wolf, but of course, you have to spend money.


Then, Qin Ran looked at the ‘undead’ Hollera.


Holleka also nodded, ‘quiet night essays’ has its own channel of information, and it will be easier after some things have been made.

Not to mention the near minister, when Qin Ran’s eyes swept, he knew what to do.

When the people who confirmed the news dispersed, Qin Ran’s gaze once again looked at the deputy director of the “Holy Court”.

The other party is more useful than he thought.

Initially, according to his plan, he wanted to disintegrate the ‘God Temple’. The young knight is only the beginning, and then it will slowly accumulate. When it reaches a certain level, it will be a real problem.

And now?

It seems that it is not needed.

However, some processes are still necessary.

Qin Ran thought, turning his head and looking behind him.

Only the remaining Privy Bishop in the Temple of War is walking quickly from behind.

No notification.

The opposite aspect is like water.

The icy eyes are staring at the escaping Kabbio.

The sharp spirit has already dispersed.

The fleshy Kabeo is lying on the ground with only gasping strength.

It seems to be the same at any time.

But the other person still glared at his eyes and looked at Motor with resentment.

"Do you think I am dead, can you be safe?"

"Your Majesty... No, His preference for you, let Him ignore my efforts."

"Even, I am not willing to shelter."

"Then I will let him know what mistakes He made."

Kabbio shouted with exasperation.

Everyone looking at this look of Kabbio, will subconsciously think of a word: mad dog!

That's right!

It’s a mad dog!

A mad dog that was closed and stopped to see who bites!

When Kabbio prayed to the **** of war and prayed for shelter without responding, Kabbio became crazy. He even guessed whether Mortor was stalking.

When this idea came into being, Kabbio began to associate.

From the appearance of the plague to his actions, all this is Motor's calculation.

In order to get rid of him!

As for why?

There are too many reasons!

The most direct is: Motor wants to be alone!

After the accidental death of another Privy Bishop, in the entire Temple of War, the real high-level only left him and Motor, if he died again...

Then there is only one Motor left!

Motor will get everything from the Temple of War!

And ‘God of War’?

The gods on the top do not care about the battle between the ants.

He will only stare at opponents of the same level.

He has done this for decades.

Apart from the ‘Ms. Evangelion’, no one seems to be able to attract his attention.

The more I think, the more I think I am right.

Kabbio believes that this is the layout of the Motol.

Then he hopes to seek new asylum.

Without hesitation, he chose the ‘fog’ church.

This is a clear choice.

Compared with the Aitantin royal family and the ‘Queen Night Secret Society’, the ‘Mist’ church has a greater influence in Aitinburg, not only with the support of the demon hunters, but also with a demigod.

The latter is especially important.

After all, the demigod should also be able to use the power to drive out the plague.

But what Carbio didn't think was that he got an unexpected surprise.

The archbishop of the other party can do all this.

The mad Carbio, who was plagued by the plague, rushed out.

He did not doubt why he did this.

He only thinks this is his choice.

And what about the facts?

The evil spirits silently gave themselves a compliment.

I am so good!

It praises itself.

Then, at the same time, it will affect the Kabbio sentiment, and some of the memory that belongs to Carbio is transmitted to his Boss.

not many.

It’s not that the evil spirits don’t want to see the whole picture.

Instead, I was worried about being discovered by ‘God of War’.

Those who are different from the ‘quiet night retreat’.

These believers of the 'God' always make the evil spirits scrupulous, even if the faith is broken, the same believers.

Its Boss plan has reached its most critical moment.

Any care at all times is necessary.

Otherwise, if it is a loss, it is estimated that the next generation will have to pay for debts in the next life.

Looking through the information in his mind, Qin Ran's gaze is staring at Motor.

"Is it true?"

Qin Ran asked coldly.

"Do you want to believe in a mad dog?"

Motor asked.

Then, I sighed deeply.

"Kabbio is crazy in the face of death."

"The fear of death made him forget his vows."

"He only wants to live now."

"As long as you can live, you can do whatever you want."

"Even if you sell your soul."

Say, Motor sighed again, and the pain in his face was very eye-catching.

The people around you face each other.

Was it just faked by Kabbio?

People are puzzled at the bottom of their hearts.

Qin Ran did not.

The memory message just passed from the upper evil spirit made him confirm it.

The Temple of War really did that.

And, more than once and twice.

It is timed every few years.

Just as the wheat is ripe, it is harvested.

"When is Motor, do you still want to pretend?"

"The snake, the heir of Aitandin has sent people to investigate."

"It won't take long for everything to come out."

Carbio sneered.

The coldness in the eyes of Motor was more and more cold.

If he can, he can't wait to get rid of this former deputy.

In the bottom of my heart, I began to think about how to minimize losses.

However, these did not hinder the words of the Privy Bishop.

"What are you going to do?"

"Leave him?"

"He is with a plague."

“The means by which Simon Bishop can cure the plague is not without cost?”

“It’s like you just consumed it.”

Motor said clearly.

Moreover, it is very clear that Qin Ran’s consumption of ‘evil residue’.

In this regard, Qin Ran was not surprised.

In other words, he did not deliberately arrange it, in order to make everyone think that this is the case: Bishop Simon can deplete himself to cure the plague, and he consumes the compensation of the Southern Parliament members of the 'Quiet Night Secrets' to cure the Bishop of Simon.

This will form an excellent 'formula'.

There is a 'singular residue' that can cure the 'plague'.

In the future, it will evolve into a 'valueful thing' to cure the 'plague'.

Qin Ran would not mind if he could get more benefits while completing the original plan.

Therefore, in the face of the words of Motor, Qin Ran remained silent.

He is at default.

"I recommend burning him."

Motor said coldly.

"Motor, you have a pool!"

"You have a female watch!"


In the words of Motor, Kabbio yelled.

But Motor is indifferent, he said very calmly: "His existence is a time bomb, which will bring unnecessary danger at any time."

As he said, the Privy Bishop looked at the people around him.

Although the Privy Bishop has been wary of many things at the moment, people have to admit that the other party is right.

You know that it is a plague!

Once it broke out in the camp...

That will be unimaginable!

Even if the bishop is able to heal, the price that the bishop can pay is...

The people who thought about it quickly reached a consensus.

Just like a few hours ago, Kabbio proposed to burn people who were infected with the plague.

At this time, the wood contaminated with kerosene was piled up on Kabbio.

Kabbio struggled and pushed the firewood away.

Then, more firewood was piled up again, until he couldn’t move.

"You guys!"

"I curse you!"

Carbiao, who had forgotten that he had ordered the arrows and ignited, cursed and cursed with all kinds of vicious words that could be imagined.

It was like a hand-stained butcher who shouted at his innocence when he was pushed to the guillotine, stating that he was only tempted by the butcher knife.

Sivarka came out with a torch.

"and many more."

Gino suddenly spoke up.

Carbio, who has been cursing and cursing, has been stunned and then overjoyed.

"I know your Gino."

"You are a truly honest person."

"You are willing to stand up for the innocent."

"Your noble, I have seen it."

Since he thought he saw the hope of life, Kabbio began to sing loudly.

But the young knight was simply unmoved. He just walked over to Kabbio and looked down at the face covered by firewood.

A gaze without a word.

Let Carbio feel hairy.

He has a bad feeling.

next moment--

"Can you give me the torch?"

The young knight looked at Sivarka, who gave the torch to the young knight.

This kind of work is not a bad thing for Sivarka.

Because, he can guarantee that Ellie is watching herself.

He does not want his daughter to see a scorpion-like father.

But he had to be on the scalp before.

After the old demon slayer and other temporary leave, no one in the camp is more suitable than him.

At the moment, someone can replace it, and the identity is right, Siwarka is unfortunate.

The young knight holding the torch, once again bowed his head to see Kabbio.

"you and me……"

"It is unforgivable."

The young knight said to drop the torch.


The flame rolled up and spit in the dark smoke.

The fire illuminates the face of the young knight.

The curse of Kabbio sounded again.

However, the young knight did not hear it at all.

What he heard in his ear was the sound of the arrow falling.


Once again, the young knight said silently.

When the flame appeared, it was confirmed that Kabbio was overwhelmed by the flames, and Motto breathed a sigh of relief.

The hardest pass has passed!

Without Kabbio, the heirs in front of him want to investigate the truth of the matter and it takes a considerable amount of time, which is enough for him to destroy all the evidence.

You are very good.


Still too young.

Also too kind.

Motor looked at Qin Ran and couldn’t help but think like this.

If Qin Ran can succumb to his heart and ignore the plague, he will certainly pose a great threat to him and his majesty.

but now?

The situation is still under my control!

Motor thought confidently.

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion