MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1847 Picture

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Figure 1847

The ridiculous ‘lazy’ is still sleepy.

Even if it was tied to the air in the next moment, this look did not change.

The invisible power impeded the body of 'lazy'.

It is like an invisible big hand holding the 'lazy' back neck collar and smashing it into front of the 'witch'.

The chin under the hood is dry and sharp, like a protruding tree smashing the 'lazy' head, and the bound 'lazy' is so wide-eyed, looking up at this one' Tree 杈'.

The ‘Witch’ obviously does not like to look up to others.

After shackling ‘lazy’, she stood out from the air, in the night wind of the winter, like a demon from the dark, overlooking the world.

Anyone who opposes it will be frozen.

‘lazy’ is an exception.

Because, when the gaze came over... ‘lazy’ closed his eyes.

If he can, he even wants to have a mirror to let the ‘wife’ look at himself and his own eyes.

It is a pity that he can't do this at all.

Moreover, even if it is done, it is useless.

The ‘Witch’ is not a person who is hurt by his own strength.

even if……

This is not the same as the fully mature ‘Witch’.

According to the elder brother's speculation, the ‘wow’ in front of him should be the moment before becoming a true ‘witch’.

They entered a time period that was intercepted.

A very critical time period.

Through the observation at the moment, ‘lazy’ can confirm that the brother’s speculation is correct.

This is easy to handle.

‘lazy’ was relieved.

"you know me."

"I hate your smile."

The words of doubt, but in a positive tone, the 'witch' raised the dry palm, and the branch-like fingers were so under the 'lazy' cheek, and then, sliding a little.

The blood immediately flowed down.

A deep visible bone scar appeared from left to right with a curvature on the face of 'lazy'.

Suddenly, the lazy ‘lazy’ became horrible.

Especially when the ‘Women’ connects the scars with the corners of the mouth, an inexplicable sensation appears on the face of ‘lazy’.

The witch overlooking it is like admiring his masterpiece.

Not only did he carefully pick up the 'lazy' cheeks, but wiped the blood a little bit.

"Sure enough, the spirit is not normal."

‘lazy’ heart lamented.

Through quite a bit of news, he has learned enough about the ‘wife’ in front of him.

Except for the ‘strong’’ that is unanimously recognized.

The rest is crazy, horrible.

Most people think that the two modifications in the back are just extensions of 'strong', but after 'the lazy' saw the 'witch' at first sight, he confirmed that such a modification is definitely not an extension of the former. , but another definition.

Natural genius talent and acquired ability to change, as long as standing in front of someone, he can easily peep into each other's emotions, even memories.

Moreover, through various influences, many hints can be given to the other party.

But now?

He did not feel the emotions of any normal person in the woman in front of him.

All that is there is a messy excitement.

Do not!

Not messy!

The so-called mess is just what ordinary people think!

In the eyes of the other party, such a self is normal.


Draw a smile on his face.

"This is much better."

The ‘Witch’ said.

"Is there a mirror?"

"I want to see your craft."

Asked ‘lazy’.

The voice is full of excitement, and it seems that I really want to see that smile.

A clear glimpse of the 'Witches'.

Then, I actually took out a mirror from the robe and placed it in front of ‘lazy’.

"The arc is not enough."

"It should be bent a little more."

After ‘lazy’ looked at it, it’s said.

Then, when ‘lazy’ wanted to continue to say something, ‘Witch’ took the mirror up.

"Do you think you can fool me?"

The voice of the ‘Witch’ began to become sharp.

In that kind of excitement, there is a sharp emotion.


Without waiting for the 'lazy' fine resolution, the 'lazy' chest was pierced.

The ‘Witches’ who had not entered the ‘lazy’ chest were stunned.

She seems to be remembering why she did this.

Then, I feel that there is nothing to do this.

But the habit of keeping the body makes her think she should do something.

Therefore, she pulled out her palm and made up for the left side of the ‘lazy’. After she became symmetrical, she stepped back in panic, but then she laughed in her mouth.


The voice flashed away.

After the ‘Women’ jumped around ‘lazy’ for a few laps, it pulled up the 'lazy’ right hand, the dry fingers, and the ‘lazy’ fingers.

She asked as she squeezed.

"Have you seen my little bear?"

The sound is no longer hoarse.

It is crisp and sweet.

If it weren't for the corpse, ‘lazy’ would really think that he had met a little girl.

Very naive.

"Why do not you speak?"

"You don't want to play with me?"

In the crisp sound, a crisper sound was heard.

When the witch utters a word, it smashes the ‘lazy’ phalanx.

The pain came from time to time.

But ‘lazy’ is simply indifferent.

He looked at his head and looked at the ‘Witch’, his mouth opened, as if he was talking, but there was no sound at all.


The witch’s hand is a slap in the face.

"I said it, the sound must be loud!"

The voice of ‘Witch’ has changed again.

Become pitted and thick.

Like a

This state lasted for a short time. Just after a dozen seconds, the ‘Women’ changed back to the appearance of ‘lazy’ at first sight, and the other looked at him coldly.

"You found my secret!"

‘lazy’ couldn’t help but rolled his eyes.

Is this still used for discovery?

Are you not happy to show yourself?

"I feel that you are thinking about something that makes me angry."

"Forget it."

"I forgive you."

"Dead people are worthy of forgiveness."

The ‘Women’ said to raise his hand.


The bound 'lazy' felt an irresistible force on the neck, twisting his head directly to seven hundred and twenty degrees, and stopped after two turns.

But such a pause is only a moment.

The next moment, ‘lazy’ raised his head and turned back seven hundred and twenty degrees in the opposite direction.

"I feel that my vision is clearer after the reset."

"What do you say?"

‘lazy’ squinted and showed a smile.

After a corner of the mouth is cut, a more strange smile.

"Don't die?"

There was a surprise in the words of the 'Witches', but the immediate ‘Witch’ raised his hand and pressed it on ‘lazy’.

Unlike before, there is no contact.

This time is a real sense of contact.


Just as the 'Witches' palm touched 'lazy', 'lazy' burst directly.

No flesh and blood.

There is a moment to make powder.


The night wind blew.

These powders are scattered in the night sky.

After a few seconds, a human form was formed again.

The upper evil spirits stepped back a few steps and looked ugly at the ‘Witch’.

It has suffered an unprecedented serious injury.

That is the power that threatens its origins.

"I will stick to it twice at most!"

Through the power of the contract, the upper evil spirits inform their Boss.

In the moment of seeing the evil spirits, it is obvious that the ‘wow’, whose brain is not normal, reacted at this moment in an instant.

"Evil spirit!"

She is like this.

The dry face beats.

Suddenly, a touch of white light began to condense on the upper evil spirits.


It's like the butter is thrown into the hot pan.

The upper evil spirit began to melt like this.

At this time, the undead character seems to have disappeared.

Moreover, the pain is magnified ten times and a hundred times.


The upper evil spirits screamed out.

The ‘Women’ is not looking at the evil spirits and going straight to the temple of Ms.

Here, the real 'lazy' is standing under the statue of the ‘failure lady’, and the priests and believers who originally belonged to the ‘failure lady’ have fallen into a deep sleep.

Seeing the ‘Witches’ appearing, they didn’t wait for the other party to start, and ‘lazy’ disappeared after yawning.

The ‘Witch’ did not pursue.

She stared at the statue of 'Mr. Disasteror' and examined it carefully.

Then, hesitation appeared on her face.


After a while, the 'fog' church camp.

"Can you marry her?"

The weak upper evil spirits huddled in the corner of the camp.

At this time, the upper evil spirits can no longer be transformed into human figures. They can only exist in the image of people with a small body, such as a black cat.


"She is just a madman, not a fool."

"I only hope that I can delay the time slightly."

"After all, it was her backhand that swallowed up the catastrophic hurricane. We have been confusing for a short time and she is already the limit. It is not enough to want to do something."

‘lazy’ shook his head with certainty.

"Then you shouldn't just stand there."

"At least give the statue a glimpse."

"At least, you have to scratch one."

The black spirit of the black cat looks up and lifts the nails.

"It's useless."

"That will only speed up what we have done, just delay the essence of time."

‘lazy’ shook his head.

In this regard, the upper evil spirits did not use rebuttal.

Because that is the truth.

According to the original plan, ‘lazy’ was to destroy the statue of ‘Mr.

However, the seemingly ordinary ‘fighting lady’ statue is more sturdy than the sacred ‘God of War’ statue.

Even, to some extent, it has not been able to describe it with sturdiness.

Specifically, that is the defense above the V-order!

For such defenses, there is no way to 'lazy'.

But it also proves that the statue of 'Ms. Evangelion' is the 'key' of the 'witch' taking over the 'authority of the catastrophic lady'. To put it more simply, as long as the key is mastered, through some ceremonies, the 'witch' can become ' Ms. Disaster, 'or the true 'witch'.

Therefore, after a little thought, ‘lazy’ will find the evil spirits to delay the time.

"I hope Boss can solve those two problems as soon as possible."

The upper evil spirit took a deep breath.

"The trouble that the brothers have to solve is not just those two."

"And, to a certain extent, I am not worried about my brother."

“What I am really worried about is that we cannot “contact” things.”

‘lazy’ means something.

The evil spirits are silent.

It knows what ‘lazy’ means.

But that is why it can't intervene, even giving a little help.


"What we can do is only in front of us."

"I hope that the back of the ‘Witch’ is not too intense.”

"I am not good at fighting."

‘lazy’ refers to a simple funeral that has begun in the distance.

The funeral is ‘honey silk’.

Although ‘honey silk’ has already become a 'witch' – ‘lazy’ can’t confirm that ‘honey silk’ has been replaced, or like the name of his brother’s ‘2567’.

But he can be sure.

The crazy ‘Women’ will never accept a simple funeral.

The other party wants to attract more attention, so that everyone can't detect the change of 'Ms.

this is a good news.

Not only does this mean that the process will not be too short, but also that in the process, the 'Witches' are very weak, otherwise the madness shown by the other party will not be so costly.

This is the chance for my brother.

And their existence?

Naturally, the chance to make your brother grows bigger!

"Are you sure you want to take the black cat to the funeral?"

The weak upper evil spirit reminds ‘lazy’.

"You can turn white."

‘lazy’ is proposed.

"I am a seriously wounded person who can't even be beaten by ordinary people."

The upper evil spirit reminded me again.

"Do not."

"If you exist, you will not tolerate neglect."

"Trust me, you are stronger than you think."

‘Lazy’ said that while holding up the evil spirit of the black cat.

Immediately, the upper part of the evil spirits raised a bad premonition.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

The evil spirit shouted.

"Like my brother, I don't like passive defense."

"We have to take the initiative!"

After that, ‘lazy’ raised the cat’s upper evil spirits above the head. Then, like throwing a baseball, the cat’s upper evil spirit was pointed at the cockroach and thrown out.


After the violent wind in the ear, the inferior spirit of the inability to resist, with the instinct of the cat, fell steadily...


The demon hunters standing around have fallen their eyes on the evil spirits.

Suddenly, the upper evil spirits numb the scalp.

What makes it even more uncomfortable is that it can sense the small vibrations that are coming from the bottom of the foot.

Moreover, the vibration is getting bigger and bigger.


"Quickly open!"

With such a shout, the upper evil spirits leaped high.

Just as the elf spirit of the cat was vacated, the cockroach that it had just touched exploded directly.


(End of this chapter)

Read Paladin of the Dead God
Read Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard
Read The Last Adventurer