MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 2 Backstab

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The backpack in Qin Ran’s hands is not big.

Otherwise, it will not be obscured by the body of the body.

The entire backpack is only the size of a regular school bag. It is divided into two pockets by two zippers.

Can't wait, Qin Ran opened two zippers.

However, the result was disappointing Qin Ran.

Three cans, a bottle of pure water and a broken book, there is no gold coins and equipment that Qin Ran expected, but then Qin Ran will be relieved.

Even if it is in a completely real ‘underground game,’ some general rules of the game still exist. He is now in the first copy, according to the usual rules of the game, ‘newbie village’.

It is obviously impossible to get strong equipment in the 'newbie village'.

Sighed, Qin Ran checked his own harvest.

[name: canned]

[Type: Food]

[Quality: Normal]

[Property: Add 25 health and 50 physical strength in one minute]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: It can help you avoid hunger, and the effect after heating is better! 】


[name: pure water]

[Type: Food]

[Quality: Normal]

[Property: Add 10 health and 20 physical strength in one minute]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: It is much more useful than it looks! 】

When Qin Ran's fingers touched the canned, pure water, such information bar appeared directly in Qin Ran's line of sight, and there is no difference between Qin Ran's cognition.

Then, Qin Ran's eyes looked at the broken book.

When in contact with it, an information bar appeared in front of you -

[Name: Del's Diary]

[Type: Books]

[Quality: broken]

[Attribute: None]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: No]

[Remarks: Do not doubt, he is free to find a book to record everything, you can try to read! 】

Qin Ran subconsciously opened the diary diary in his hand, the above handwriting was scribbled, and many places were stained by smudges, which could not be seen clearly.

Therefore, the content of the entire diary is messy and intermittent -

October 21, Yin

The war lasted for four months, food, water, and medicines all became short. The sound of gunfire sounded from time to time, but fortunately, the rebels did not search day and night, they became routine, and they only returned during a day of inspections during the day. Camp! The abominable are the thugs, who stalked the night, like locusts, and ransacked any supplies.

October 27, sunny

damn it! I was looted by a mob! The only cans and water that I have left are taken away by that guy! what should I do? How to do?

October 29, Yin

No! I can't wait any longer, I have to squat and have physical strength to do something!

November 1, sunny

Hahaha, luck is really good, big gain! I not only found food, but also found a weapon! Please call me a lucky del!

On November 11th, sunny

Lucky Del will have to attack again, this time will be full again!


The diary came to an end and came to an abrupt end.

Obviously, the other party is not as lucky as the other party described.

Qin Ran's eyes looked at the other's body.

Although it is still somewhat unbearable, it does not start.

Because from the messy, intermittent diary, Qin Ran removed some basic information, there is a clue: there should be a weapon on the body in front of him.

And a weapon, for the unarmed Qin Ran, is naturally necessary!

At the very least, Qin Ran will have a sense of security and self-protection.

From the basic information obtained in the diary, the surrounding is not safe.

It is not easy to survive for seven days.

"I hope not lost!"

Qin Ran thought like this, stretched out his hands and searched again.

This time, the search is much more detailed than the previous one.

Of course, the sticky, dry blood also inevitably sticks to Qin Ran's hands, so that Qin Ran vomits, but when there is a harvest, these are nothing.

[name: dagger]

[Type: Sword Weapon]

[Quality: Damaged]

[attack power: weaker]

[Attribute: None]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Note: It lacks maintenance, if you can, you can try to polish and oil. 】


[name: lighter]

[Type: Sundries]

[Quality: Damaged]

[Attribute: None]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: Do you need to introduce this? 】


The dagger was found at the waist of the corpse, and it was covered with clothes. If it was not a detailed search, it could not be found.

The lighter was found in the pocket of the other trousers.

Picking up the slightly rusted dagger, Qin Ran rubbed the wheel of the lighter. After two or three times, a touch of fire appeared.

By the flame, Qin Ran can see the dagger in front of the eyes more clearly, not only as simple as rust, the bright red, obviously other substances.

As for what?

Qin Ran, who read the diary, knows it.

The civilians trapped in the city, under the coercion of hunger, have no previous order, and have already become extremely dangerous. When they encounter the rebels, they are civilians with no rebellious force, but they are suffering from lingering When they are civilians, they are thugs.

It is like the body in front of you!

Once again, I looked at the dead body. Qin Ran packed the backpack, reloaded the cans and the water, and carried it on his body. The lighter was placed in his jacket pocket. When he entered the copy in front of his eyes, his clothes. It has already become dirty with the civilians in the copy. Fortunately, it is not broken.

Qin Ran was holding a dagger in his hand and was ready to leave.

There was no room in front of the room, and there was no reason for Qin Ran to stay.

From the cracked window gap, the afterglow of the sun is about to disappear, and it urges Qin Ran's footsteps.

At night, it will be the time when the mobs will haunt.

Qin Ran did not intend to compete with the mobs in droves.

Therefore, he will not stay in such a conspicuous place as the house.

Because any house can be the target of the mob search.

"Gully, sewers and the like are more suitable for hiding!"

Qin Ran thought about where he left.

No need for comfort, just enough cover.

The underground, which is beyond the reach of human eyes, is naturally the first choice.

Of course, there may be other people hiding!

But those who are hiding are naturally safer than Qin Ran, who is constantly plundering.

Pushing open the door, Qin Ran's eyes are a horizontal corridor, and on the other side of Qin Ran is another open door, which is empty, apparently already evacuated.

The corridor passes through the same empty hall and leads to the outdoors.

And just when Qin Ran is ready to take a step.


The door leading to the outside was slammed open, a figure fell on the floor of the hall, and another figure appeared with a low laugh.

At the moment when the door was knocked open, Qin Ran retracted the room and held the dagger in his hand and listened.

"Oh, big discovery! It will be a woman!"

There was no exaggeration in the laughter.

"Get out!"

The hoarse reprimand sounded, and even with a burst of noise, Qin Ran’s mind showed the appearance of the other side relying on his arms and his body receding on the floor.

However, immediately, Qin Ran changed his face.

Because the voice is getting clearer!

The other party is approaching him!

At the end of the corridor, there is another room outside the room where Qin Ran is located. Once the other party comes to the end, it will inevitably enter a room.

Or Qin Ren, or the empty room.

One-half chance.

This allowed Qin Ran to hold a layer of fine sweat in the palm of his hand.



Qin uneasily swallowed.

But such uneasiness has not changed the facts that are about to emerge.

When the figure that fell, retreating into the room where Qin Ran was, Qin Ran breathed a stagnation.

In the same way, the figure that fell to the ground and relied on the back of the arm was also a glimpse.

Obviously, the other party did not think that there would be another person here.

However, the next moment, the other party returned to normal.

Still as the general retreat before, the eyes do not look at Qin Ran, not to mention the sound of help to Qin Ran.

This made Qin Ran very surprised.

But the footsteps that followed, made Qin Ran quickly awake.

This person in front of you may not be in danger, but the people who come with it are absolutely dangerous.

Once the other party has found him, I think the other person won't mind a fight.

And such a battle will eventually turn into killing.

Qin Ran has a self-knowledge.

His body is not strong, and he does not have any fighting skills. Compared with a mob who has survived for four months in the war, he is completely white.

However, there is no chance.

Qin Ran’s eyes looked at the lady who fell to the ground and kept retreating.

The other person's expression was very calm, and there was a deep sense in his eyes, which made Qin Ran understand the other's intentions. He held his breath and shrank his body as much as possible into the shadow.

Step, step, step!

The sound of leather shoes on the wooden floor is not only clear but also powerful. The other party is like a hunting beast. While acquiring prey, it is also arrogant.

"do not come!"

The lady who fell to the ground shrank in the corner, and in the hoarse voice, it seemed to have a deep despair.

This makes the pursuer more and more interested.

The other party did not find another person in the room.

Because the other's line of sight is completely attracted to the lady.

The other side's eyes looked up and down the prey, and the back was completely exposed to Qin Ran.

Qin Ran, who was holding his breath when the other person approached, did not hesitate, and slowly and silently raised the dagger.

Then, slammed down.


Read The Mage of Eternity