MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 9 sneak

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[Name: T1 bulletproof vest]

[Type: Armor]

[Quality: General]

[Defensive power: 1, the bullet defense force is general; 2, the cold weapon defense is weak]

[Attribute: None]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: This is a police bulletproof vest, but don't really think that wearing it, you can ignore the bullet! 】

At the moment when I picked up the bullet-proof vest, the introduction of [T1 bullet-proof vest] appeared in front of Qin Ran. After a quick glance, Qin Ran did not hesitate to put the bullet-proof vest on his body.

Compared to only one jacket with the name "Warrior Civilian Costume" but no defensive power, [T1] bulletproof vest is undoubtedly much better.

Both can withstand bullets and defend against melee.

Even if the latter is weak, Qin Ran has more confidence to complete the immediate plan.

Qin Ran grinned and controlled his own breathing, and quietly wiped it toward the second goal.

This goal did not reveal the death of the companion.

Although the two are very close.

Like the gun-throwers who had been killed by Qin Ran, the gun-throat in front of him was so careless and his eyes looked around at random.

Did not notice the advent of the crisis at all.

Qin Ran did not ambush again, but approached from behind each other.

When there are only two steps away from the other side, one front and the left hand are on the other's mouth, so that the other party can't make a sound, and the dagger in the right hand passes over the other's throat.

In fact, Qin Ran’s hands are almost indiscriminate.

When the other party wants to call, even if he wants to bite Qin Ran's left hand, Qin Ran's dagger in his right hand has cut the other's throat.

The **** outflow, after a while, the other party will not move.

[Stab: Critical attack, causing 100 life damage to opponents (50 cold weapons (decapitation) (base) X2), opponents die...]

As before.

Qin Ran dragged the other's body into the ruins and searched for the spoils.

However, he did not take off the other side's [T1 body armor], but took away the [M1905] filled with bullets.

If you can wear two bullet-proof vests, Qin Ran naturally does not mind.

But unfortunately, just wearing a [T1 body armor] makes him feel the stagnation of the running, if you wear one more, the agility will inevitably be affected.

The situation in front of us will never allow Qin Ran’s speed to be affected too much.

Because, that will only make Qin Ran a live target.

Even a live target with a high level of defense will eventually be beaten into a horse!

"the second!"

Qin Ran, who was silent in his heart, walked from the ruin of the cat's waist.

After about a dozen meters ahead, Qin Ran stood in the shadows, squinting his head and looking at his third goal.

Unlike the first two targets walking between the ruins, the third target stood on top of a metre-high ruin made up of rubble and rotten wood. Despite the same carelessness, it made Qin Ran unable to start.

Because, for reasons of height, if Qin Ran passes from the front, even if there is some ruin, it will fall into the other's field of vision.

Qin Ran is not confident that he can ignore the other person because he easily kills the other person.

After all, the guns in the hands of the other party are definitely not furnishings.

As for the past from the back?

Qin Ran looked at the other side with a completely irregular scan, and resolutely gave up the idea.

He didn't want to go around halfway, and he was turned around and found it.

"Take this goal for the time being!"

The next moment, Qin Ran made a decision.

Although he still has [M1905], and the bullets are sufficient.

But Qin Ran does not want to use firearms so early.

Not only because the other person is wearing bullet-proof vests, but with his guns, it is difficult to hit the head without the protection of bullet-proof vests.

Also because once the gun rang, his position will be exposed!

Now the other side of the line of seven people, there are five gun mobs alive, even if it is arranged with Ke Lin in advance to deal with the plan, Qin Ran does not want two to five.

"At least two more kills!"

With such an idea, Qin Ran began the detour.

In order not to be found by the gun thugs standing on the top of the ruins, Qin Ran’s detour was quite far. He first returned to the position where he had killed the first target, and then began to detour.

Ten minutes later, when Qin Ran stopped, he had already arrived behind the gun thugs.

Relying on good eyesight, Qin Ran took the five goals to the bottom of his eyes and quickly locked in the third goal to start.

This goal is the one of the five who is located at the far left of Qin Ran's field of vision.

Compared to the two that Qin Ran had killed before, this gun-throwing mob should be even more sloppy!

At least, the previous two gun mobs were still pretending to search, and the gun-thugs were squatting in places that other mobs could not see, lit a cigarette straight, and so swallowed. .

The other party’s appearance is so good that Qin Ran sees the other party’s moment and takes the other party as the next target.

Qin Ran carefully approached the dead end of the other side of the line of sight.

Although the other party was completely attracted by the cigarettes in the hand, this did not hinder Qin Ran's caution.

Because Qin Ran knows that there is something in the world called ‘accident.’

And there is no good way to make accidents happen less.

Just be careful and be careful.

In such caution, Qin Ran's distance from the other side is reduced step by step.

When the distance is less than two meters from the other side, the other party still did not find Qin Ran. When the dagger of Qin Ran’s right hand approached, the other party found a wrong place.

However, it is clear that this is already late!

Qin Ran ignored the burning of the cigarette, the left hand was placed on the other's mouth, and the right hand holding the dagger was suddenly pulled back.


It is generally the same as the previous two goals, and the other side whose neck is cut is fallen to the ground.

[burning: the opponent causes you 1 life damage]

[Stab: Critical attack, causing 100 life damage to opponents (50 cold weapons (decapitation) (base) X2), opponents die...]

[Three times quietly approaching the target of attack, not being discovered, comprehending skills: stealth]

[name: sneak (basic)]

[Attribute related: Agile]

[skill category: auxiliary]

[Effect: Better use of shadows, make it difficult for others to find, increase 10% concealment]

【Deplete power】

[learning conditions: agile F]

[Note: You are just good at hiding rather than real stealth! 】

At the moment when the other party fell to the ground, the system gave the comprehension skills [sneak (basic)].

Suddenly, a glimpse of knowledge appeared in Qin Ran’s mind.

Qin Ran, who has had two skill experiences, has already become familiar with it.

In an instant, after the knowledge transfer is completed, Qin Ran's body can quite easily apply the knowledge just acquired in his mind.

"three times?"

Qin Ran searched the body of the eye while looking at the previous system prompts.

The same 'three times' number as when comprehending the [cold weapon (decapitation) (foundation)] caused Qin Ran's attention.

"In the novice copy, as long as the trigger is valid three times, you can get the corresponding skills?"

Qin Ran guessed.

However, very soon, Qin Ran returned to God.

He remembers what he should do at the moment, rather than stopping to think about it.

There is time in the future!

And now?

Qin Ran looked at the remaining four goals, and the knowledge about stealth in his mind once again emerged.

Then, Qin Ran's body walked silently into the shadow of the side, and the shadow of the moonlight and the walls and ruins approached the next target.

If Qin Qian’s speed before climbing to the target was climbed, then this time evolved into a normal walk.

Moreover, it is more concealed and has no sound.

It is like the best thief on the street at night.

Or say... Assassin.

the fourth!

the fifth!

In the presence of Qin Ran, who had [sneak (basic)], the two gun-thugs were even more vigilant than the previous three gun mobs, but the results remained unchanged: Qin Ran had cut his throat from behind!

At this time, ‘豺狼’ Hook discovered something that was not right.

A group of seven people searched in the ruins. If you can't see one or two people, it's normal, but if most people can't see it, even an idiot should find something wrong.

‘豺狼’ Hook is not an idiot, or it will not become the right arm of ‘vulture’.

However, the contempt in his heart made him and idiots no different.

Even... even more idiotic than an idiot!

He looked around and looked forward. When he didn't find more people, he couldn't help but shouted: "Tony, Jack, Phil Lu... What are you doing, hurry up!"

Shouting, Hook clenched his gun.

I haven’t heard back for a long time. Suddenly, let Hook look at the ruins that are already familiar around, and become unfamiliar at this moment.

The shadow of the moonlight and the ruins intertwined, just like the devil's gaze, let the ‘豺狼’ Hook’s back begin to have a little bit of cold sweat.

When the night wind blew, ‘豺狼’ Hook couldn’t help but shudder.

"Hook's head!"

The sudden shouts made the ‘豺狼’ Hook a whole body. When it was discovered that it was his younger brother, ‘豺狼’ Hook was furious.

"You are..."


The words of the curse have not yet fully sounded, and a gunshot has appeared.

The third goal that Qin Ran specifically avoided was slammed.

However, the other person with bullet-proof vests has no commandments!

On the contrary, after falling to the ground, the other party turned around and madly fired in the direction of the gunshot.

The ‘豺狼’ Hook, who witnessed the whole process, even slammed the trigger in the place where the fire was shining.


For a time, the guns rang.

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