MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 12 First Guild "Rebirth"

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The famous Living Players Guild in the first town of the first floor of Iron Grove is the first guild established by gamers and the only game guild to date.

However, since the establishment of the "Rebirth" Guild, the president of the guild has been seeing the leader, and no one has ever seen the true face of the president. I don’t know the ID name of the president. The only thing I can know is that this has the current SAO world. The only guild and game player with a guild resident, the strength must be very strong.

Although it is only a life player guild, but this guild power can not be underestimated, nearly 60% of all SAO players are controlled in the hands of the "rebirth" guild.

It can be said that if you want to get the cheapest weapons and supplies, you have to go to the "rebirth" guild. Otherwise, you are going to spend a lot of money to shop.

Such a guild will certainly be embarrassed by many people with a heart, but even so, no one dares to really play the idea of ​​"rebirth" the guild.

After all, the president of the family is the first player to establish a guild. If you think about it, it will not be too weak. Once you are angered, you may not know how to die.

The most important thing is that the "Rebirth" guild has an excellent reputation. It will not only help the disadvantaged gamers, but also recently set up a child protection center in the guild base to protect the young gamers.

Basically, every game player mentions the "rebirth" guild, and will admire the thumbs up. Not only does the sale of weapons and equipment be fair and reasonable, but it can also help everyone. This is not comparable to the small groups composed of combat game players. .

To know that the combat players, basically only grab the site, bullying and hard, and the difference will know the gap, which is why the "rebirth" guild is so well-known.

As for the president of this "rebirth" guild, I believe that it is not necessary to say that everyone can guess. Naturally, Li Yalin, who collected resources from the very beginning, has named the guild as "rebirth", mainly because of this guild. The establishment of this means a new life for most people.

At the beginning of the establishment of the guild, the elders were just a few people. Today, the guild has developed to such a degree, but knowing that Li Yalin is the president of the guild, there are still few people.

In the eyes of outsiders, Li Yalin's establishment of the "Rebirth" Guild is a fearless dedication, selling weapons and equipment cheaply, helping gamers, providing useful information and bringing great convenience to everyone's survival.

But in fact, only Li Yalin and Lie Yale know that the "rebirth" guild has brought huge benefits to Li Yalin!

The first is money. Although Li Yalin started to establish a guild, he took out all his family, almost 50,000 mules, and bought the guild station on the first floor.

Although the funds have not returned to the present, but in the long run, Li Yalin has done a very good job.

The prices of materials purchased from players are very cheap. When the members of the guild use these materials to become weapons and sell them, the price difference is hundreds of times.

Even so, the price of weapons sold by Li Yalin is very cheap compared to the weapons stores in the town, and it is naturally very popular.

Although the players in the early stage were very poor, but the accumulation of this bit by bit, the amount of this Muir has become very huge.

Anyway, Li Yalin’s previous investment is being recovered at a rapid rate, and as the strength of the players continues to increase, more equipment and supplies are needed, and more players join the battle, which means more of the future. Flow to Li Yalin's pocket!

Although Li Yalin did not succumb to the members of the guild, but only reselling the equipment, he let him earn a lot of money, not to mention the best weapons that appear in the entire SAO world, basically concentrated in the hands of Li Yalin!

As for the child protection center set up in the guild position, Li Yalin also has his own intentions.

As long as it is a game player, it is a very important resource that can be used. The same is true for children. Li Yalin does not want to waste.

Children are very simple and very obedient. As long as the mental state of these children recovers, they will become an important force in the "rebirth" guild. Li Yalin never doubted this.

Time is passing fast, Li Yalin is becoming more and more familiar with the world, and he is more and more comfortable with the control of the guild. Although during this time, Li Yalin’s experience of going out to play the blame is much less, but he has to say that he The harvest is extremely rich.

In a blink of an eye, it has been a month since gamers have been in the world. In this month, almost 400 gamers have lost their lives. Although this is a terrible number, Li Yalin knows that This number has been reduced too much compared to the original plot.

Li Yalin still remembers that in the original story, on the first floor of the Raiders, more than 2,000 gamers have already died. That number is called the real monk.

But because of bloodshed and pain, it will be prohibitive, but the disguise will reduce the sacrifice.

Nowadays, a large number of people have adapted to the life of this world. Although it has been a bit hard, at least it can survive.

Of course, the so-called large part of the people here refers to those non-combat players who want a peaceful life instead of dying in battle.

But on the battle player side, the situation is completely different.

These gamers are not planning to wait and see, but they are aggressive and proactive, and hope to rely on their own efforts to clear the **** game and return to real life.

Now, Li Yalin received an invitation letter in front of him. The above information is that the president of the "Rebirth" Guild is invited to participate in the Raiders meeting of the first layer of the labyrinth BOSS. The location is closest to the first labyrinth area. Albana District.

For this invitation, Li Yalin considered a lot, although he was willing to participate, but in the end, he gave up.

Regarding the BOSS position of the first layer of the labyrinth, Li Yalin actually found it long ago, but he has never carried out a strategy.

Nowadays, other gamers have also discovered this BOSS room, which makes Li Yalin have to plan early.

You know, that's the game BOSS! There are only one hundred in the entire SAO, and Li Yalin is not prepared to give BOSS experience to others.

If you follow the big forces to form a team to brush BOSS, although it can be a lot safer, but the BOSS burst of weapons and equipment and experience, will be divided by more than half.

This is not what Li Yalin wants to see.

Want to grab BOSS with me? no way!

It seems that it is time to do it.

"Since Lie, help me prepare some healing potions and crystals, I am going to go out for a trip." The right-hand man who called himself is also the vice-president of the "Rebirth" guild by Lie, saying what he needs, always Li Yalin's logistics work was done by Liye, which really saved Li Yalin a lot of trouble.

"You want to go out to fight again, Yalin!" Hearing Li Yalin said, Liyaer naturally understood what Li Yalin was going to do, but this time she did not expect that Li Yalin not only had to fight, but also to Raiders. The first layer of the maze BOSS!

Even so, Li Yalin's gaze is also filled with the color of worry. After all, it is a huge challenge for every player.

Maybe a careless person will lose his life. This kind of thing has been seen by Lieer.

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