MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1840 Brewing

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Chapter 1840 Brewing

"hurry up!"

"Soft bed! Soft bed!"

The sudden coma of the upper evil spirit made the ‘fog’ camp a mess.

Siwarka shouted loudly, and the old hunter devil came directly to the upper evil spirit. When he saw the evil spirits, his face was pale, his breathing was fairly stable, and he had no fever. I was relieved.

He really worried about the wrong way the benevolent bishop chose.

Fortunately, it is not the worst.

Looking at the evil spirits that were carefully carried on the soft bed, the old hunter looked at the young knight who was once again stunned and could not help but sigh: "The plague is not so easy to cure."

Not so easy to be cured?

A young knight.

He looked at the evil spirit who was taken away and asked involuntarily: "His Lord Edson, what do you mean?"

"The plague will not appear out of thin air, nor will it die out of thin air."

"Just from one body, into another body."

"He is suffering for you."

"As he said."

"He is willing to take everything for you, including..."


The old hunter can't help but take a deep breath.

His voice became involuntarily low.

"It's a fool."

"I thought I would never see it again."

After that, the old hunter went straight to the tower.

Without a strong man, the camp defense at this time became empty.

Before the guy woke up, he decided to guard the other side.

Unilateral decision.

It doesn't matter to others.

Just because there are fewer and fewer fools in the world.

The young knight stood there.

The words of the old hunter are really clear.

The cockroaches that just dissipated appeared again.

When the cockroach spread, the young knight walked quickly toward the tent of the evil spirits. However, he did not go in, but stayed outside.

The same is true of those who swear allegiance to the young knights.

They are silently guarded by one by one.

And the ‘fog’ church, who learned what happened, was equally worried.

The young Rogette carried a circle outside the tent with a battle axe.

For a moment, resentful despise the young knight.

I looked at the tent again and worried.

Irene Sika prayed in the white suede with her hands clasped to the 'fog'.

In fact, most of the 'fog' believers are like this.

They firmly believe that their Majesty will bless their bishop.

And in the tent...

Soft bed.

Comfortable pillows.

Warm quilt.

The upper evil spirits who felt all this could not help but smile.

So comfortable.

I really want to be sealed here and never leave.

I think about how much time I have.

I need a time that is not long or short, but enough to worry.

A moment before dawn?

No, no, no.

A little short.

Not conducive to the play of Boss.

It was too eye-catching at dawn.


Just after the sunrise!

A plan that will allow me to lie for 10 more minutes!


I can lie more than 10 minutes!

The upper evil spirit is thinking about it, then, the next moment -

A slight snoring sounded.

The evil spirits are almost immortal.

In a way, it will not be exhausted.

But the recent upper evil spirits are really too tired.

One person is decorated with a few angles, but also has to be perfect, always worried about being dismantled, and the consumption of energy is too great. Even if the evil spirit is a change of evil spirits, it is a bit unbearable.

It needs a break.

In this regard, Qin Ran has no opinion.

Perceived the state of the evil spirits, Qin Ran sat up from the soft collapse.

His gaze looked at the ‘the evil residue’ sent by the Southern Parliamentarians of the 静静秘秘.

A total of 60 pieces.

Available in all categories.

There are claws, hoofs, ears, and eye styles, most of which are part of the body left behind after ‘devil death’.

And this part also represents the ability.

Strong and weak.

Powerful, almost comparable to the power of II to III, but the demand is also extremely exaggerated.

According to the marked notes, launching such a blow requires almost a soul sacrifice of 100 people.

The weakness is just the equivalent of a juggling force, and the requirements are much lower, as long as a chicken or meat of the same size.

In short, the odd ability is accompanied by strange requirements.

But don't think that you can meet your needs.

The ‘furious’ riots of the former Temple of War.

The jewel of Aitandin VI.

They are telling Qin Ran that the power of 'evil and evil' is best not to be used at will.

Fortunately, Qin Ran does not need to use these forces.

He only needs...

It tastes good!

With Qin Ran's mind moving.

‘Overeating’ appeared in the tent.

As soon as it appeared, ‘gluttony’ looked at his brother with pity.

He is too hungry.

Especially in the face of a bunch of delicious food, but can not eat, this taste is really uncomfortable.

It would be good to just let him lick it.

Unfortunately, without the permission of his brother, he didn't even dare to swear.


"However, just these."

"Those can't move."

Faced with a tearful gluttony, Qin Ran nodded and raised his finger to the box containing the ‘eliminal residue’.

The ‘gluttony’ immediately gave a cheer.

Straight rushing to the box's 'gluttony', one opened the box cover, and raised his hand to grab those 'exotic residues', but when the hand is about to touch the 'food', 'gluttony' Suddenly thought of something.

He suddenly stood up.

As soon as he raised his hand, [seven inches and six points. Xiaolong chopsticks] appeared in the hands.

My brother said that eating in this position requires a table manner.

The gluttony that bears this in mind raises the dragon chopsticks into the box, and suddenly feels the crisis. The ‘thousands and residues’ that are constantly squirming are pierced.

They are strung together.

Under the influence of [蛟龙涎], the savory taste of these ‘fragrances’ was quickly upgraded to a higher level.

This is a tempting taste, and the more ‘overeating food’ is more and more unbearable.

No hesitation.

‘Overeating’ opened his mouth. From the head of the chopsticks, he reached the other end. The ‘thousand remnants’ that were tied to the chopsticks were smashed into the mouth by gluttony.

Hey! Hey!

In the crisp sound, the juice splashed.

However, the juice has not yet flown out, and ‘gluttony’ has returned to the mouth.

Don't waste a little food.

He is very good at the idea of ​​the elder brother.

In the same way, Qin Ran, who has always adhered to this concept, has played to the fullest extent.

The forces transformed by the 'gluttony' have poured into the five major sources.

The ‘original sin’ is deep and dark.

‘Devil’ is raging and chaotic.

The ‘Sacred Thorn’ is sharp and restrained.

The words 'Dawn' and 'Plague' are like twins, surrounded by the remaining 'original sin', 'devil' and 'sacred thorns', forming a stable triangle.

Then, the five ‘source forces’ began to gather in the ‘flame’.

From the initial spark to the flame.

This ‘flame’ in the depths of Qin’s mind has become more and more vigorous.

On the contrary, the darkness of chaos is less and less.

At this time, there are only nine miles left.

However, the stubbornness of the nine darkness is far beyond the imagination of Qin Ran.

Not only does it not melt under the flame, but it creates more chaotic darkness.

Qin Ran is absolutely certain that if he temporarily extinguishes the flame, soon, his mind will be filled with chaotic darkness again.

As long as it is not stupid, Qin Ran will never do this.

Although it is still unclear, what will happen after burning these chaotic darkness.

But when the chaos is full of discomfort, it makes Qin Ran know what to do.


The five ‘sources’ transformed into 60 pieces of “evil residue” were like the best fuel, and they were poured into the “flame”. At once, the flames jumped to the old high.

Suddenly, the darkness of chaos was burned out.

Then, another chaotic darkness was slowly burned.

When the flame burned the third cockroach, it seemed to have insufficient stamina.

Just burning about half, it entered a stalemate.

"It’s tougher than you think!"

Looking at the remaining six and a half chaotic darkness, Qin Ran's gaze involuntarily looked at the two hundred and eighty magic level props and forty rare magic items.

However, in the end he still shook his head.

"Not yet."

Qin Ran whispered to himself in the bottom of my heart.

Then, the eyes fell on the 'gluttony'.

The ‘gluttony’ with the dragon chopsticks was reluctant to look at the rest of the food, and eventually disappeared.

The order of the brother can not be violated.

The heart of ‘gluttony’ has already had such a brand.

After the disappearance of ‘gluttony’, Qin Ran took out the “Lord of the Mist”.

A series of 60 "exotic residues" swallowed, [the Lord of the fog] also received great benefits, although the equal order did not improve again, but the corresponding attributes are rising again, and several new attributes, characteristic.

The most direct is that within the characteristics, Qin Ran’s 'scope of power', which is mastered by the master of the fog, has expanded from the Sika collar and the city of Aitinburg to the south, including the 'Cheka Bay' that once disappeared. Going in, there are also places like 'Zwenke Plain, Hills and Aishaco Canyon'.

At the same time, the attribute aspect is more [eye of the fog] and [the feeling of tides].

[The Eye of the Mist: In the area where you control, where the fog appears, you can clearly see everything that is covered by the fog. The farther you are, the more energy you will consume.]

[The feeling of tides: seawater will not be your enemy, but you can't control it in the true sense. You can only perceive the ebb and flow and the time of the storm.]


It is obvious that such attributes and special effects are naturally due to the origin of those 'singularly residual'.


Qin Ran talked to himself and shook his head slowly.

His ability is still not available there.

The South is a limit in front of us.

Even, in essence, he has no available manpower in the South.

Otherwise, you don't need your own followers to decorate the opera.


The upper evil spirit is really easy to use!

Thinking this way, Qin Ran walked out of the tent.

His appearance has aroused the attention of everyone.

For the serpent and the heirs of Aitantin, people have both respect and admiration, and at this time, people are subconsciously expecting more.

Can he cure the Bishop of Simon?

Everyone thinks this way.

No one can ask directly.

Compared with the approachable Bishop of Simon, Qin Ran, who has been cold-faced, always makes people fear.

In this regard, Qin Ran, who has long been used to, nodded to the familiar old hunting demon, and Qin went straight into the tent of the evil spirits.

When Qin Ran walked out of the tent, the evil spirits woke up.

However, in order to disguise, it has to lie a little longer.

just now?

Nature is going to get up.

As soon as he turned over, the upper evil spirit sat up.

'well done! ’

Qin Ran praised the evil spirit through the power of the contract.

‘Thank you for your compliment. ’

The upper evil spirit responded.


What else is there then?

Substantial reward?

Stop it.

It is impossible for Boss to give it a substantial reward.

The small break has been the biggest gift.

I guess I want to rest again, I have to... No, at least three years later.

The very evil spirits that are very enlightened are already ready.

After the two were silent in the tent for about five minutes, according to the original plan, Qin Ran took the lead to go outside.

"Woke up."

As soon as I got out of the tent, Qin Ran said.


"The bishop is awake!"

Suddenly, cheers rang.

As the pale upper spirits walked out of the tent, the cheers of the people were louder. In such a cheer, Qin Ran walked toward his tent.

It is the same as when he came.

"You should also learn to enjoy cheering."

The old hunter who quietly followed up pointed out Qin Ran from the perspective of his elders.

"I'm not used to it."

Qin Ran said truthfully.

"So, have you chosen to pay silently?"

"I used to have a bit of doubt about your identity as a hunter."

"just now?"

"I can be sure."

"You guy is definitely a hunter."

"It's still the most traditional one."

The old hunter said with a smile.

"Go, I invite you to drink."

"I don't drink alcohol."

Qin Ran refused very simply.

"Then I will correct it."

"You are not just the most traditional hunter, but the temperament."

The old hunter said, but his eyes looked at the shadow on one side.

Qin Ran looked at it as early as the moment.

"Call, call!"

"help me!"

In the shadow, Kabbio stumbled out of the wolf, and he shouted loudly.

Of course, this is what he thinks is loud.

In fact, such a voice is simply inconspicuous in the cheers of everyone.

Kabbio also found out that he is now ready to shout louder.

A snake can interrupt him.

Hey, hey!

In the viper of the turbulent air, Qin Ran passed by Carbio.

The air of the road is spinning, and it will be wrapped in Kabbio.


Thousands of miles.

(End of this chapter)

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes