MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2039 Dad belongs to me!

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"Working hard with Stolyya, everything on Ian Grant's side still needs you to manage. If you have any needs, don't hesitate to tell me." Ao World, Ian Grant In the topmost Hongyu Palace, Li Yalin is talking to his 'daughter' and also the manager of the world, Stolyya.

Everything in Ain Grande today belongs to Stolya management, although it is reasonable to say that the real manager of the world should be a sorrow, and Stolya can only be regarded as the second gm. However, the problem is that the knot has long since left the world, and there is no meaning to return at all. Then all management authority is naturally handed over to Stolyya.

"It's not hard work, as long as I can help my father, I am satisfied!"

When I heard Li Yalin’s words, Stoly’s mouth was filled with a happy smile, and Li Yalin’s arms were tightly held in both hands, and he did not want to let go.

Perhaps in her opinion, being able to slap ‘Daddy’ is the happiest thing for her.

"Don't work's not hard work..."

To tell the truth, Stolya is very happy now, but Li Yalin, who can be caught by her, is very tormented. This is also a no-brainer. Whoever makes his 'daughter' is really not the daughter of the slightest daughter. It.

If you change into a knot, Li Yalin will certainly be able to accept it with ease. After all, the dress is a small Loli, even if he is holding him, it will not cause any burden on him.

Unlike Stoile, this girl is not only the same age as Li Yalin, but the most important thing is that the spectacular surge on her chest is really impossible to remove the sight!

Fortunately, Li Yalin himself has already had enough calmness, and he is used to getting along with Stolyya, so that he can hold it, or he will be replaced by a young man who is bloody. If he encounters this situation, he may have already become a wolf. Now!

Color is empty! Empty is the color!

Calm and calm! Never lose your **** in front of your daughter!

In Li Yalin's view, Stolyya is not too understanding of the so-called male and female feelings. Now she will stick to herself so much. It is just to follow her daughter's instinct. If he loses his **** now, I am afraid I really have no face. People.

Therefore, he must hold himself and meditation in his heart, while his thoughts are spinning at a rapid speed, trying to divert his attention.

"Right, what about the players who stayed at Iron Grove? How are they?"

For a calculation, Li Yalin has not returned to Ain Grande for some time, although for Stolya, she did not feel how long, but Li Yalin’s situation with Ain Grant, It is already unknown.

When I left the world, some players chose to stay. After all, this is not a dead world. There are a lot of indigenous people living besides the players.

After adapting to such a life, living in this world and integrating into the world is not unimaginable.

So what is the situation of the players left behind?

In this regard, Li Yalin is actually quite curious.

"Most of the players left, they have actually given up the idea of ​​continuing to move up the ranks. Only a small number of players are still struggling to move up the upper level, hoping to clear Ain Grande and enter the first hundred. Floor."

"Dad, should we remind them that Ain Grant is not at all able to attack them, they are actually killing themselves..."

Hearing this problem of Li Yalin, Stolea, who is the administrator of Ain Grant, can certainly answer the question, but when it comes to the end, her pretty eyebrows are gently wrinkled, which causes her to frown. These are the players who are still going on the Raiders.

Speaking of it, it’s not a problem for players to go up to the Raiders now, because Li Yalin has let Stolyya freeze the guards on each floor, and the rest of the players can reach the appropriate level as long as they reach enough levels. Brush level to fight monsters.

After all, there is no boss battle. The ordinary brush monster is not a problem for the players.

The psychology of players who are still trying to upgrade and intend to move to higher levels is not particularly difficult to understand. Powerfulness is only one aspect. More importantly, it is estimated that they want to rely on their own strength to reach the first. Hundreds of layers, to see what is in the first hundred layers, what secrets are hidden there, how can players rely on this secret to return to the original world.

This kind of thinking is, in a sense, a positive thing, but it is a pity that the wishes of the players are still impossible to achieve.

Now the players can't reach the first hundred layers because Li Yalin let Stolyya close the portal of the last ten floors of Ain Grande, and just a few years later, when those players rely on their own strength, the real meaning After coming to the last ten floors, they will find that their own strength is so small.

The last ten layers are not simply able to break through the power of a few people. Even Li Yalin did it with a lot of effort.

Is it possible to surpass Li Yalin’s strength only by brushing and leveling in the sao world? The answer is definitely impossible.

Therefore, the struggle of the remaining players is simply useless, and because of this, Stolyya will feel that this is very sad.

In this way, even if they are extremely poor, it is absolutely impossible to reach the first hundred layers of the Hongyu Palace, because this world is not the world set in the original game, but also because of reality, everything will come. real.

If those players don't give up this insistence, the ones who finally greet them will only die in the hands of the monsters, and there is no other choice.

"There is no need for that time. Maybe they will give up for a few more years. If they really refuse to give up, we will persuade them and there will be no slight change."

Stolyya had a pity, but looking at Li Yalin, he shook his head gently and did not think it was a correct idea.

It is not his heart, but he is very clear about the people. Before there is no real despair, all persuasion is in vain for those players who have already identified the goal.

Only after experiencing true despair will they understand that everything they do is useless.

"First keep Ain Grande in the status quo. For some time in the future, I estimate that I will use it here as an upgrade site. You should be prepared in advance."

Did not continue the topic of the players, Li Yalin quickly turned his attention to the purpose of his trip.

This time he returned to Ain Grant, one of which was to avoid the refuge. After letting him lick the paul, Lifa finally realized his true intentions, and continued with Lizbert and Cilika. Formed the Raiders League, I heard that Shino recently joined the meaning, it is simply scary!

Fortunately, the wilderness sisters did not blend in, otherwise Li Yalin would have more headaches. For this reason, he temporarily escaped and prepared to go through a period of time. After he calmed down, he would consider returning questions and go to the surface. The alliance created for the Raiders.

This is really a ‘happiness’ that makes people unable to calm down...

To say one, naturally there are two, and the other two, naturally, is to let some people improve their strength.

Ain Grande is the best natural upgrade field. Here, there is a stolea in the gm, you can refresh the monsters and even the boss anytime, anywhere, and provide people with a kill upgrade.

Naturally, Li Yalin wants to use this feature to help those who want to help.

Although it is impossible to exaggerate people into a demon in one breath, but there is no problem with becoming a strong person.

At least for Li Yalin, it’s just a piece of cake!

"Of course, no problem, Dad, you can rest assured, everything will be handed over to me!"

Can help to 'Dad', Stolyya is of course very happy, this time I saw her trembled chest, the expression came from a confidence.

"Well, I am relieved to have you help."

This way, Stolyya’s statement can naturally reassure Li Yalin. Anyway, this is not a big deal. He doesn’t have to worry about anything.

Next, he only needs to consider how to bring people to the world. After all, some people still need to hide the truth.

"Stolya, I will hand it over to you first. After a while, I solved the problem and brought people back. Let's talk again."

In Ain Grant, Li Yalin’s only need to see Stolyya, waiting for her to meet, and after a while, Li Yalin naturally wants to leave the world.

Anyway, for him, it is only a matter of thought to return to the world. Of course, there is nothing sad about this difference.

"Dad, you have to come back soon! I am waiting for you to come back!"

Knowing that Li Yalin will return soon, Stolyya did not reveal any sad emotions. On the contrary, she was still dancing her arms and sent Li Yalin to leave.

Although it seems that the age is not suitable, it is really good to have such a 'daughter'.

Standing in the portal, watching Stolya, who is still waving his arms, Li Yalin’s heart can’t help thinking so.

What he didn't know, however, was that after he left, Stolya did not leave, but instead stood in the ground and whispered.

"Well... this time the Raiders have failed. It seems that the next time Dad comes back, do you have to use some more bold moves?"

"Although it will be a bit shy...but, it will definitely be a daddy!"

"Dad is mine!"

Read The Duke's Passion