MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2044 You are actually far behind!

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"Yes, it's really good. It's only a few days. Everyone has successfully broken through the tenth floor. According to this progress, as long as we brush for another ten days and a half, we can leave Ain Grande."

The elites in the team are in the world of sao, and it’s only a few days later, they are under the crazy brush, and they successfully advance to the eleventh floor. Compared to their speed, the players who have come before. They are all weak and there is no!

However, it is no wonder that after all, gamers are just ordinary people, and their physical fitness can't keep up. In fact, these elites in the team, they are all real fighters who have come down from the battlefield, and have experienced countless wars. What kills monsters in the district is simply not to be said.

What they lack is only time. I believe that as long as time is enough, it is not impossible to let them rush to more than 90 floors.

Unfortunately, Li Yalin did not intend to let them continue to brush down without restrictions. After all, this time I came to Ain Grande, just to improve everyone's strength. After he thinks that everyone's strength is enough, it is natural to temporarily Come to an end.

You know, this time he brought everyone over to ensure that you can have enough security and let you do what she wants to do. Even if you stay in the sao world, you can let you relax, but sure enough, I still hope to follow the plan and go to see the children with me.

"That is what I said, but I am really afraid that everyone is addicted to it here and I don't want to go back."

I have been promoted in the world of sao. She knows how it feels to be a stranger to upgrade here. I can imagine the feeling that everyone can’t extricate themselves. Even if she doesn’t understand this power very much. Craving.

"Is it strange to add to the blame? This is no problem. If you still want to continue to blame, as long as I have time, I can bring everyone back at any time."

The worry is not unreasonable. After all, as long as it is a warrior, it is impossible not to be eager for stronger power.

However, in Li Yalin’s view, this is not a problem. After all, with everyone to improve the strength, as long as he wants, he can come again anytime, anywhere.

This does not take much effort at all.

"That's what it is, as long as you are there."

Listening to Li Yalin’s saying that he was relieved, he gave a soft breath.

Her worry is simply unnecessary. If Li Yalin is there, why should she worry so much?

Having said that, when Li Yalin really decided that everyone’s leveling had come to an end, what was worried about it still appeared. For the upgrade of the blame and the promotion of power, everyone came to be addicted, even Farme... ...she said she would not leave here.

The strength has risen too fast, and everyone's mood has been somewhat unstable.

However, this is not a big problem for Li Yalin, and his mood is unstable. Addicted to upgrade?

Very good, I will tell you the facts, you are actually far behind!

To the elites who are unable to extricate themselves, Li Yalin used his fist to tell everyone that they are really not qualified. They think that the power of promotion is actually nothing.

Yes, they are indeed very strong. It is not a problem to casually pick up a few special war squads and even destroy a military camp.

But the point is that it is only relative to ordinary people. For the real strong, they don't match the shoes.

Although the words are ugly, this is the truth.

"I know that everyone wants to improve their strengths more, but please don't forget the difference between the primary and secondary. What I need now is what you have to protect. If you can protect you, then it is enough. ""

In the face of these envied elites, Li Yalin’s voice is very serious. This is no way. Who wants him to recognize the seriousness of this incident.

It is good to work hard to improve strength, but also pay attention to a scale, isn't it?

Li Yalin’s words suddenly awakened everyone. Yes, the rapid escalation of this period of time has made everyone unable to help but indulge in their own duties.

Why do they want to improve their strength? Still not to protect Missy? If you have been indulged in upgrading and forgetting Missy, isn’t everything all turned upside down?

"But I can understand everyone's mood. If there is a chance in the future, I will bring you back here, let everyone continue to improve their strength, and even... I will let everyone have more magical power."

"But that's not the case, I think everyone can understand what I mean, right?"

This is all about playing a stick. Li Yalin naturally has to give a sweet date to eat, otherwise it is not too shocking people.

For this reason, the sweet date that he now throws is an instant that makes everyone's eyes shine.

Only in this magical Ain Grande upgrade, everyone can have such improvement and change, then what is the power of even more magical power?

Everyone knows very well that Li Yalin is a mysterious person. Every corner of his body is full of mystery. Perhaps no one except his own lady can understand his real situation.

But because of this, everyone can't ask more, because they understand what they should know, what they shouldn't know, and when they shouldn't talk too much, it's better to keep their mouths closed.

Therefore, as for how to come to this magical world, how can people get power by killing monsters, everyone has never mentioned it to Li Yalin. They know that this is a gift from Li Yalin, as long as they are grateful. Accept it.

As for the next step, in addition to expecting them, all they can do is to protect the Missy.

Because everyone can see that all of what Li Yalin has done is actually for her own big lady.

Then... let everyone work hard to protect the Missy!

Li Yalin led the team in the upgrade of Ain Grande's blame. It didn't alarm the rest of the gamers. They came fast, they walked fast, and waved their hands without taking a cloud.

Just before leaving, everyone came to reluctantly. After all, the life of this period has made everyone very familiar with it, and then changed, and it is somewhat uncomfortable.

Especially after returning to the world, everyone who wakes up finds that they are still standing on the snow and snow. If the equipment on their body has not changed and they are still equipped with their own familiar weapons, everyone will mistake this. It’s a dream that’s really incomparable, and it’s also a dream!

"My strength... has not disappeared..."

Make a fist, let go, then make a fist, then let go... After repeating this action several times, Lutz tasted a sigh of relief, as if the big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

"Crap, your strength, how can it disappear?"

Seeing the appearance of Luz, Li Yalin finally knows what happened to everyone before leaving. It turns out that everyone is afraid that this power will disappear because of the return. After all, no one has ever given them a real explanation.

In this scene, in addition to turning his eyes, Li Yalin seems to have only turned his eyes, these guys... Do you think too much?

"makes sense……"

After Li Yalin spit out such a note, Luz was considered to be a reaction, but even so, his face still had a silly smile.

No way, whoever makes this power is too precious for him, know that with his current ability, it can be described by Superman in this world!

Well, Superman is a bit exaggerated, but even so, their strength is no less than the superheroes in some comics.

Even stronger!

"So now, get ready to go, replace your weapons and equipment, it's time to set off!"

Seeing everyone's state has been adjusted almost, Li Yalin's side is also a change of expression, everything is only owed to the east wind, then naturally it is necessary to follow the original plan.


Hearing the words of Li Yalin, everyone’s expressions are equally clear, because everyone knows exactly what their duties are.

The armor that was originally worn on the body must not be worn out. Replaced with modern weapons and equipment, everyone quickly transferred from the cold weapon warrior to the modern soldier.

However, everyone has become a super soldier that ordinary people can't imagine.

Regarding this trip, it must be carried out in secret. At least Li Yalin has no intention to inform, and is not prepared to let people know.

At least until they arrived at the destination, he did not want to see any accidents.

At this point, everyone did a good job, but unfortunately, after arriving at the destination and seeing Li Yalin’s children, the traces of the cockroaches were immediately exposed. This is no way.

As a child of Li Yalin, and also a few children who are most concerned about, the every move here is closely monitored by the forces of all parties.

There are both official institutions to protect these children, and secret organizations that secretly peek at the preparation of poisonous hands. They did not intend to show up until Li and Lin did not appear.

Until now, the emergence of Li Yalin and Yi has completely broken this balance. Whether it is an official institution or a secret organization, all parties will act.

This small, peaceful and peaceful city is destined to have a dark battle because of Li Yalin’s arrival. I don’t know how far this dark war will develop, and whether it will spread more, leading to a series of chain reactions. .

This is very interesting, isn't it? At least Li Yalin feels that the future development is very predicting him. At the same time, he feels that the elites in their own team should also practice their hands at this time!