MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2047 Not simply silly white sweet

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"Married? Is this the first time I got married?"

As for the issue of marriage, to tell the truth, Li Yalin did not really think about it before. Although there are many girls around, there are even a lot of fiancées. In his opinion, what is married is still far away from him.

But now, he has become the husband of many girls, weddings have been held in many worlds, and even children have already.

So now, in this dark bullet world, he will exchange the wedding ring with a girl, promised to accompany his life vows, become a husband she can rely on for life, fulfill her obligations and commitment as a husband.

Although everything is a matter of course, he still feels the feeling of coming, marrying and getting married, he actually got married again.

I still remember that the last time I got married, I should still be in the world of arms. I was ruined by Uncle Rem and Lutz, and they were married in a situation where they could not refuse.

Although there is not much scene, but it is very romantic, after the summer has been very convinced, and more than once said that we have to hold the same as oneself ... no, but also a better wedding.

It is a pity that I have never promised to spend the summer, but when I go back next time, I am afraid that there is no way to delay it.

Not only in the summer, but also in Falme and Kelian, it is estimated that they should be given a confession.

Well, regarding the issue of the arms world, I will not say more about it for the time being. This time, Li Yalin returned to the dark world. In fact, the main purpose is to solve the world’s problems.

It is necessary to know that after the joint efforts of the loli in recent years, the gut animals have completely disappeared in this world, and everyone no longer has to fear the threat of the gut animals, and it is no longer necessary to dwell in the city surrounded by the monument.

Now that the whole world is safe, humans have no threats, and the whole world has been saved!

But... because of this, the contradiction broke out.

Yes, Li Yalin entrusted Xia Shi to help her to gather the cursed children, and at the cost of helping the nations to eliminate the gut animals, this plan has achieved great success.

But because of this, when humans no longer have to face the threat of the gut animals, the excellent inferiority that was not dissipated, but hidden, was completely exposed.

The war between the national forces did not know what the reason was, and it suddenly broke out.

It is clear that the moment before, we will do our best to survive. In the next moment, we will be able to expand and expand for our own desires, which is simply unintelligible.

In the beginning, it was only a small-scale local conflict, but it was not conceived. When countless small conflicts gathered together, it turned into a large war.

Soldiers who can escape under the attack of the gut animals, I am afraid that in any case, they will not think that they will die on the battlefield of human infighting.

When Li Yalin learned the news, he did not show any expression on his face, because he only felt that it was extremely ironic.

Looking at this side of the book, because of Li Yalin's strong shot, he has already completed the reunification under the leadership of Shengtianzi. In addition, this is the island country, but it is saved from the war.

Compared with the outside world, it is more like a pure land.

It’s just that... even if it seems to be a pure land, it is always threatened.

At least many people believe that the biggest reason for Sakamoto's ability to maintain peace and stability is not to unify and manage the country's holy emperor, but because of Li Yalin, the patron saint of the Tokyo region.

Yes, because there is him, this country can be protected from the war. If you lose the patron saint, then Tokyo...and even the entire transcript will become the fish in the eyes of many powerful countries in the world!

After losing a lot of cursed children, Sakamoto really can't find any combat power available. This is an undeniable fact.

Therefore, Sakamoto needs to be a patron saint, and in any case, he must leave the patron saint!

A group of officials headed by Tian Tongju, who knows the role of Li Yalin, understands that Li Yalin does not belong to this country. As long as he is willing, he can cross the coast at any time and return to the country that belongs to him.

In their hearts, Li Yalin is still the big country from the other side of the ocean, and will eventually return to his country one day.

Therefore, in order to retain the patron saint, in order to protect Sakamoto, the officials of Tian Tongju and other officials racked their brains and finally thought of a good way to let His Royal Highness of the Son of God marry the patron saint! This is no problem!

Yes, in the eyes of many people, as long as the Holy Son is married to Li Yalin, then Li Yalin will be able to stay forever. The matter is as simple as that.

Even in the eyes of many people, Li Yalin is indeed a stab in the eyes, and is a time bomb that will explode at any time...

For example, he is very aware of Li Yalin’s hostility towards him. This hostility comes from her granddaughter Tiantongmu. He also understands that this hostility is irreversible. He himself and Tiantong’s family will be destroyed sooner or later. Li Yalin and Tian Tongmu are in the hands of more.

But at this moment, he had to leave Li Yalin, because of the scorpion of Tian Tongju, he had not thought about using the entire transcript for the Tiantong family to bury.

To be honest, Tian Zhiju has this idea. Li Yalin feels more unexpected. Although he does not feel bad about the old man, he can stand on the opposite side of his view.

But now his decision is equivalent to smashing his future enemy in transcript. He should be very clear about the results he has been leaving, but he still does.

He really can't figure out what the other person's thoughts are.

Of course, Li Yalin was not prepared to think more about the idea of ​​Tiantong Juzhi. What he needs to consider now is the problem of marrying the Holy Son.

Originally returning to this world, he is ready to take a step to stabilize the situation, at least to suspend the turmoil between humans and avoid more sacrifices.

But the result is good. I haven’t waited for him to take the shot. They have played a good fight for marriage, and they have released this marriage message to the citizens of Sakamoto in full view. .

Yes, even if you know that this is the other party’s trick, Li Yalin can’t poke the plot in front of everyone, because doing so will undoubtedly hurt the heart of the Son of Heaven. The girl’s heart is very fragile. With the happy and embarrassed expression of Shengtianzi, if Li Yalin refused, he could not say anything.

In the end, he can only let the dowry of the day, they will spread the marriage, and even the wedding period has been fixed.

Mom's egg! After this, I didn’t do anything. What kind of ghost is the bridegroom?

"Sacred Emperor... You won't know for a long time that Tianzhiju will do this?"

After the incident, Li Yalin saw the holy emperor in the first time, and this time, it was also a separate conversation between the two. The boy of Tian Tongju, after the announcement of the marriage, immediately flashed the road, Li Yalin did not even grasp his time. Live, it can be seen that this old guy is old enough to be strong.

However, I didn’t catch the scorpion of Tian Tongju. I didn’t know how to be a good sacred heart, but I harvested one, so taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yalin hoped to ask clearly whether the Holy Son knew this.

"I... I don't know that Chrysanthemum will announce this soon... I..."

Looking at the Holy Son, her white face is already covered with blush, and she can see it. She is very shy now, but from her words, she can be aware that she is not unaware.

Yes, the Holy Son is not simply silly and sweet, and the officials of Tian Tongju and others are behind the scenes. She has already been vaguely aware of it, but she has never said it.

After all, for her, if she can really combine with Li Yalin, that is what she is happy to see. Whether it is public or private, she is happy to be Li Yalin’s wife.

But she did not think that the speed of Tian Tongju was so fast, completely out of her expectations. The most important thing is that he even used such an extreme method, almost forcing Li Yalin to submit.

Therefore, the Holy Son itself is also very entangled, and she is somewhat difficult to face Li Yalin.

"It turns out that...that is to say, do you not object to this marriage?"

Pressing the temples and seeing the performance of the Holy Son, how can Li Yalin not know the other's mind? Seeing this meaning, it is clear that people are also willing to marry.

Li Yalin did not think about it. In fact, he had long known that the combination of himself and the Son of God was inevitable. It was nothing but time.

The problem is that everything is coming too fast, and it does make him unprepared. According to Tian Zhiju, the wedding of the two will be held this month.

It is not a problem to hold a wedding. What really hurts him is that if he is really married, what should he do with her girl?

It’s really hard to do.

"If... If you can, I... I can be a good wife!"

In the face of Li Yalin's problem, St. Tianzi's figure was slightly retired two steps later, and her face showed some hesitation, because she also saw Li Yalin's headache.

But soon, the Son of Heaven strengthened his expression, and there was no longer any confusion in his eyes, only because she quickly figured out one thing.

The marriage has always been the first to be strong, she knows that there are many girls around Li Yalin, but after all, she is the first person to marry Li Yalin!

Read The Duke's Passion